
cyst Learn more about cyst

  • What is soybean cyst nematode?

    What is soybean cyst nematode?

    What is soybean cyst nematode? How to control soybean cyst nematode disease: (1) harm and symptom soybean cyst nematode disease is also called Verticillium wilt, commonly known as "Huolong Yangzi". It is a worldwide soybean disease, which occurs in a large area in the main soybean producing countries: the United States, Brazil, China and Japan. Our country mainly occurs in.

  • What about the fire dragon yangzi of soybeans?

    What about the fire dragon yangzi of soybeans?

    Soybean cyst nematode disease soybean cyst nematode disease, also known as Verticillium wilt, yellow dwarf disease, root nematode disease, farmers called "Huolong Yangzi". It is reported that more than 22.5 million mu of soybeans in 14 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have been infected with the disease. Soybean cyst nematode disease harms the root system of soybean, resulting in poor growth and development of the aboveground part of the plant, shortening and dwarfing of internodes, yellowing and podding of leaves, reduction of yield, general reduction of yield by 10%, 30%, and almost extinction in serious plots. After parasitic nematode in soybean, the main root and lateral root developed poorly, and the along root increased.

  • Kangxian No.2 (soybean)

    Kangxian No.2 (soybean)

    Kangxian 2 is a cooperation between the Institute of Saline-Alkali crop breeding of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Institute of Plant Protection of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1982, Nenfeng 9 was used as the female parent and (Nenfeng lO × Frenklin) F2 as the male parent. The progenies were identified by continuous planting in soybean cyst nematode nursery, and combined with Nanfan plus generation, a new soybean variety with high resistance to soybean cyst nematode was selected by improved pedigree. Original code name: rich 8201-205. The variety belongs to infinite podding habit, the plant height is about 95cm and the main stem is 16 ~.

  • Determination and Control of Soybean "Fire Dragon Seedling"

    Determination and Control of Soybean

    Soybean cyst nematode disease is also called "fire dragon seedling" disease, which is caused by nematode parasitism on soybean roots. The root system of diseased plants is poorly developed, the lateral roots are significantly reduced, the growth is slow, the plants are short, the stems and leaves are yellow, the pods are not full, or the seeds are not set, and even the whole plant dies. Pulling up the diseased plants and observing, we can see that there are many needles on the fine roots...

  • Trichinellosis of pigs

    Trichinellosis of pigs

    It is caused by the adults of Trichinella spiralis parasitic in the intestine and its larvae in the striated muscle. The disease is mainly seen in pigs, rats, dogs, cats and so on are also easy to infect, but also a great harm to human beings, zoonotic parasitic disease. 1. The adult of the pathogen Trichinella spiralis is a slender nematode. The length of the male worm is 1.4-1.6 mm, and the female worm is 3-4 mm long. The larva parasitic in the muscle can reach 1.15 mm in length and curl up between the muscle fibers to form a cyst. The two ends of the cyst are obtusely fusiform, about 0.5-0.8 mm long. The pig eats.

  • How to distinguish between pulmonary vesicle and pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis

    How to distinguish between pulmonary vesicle and pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis

    Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis, which is very similar to pulmonary vesicles, develops in the later stage, in which muscle cells accumulate and collagen is deposited and increased to form nodules, edema or bleeding.

  • How does raccoon algae eat insects in the water? how can it blossom?

    How does raccoon algae eat insects in the water? how can it blossom?

    Raccoon algae also need to prey on insects like pitcher plants, so how do raccoons eat insects in the water? How to blossom: how does beaver algae eat worms in the water: raccoon algae is a plant that lives in water, and it eats worms in the water no less than pitcher plants. The life span of raccoon algae is not long, it is an annual aquatic plant.

  • Prevention of coccidiosis in cultured mandarin fish

    Prevention of coccidiosis in cultured mandarin fish

    Siniperca chuatsi coccidiosis was prevalent in our province last year, which caused great economic losses to farmers. Siniperca chuatsi parasitic on the gills, the cysts are round or tumor-like, white, gathered by a number of oval vesicles, the parasitic site of the cysts cause local Gill tissue.

    2020-11-08 Culture mandarin fish tail sporidia disease prevention mandarin fish tail spores
  • Control methods of Rhizopus soft rot of lily bulb

    Control methods of Rhizopus soft rot of lily bulb

    First, the symptoms of damage: during the storage or transportation of the lily bulb, there are primary water stains on the outer skin, and then the color becomes darker, with a slightly pungent smell, the bulb becomes soft, and in serious cases, the bulb has destructive decay, and sometimes there is a thick mycelium layer on the bulb, that is, the cyst peduncle and sporangium of the pathogen. Second, the shape of the pathogen is special.

  • Culture method of pitcher plant

    Culture method of pitcher plant

    Temperature pitcher plant is a tropical plant, like high temperature, not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for its growth is 20 to 30 degrees. The pitcher plant is extremely cold-resistant, and it will stop growing if the temperature is too low. Therefore, in order to avoid the pitcher plant from being frozen in winter, it is necessary to take protective measures to ensure that the indoor temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

  • How often does brocade carp change water? treatment of myxosporidiosis of brocade carp

    How often does brocade carp change water? treatment of myxosporidiosis of brocade carp

    The symptoms of myxosporidiosis generally form cysts of different sizes on the body surface, subcutaneous, Gill and muscle, making the fish black and thin, swimming powerless; parasitic on the Gill, many white cysts can be seen in the Gill, which will destroy the Gill tissue and affect the brocade carp.

  • Maintenance methods of pitcher plants

    Maintenance methods of pitcher plants

    In order to maintain a high degree of environmental wetness, in addition to watering and moisturizing, water or spray should be sprinkled or sprayed around it regularly or irregularly, even if the wetness of the air is increased, and the hotter the season, the more humid the environment will be. pitcher plants will be able to grow exuberantly and grow lovely pitcher sacs.

  • Planting Rehmannia glutinosa: what are the diseases and insect pests of Rehmannia glutinosa?

    Planting Rehmannia glutinosa: what are the diseases and insect pests of Rehmannia glutinosa?

    What are the diseases and insect pests of Rehmannia glutinosa? How to prevent and cure it? We also ask friends to introduce the diseases and insect pests of Rehmannia glutinosa, such as soybean cyst nematode, red spider, leopard nematode, aphid, ground tiger, mole cricket and golden needle worm. Detailed control methods can be listed as follows: first, the prevention and control of soybean cyst nematode: 1. Agricultural measures.

  • Prevention and treatment of fallopian tube cyst in chicken

    Prevention and treatment of fallopian tube cyst in chicken

    Content: in recent years, a disease characterized by low laying rate, tubal dysplasia or stagnant water appeared in laying hens, which mostly occurred between 150 and 200 days old, and there was no cure after the disease, so it could only be eliminated with huge losses. Through epidemiological study and experimental detection, it is considered that the disease is caused by infectious bronchitis virus. 1. Epidemiology can occur in all breeds of the disease, and it mostly occurred in parental breeder flocks before 2000. In recent years, the incidence of commercial chickens has increased significantly. Postpartum flock of chickens

  • Paragonimiasis in pigs

    Paragonimiasis in pigs

    1. The pathogen paragonimiasis is caused by the parasitism of paragonimiasis in the lungs of pigs. The trematodes are dark brown, oval, fleshy trematodes, 8-16 mm long, 4-8 mm wide and 2.5 mm thick. The adults are parasitic in the lung tissue of pigs. after the eggs are produced, they cough up with sputum, swallow in the mouth and excreted out of the body with feces. Under appropriate conditions, the cercariae escape from the egg and enter the first intermediate host (freshwater snail), where they develop into cercariae, which leave the snail body and enter the second intermediate host.

  • Control of myxomycosis of Dictyophora

    Control of myxomycosis of Dictyophora

    Once Dictyophora is attacked by slime mold, the loss is great, which should attract the attention of mushroom farmers all over the country. This paper gives a brief introduction to the harmful symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment. 1. Pathogen: the pathogen of Dictyophora slime disease is hairdressing fungus Comatrichapulchell (C.Bab) Rost, also known as hairdressing net.

    2020-11-08 Growing bamboo sticky fungus disease control bamboo shoot once received slime mold
  • How to treat mating Infertility in Dairy cows

    How to treat mating Infertility in Dairy cows

    How to treat mating Infertility in Dairy cows

  • Harm and control of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis

    Harm and control of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis

    The pathogen of powdery mildew of Angelica sinensis (ErysipheSP.) belongs to ascomycetes subphylum powdery mildew. The closed capsule accumulates and is buried in the mycelium, spherical or oblate, black or dark brown. The obturator shell contains 6 sub-cysts of 3 Mel. The ascus is subglobose, ovate, colorless, short stalked, thick membrane, and contains 6 ascospores. Ascospores are oval, colorless and transparent, unicellular. The main results are as follows: 1. the harmful symptom is harmful leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, gray-white powdery spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then enlarged and converged into large spots.

  • How to control powdery mildew of Calendula

    How to control powdery mildew of Calendula

    Harmful plant: calendula (calendulaofeinalisl.). Distribution and damage: the disease is common in Hebei, Liaoning, Yunnan and other places, and the damage is serious. Symptoms: after the leaves and stems were infected, the leaves showed a powdery round spot of 0.5 mm to 1.2 mm.

  • Comprehensive measures to slow down the continuous cropping of soybean

    Comprehensive measures to slow down the continuous cropping of soybean

    In order to reduce the yield loss of continuous cropping to the minimum, we should avoid planting soybean in continuous cropping as far as possible, adhere to reasonable rotation, reduce continuous cropping and control continuous cropping. In the long run, the continuous cropping area of soybean should not be expanded indefinitely to avoid the decline of soil production capacity and the vicious circle. In the case of continuous cropping is inevitable, first arrange to meet the stubble planting, do not open the continuous cropping arrangement, and the continuous cropping can not exceed two years. In view of the reasons for the yield reduction of continuous cropping, we should focus on the regulation of nutrition and the control of diseases and insect pests.
