
cough Learn more about cough

  • Diagnosis and treatment of dog cough

    Diagnosis and treatment of dog cough

    Cough caused by canine distemper, biphasic fever type, characteristics: increased eye secretions, yellow urine, pustule rash on the inner side of abdomen and thigh, accompanied by rhinitis, digestive tract and respiratory tract mucosa, presenting acute catarrhal inflammation. Early dry cough, later development for wet cough, late nerve symptoms and so on. Canine infectious bronchitis, its single mild dog performance for dry cough, cough with vomiting, cough often aggravated with exercise or temperature changes, artificially induced cough positive, when secretions block part of the respiratory tract, performance depression, loss of appetite, purulent nasal discharge, painful cough

  • Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Pulmonary cough

    Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Pulmonary cough

    The autumn wind came early this year, and the usual climate rule blew up for Cold Dew. This year, there were continuous strong winds before and after White Dew, which created conditions for the increase in respiratory diseases such as colds. Respiratory disease is inseparable from cough, it can also be said that most of them are lung cough.

  • Symptoms and treatment strategies of splenic cough

    Symptoms and treatment strategies of splenic cough

    There are many theories about this, but the intention is the same. As early as Neijing, it is pointed out that cough theory is "gathered in the stomach, about the lungs". So this kind of cough lies in treating spleen and temper.

  • The necessity of Cold cough and Dialectics of traditional Chinese Medicine

    The necessity of Cold cough and Dialectics of traditional Chinese Medicine

    When traditional Chinese medicine talks about syndrome differentiation and treatment, many people will feel unnecessary. In life, many people cough and catch a cold, so they casually take some medicine to treat colds and coughs. Some people are very effective, while others are not effective at once and need to be changed.

  • Prevent exogenous cough when the weather is cold

    Prevent exogenous cough when the weather is cold

    Cough is found in both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, but cough is a symptom in western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is not only a symptom, but also a major symptom. Yin and Yang, cold and heat and deficiency can be distinguished from coughing and expectoration. Whenever there is a cough, it is recognized by traditional Chinese medicine.

  • The efficacy and function of Baibu

    The efficacy and function of Baibu

    The efficacy and function of Baibu

  • What if a dog has a kennel cough?

    What if a dog has a kennel cough?

    "Canine nest cough" is an acute infectious disease of dogs caused by adenovirus type 2, which mostly occurs in young dogs and can also be infected in adult dogs, mainly characterized by paroxysmal continuous severe cough. At first, the body temperature of most affected dogs is basically normal, generally does not affect appetite, but has a very strong infectivity. Antibiotic therapy alone has no obvious effect, and it is easy to cause other secondary infections. The disease is mainly transmitted by cough droplets of diseased dogs, and the infection rate of puppies is relatively high, which can cause cough by touching the throat of diseased dogs. The course of the disease can be as long as several weeks, and a few of them will cause

  • Causes and treatment of dog cough

    Causes and treatment of dog cough

    When the autumn and winter seasons change, the temperature changes greatly and the temperature difference between day and night is large. At this time, it is especially easy to cause many canine infectious diseases, in which canine nest cough also enters a high incidence period. Canine nest cough, that is, canine infectious tracheobronchitis, is a dog infectious respiratory disease caused by a variety of pathogens, which can affect dogs of any age. As soon as one happens, other dogs that come into contact with it will also develop this symptom. The course of the disease is more than a week, and a few cases can last as long as several months. Most dogs can resist with the body.

  • Do you know how to treat pig cough?

    Do you know how to treat pig cough?

    Do you know how to treat pig cough?

  • How to take care of cough variant asthma

    How to take care of cough variant asthma

    Long-term solitary cough is often ignored by people, and it is more difficult to be linked with variant asthma, which leads to the continuous development of cough variant asthma. People may also feel that there is only one symptom of cough, no wheezing, shortness of breath and so on.

  • Treatment of cough in autumn and winter pigs due to poor ventilation

    Treatment of cough in autumn and winter pigs due to poor ventilation

    Treatment of cough in autumn and winter pigs due to poor ventilation

  • Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

    Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

    Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

  • Why does the pig cough? Several common diseases that cause cough in pigs! Pig farmers quickly collect

    Why does the pig cough? Several common diseases that cause cough in pigs! Pig farmers quickly collect

    Why does the pig cough? Several common diseases that cause cough in pigs! Pig farmers quickly collect

  • Cauliflower or a recipe for coughing? People who don't know are at a loss.

    Cauliflower or a recipe for coughing? People who don't know are at a loss.

    Cauliflower, also known as cauliflower or cauliflower, is somewhat similar to broccoli. Some people find it difficult to distinguish between the two. In fact, it is quite easy to distinguish between the two. From the color is relatively easy to distinguish, cauliflower white, broccoli.

  • How to do cold cough in winter breeding chickens

    How to do cold cough in winter breeding chickens

    Maxing Shigan Granule has four pharmacological effects of clearing heat, ventilating lung, resolving phlegm and relieving cough and asthma. It is aimed at cold and cough caused by respiratory diseases of chickens in winter.

  • Causes and Solutions of Chicken snoring and coughing

    Causes and Solutions of Chicken snoring and coughing

    Causes and Solutions of Chicken snoring and coughing

  • The truth of the treatment of porcine cough and asthma

    The truth of the treatment of porcine cough and asthma

    Porcine cough and asthma, also known as porcine mycoplasma pneumonia, is a contagious, chronic and consumptive respiratory infectious disease caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. The main clinical symptom of this disease is that the pathological changes are mainly located in the chest. The lung is the main cause of the disease.

    2020-11-08 Pig cough asthma treatment truth pig cough also known as pig branch
  • Individual differences of allergic bronchitis

    Individual differences of allergic bronchitis

    Allergic bronchitis, and allergic asthma, cough variant asthma and other diseases of the same category, are associated with allergies. In particular, the similarity between allergic bronchitis and cough variant asthma is like the two stages of a disease.

  • The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

    The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

    The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

  • What is the efficacy and function of "immortal fruit" Siraitia grosvenorii and what are the taboos? How do you drink water?

    What is the efficacy and function of

    The Beginning of Autumn has just passed and will soon enter the autumn dry season. It is suitable to make a cup of Luohanguo tea at this time. Siraitia grosvenorii is a traditional Chinese medicine, but what we do not know is that the greatest effect of Siraitia grosvenorii is to lower the anger. in addition to lowering the fire, and

    2020-11-09 " immortal fruit Siraitia grosvenorii efficacy and effect