
conspicuous Learn more about conspicuous

  • Wumeng male lion Chunlan

    Wumeng male lion Chunlan

    Wumeng male lion: it is a series of spring orchid flowers of Duoxiang. Drooping leaves, about 30-40cm high and about 1.5cm wide, 5-8 leaves per seedling. The new buds are red, and red silk can be seen for a long time. Lateral veins conspicuous, leaf margin serrate. The flower pattern is multi-color, multi-petal, multi-butterfly, multi-nose, and double flowers. The fragrance of the flowers is so strong that they soak people's hearts. Its pattern and posture.

  • A brief introduction to the Design of Bonsai Garden

    A brief introduction to the Design of Bonsai Garden

    Professional bonsai gardens tend to concentrate their most conspicuous trees in the garden and are basically at the same level as their eyes, giving tourists a chance to stare at the trees while walking. The support bar is relatively simple, so the only difficulty is to choose.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Happy Grass

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Happy Grass

    In fact, happiness grass is often referred to as alfalfa, although growing in the field is not conspicuous, but as a green plant to maintain, it can create a very good effect. The following introduces the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Happy Grass. When watering

    2020-11-09 Happiness grass farming methods and precautions happiness
  • Jiang Yang Mei Jianlan

    Jiang Yang Mei Jianlan

    Jiangyangmei Sichuan produces orchid plum petals. The third calyx is short and wide like a pu fan, with a round end and a tight edge with thin roots; the petals stand out, the white head hooks, the stamens column turns into a lion's nose, and the large round tongue is conspicuous, belonging to the standard plum petal flower. It was selected by he Xianyang in Sichuan.

  • Wuyi Sujian Orchid

    Wuyi Sujian Orchid

    The ecological characteristics of Wuyisu are as follows: the root system is developed, round and bright, and the bulb is small oval. The leaf sheath is high, the petiole is straight, the leaf color is green and glossy, the leaf tail is slightly protruding, the leaf margin is obviously serrated, the leaf width is 1 to 1.3 cm, the leaf length is 30 mi 55 cm, the leaf quality is thick and soft, the leaf 3 mi 6 pieces, the main vein is slightly convex, the lateral vein is conspicuous, the plant type is erect.

  • Like the wind wheel flower of a rotating wheel in the wind

    Like the wind wheel flower of a rotating wheel in the wind

    Wind wheel evergreen shrubs (a few are dwarf trees), usually between half and five meters in height. The leaves are whorled, mostly needle-like or spear-shaped, margin or only serrated at the leaf tip, and the texture is as tough as leather. The dense inflorescence is very conspicuous.

  • Morphological characteristics of Gleditsia sinensis

    Morphological characteristics of Gleditsia sinensis

    Deciduous trees, up to 15-30m, trunk bark grayish black, shallowly longitudinally lobed, stems and branches often prickly, thorns conical much branched, thick and stiff, branchlets gray-green, lenticels conspicuous, winter buds often superimposed, even-pinnate leaves, 3-7 pairs of alternate leaflets, leaflets long-ovate, apex obtusely rounded, base rounded, slightly oblique, thinly leathery, margin denticulate, abaxial midvein and petiole white pubescent, polygamous flowers, axillary Racemes, pedicels densely tomentose, calyx bell-shaped tomentose, flowers yellow-white

  • Glutinous rice root

    Glutinous rice root

    [alias] waxy rod head, waxy root beard. [source] is glutinous rice OryzasativaLinn. A dry root with a short stump. [original plant] glutinous rice is an annual cluster herb, up to 1 meter high, with erect culms, glabrous. Leaf blade flattened, linear-lanceolate, slightly scabrous, 30 cm long and 6 mm wide; ligule membranous, long and conspicuous. Panicles scattered, 15-30 cm long; branched, long and upward; spikelets oblong, 6 ~

  • How do three segments of red and white koi compare with silver-scale koi?

    How do three segments of red and white koi compare with silver-scale koi?

    Three sections of red and white koi introduce three sections of red and white koi in the whole fish body, the white as the background color is separated by three conspicuous parts of erythema, forming a unique appearance. The visual perception of the three segments of red and white koi is very balanced. What we usually see is big.

  • Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

    Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

    Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

  • White palm has such characteristics.

    White palm has such characteristics.

    The white palm is very similar to the crane's head, graceful and graceful, white and flawless, giving people a sense of beauty of "pure and calm, peaceful and peaceful", known as the "innocent flower". White palm is an excellent foliage plant with exuberant growth and shade tolerance, which is favored by people!

  • What are the nicknames of white palm?

    What are the nicknames of white palm?

    The white palm is very similar to the crane's head, graceful and graceful, white and flawless, giving people a sense of beauty of "pure and calm, peaceful and peaceful", known as the "innocent flower". White palm is an excellent foliage plant with exuberant growth and shade tolerance, which is favored by people!

  • Minxiong Morning Park, the new landmark of Minxiong Township, Chiayi County

    Minxiong Morning Park, the new landmark of Minxiong Township, Chiayi County

    Over the past year, the changing Minxiong Morning Park greets the villagers with a new look, among which the most conspicuous works of public art of "Love Cat" and "playing Cat parent-Child Square" are located at the corner of Baosheng Street and Anhe.

  • Ornamental Bamboo-- Huangganwu Chicken Bamboo

    Ornamental Bamboo-- Huangganwu Chicken Bamboo

    The yellow pole black chicken bamboo PhyllostachysvivaxMcClurecv.aureocaulis 1, the shape characteristic pole height 5Mel 8 meters, the diameter can reach 5Mel 6cm, the bamboo pole is golden yellow, the color is very bright. The sheath is densely covered with dense smoky cloud spots; no sheath ear and sheath mouth are hairy; the tongue is short and strongly arched in the middle, conspicuously decurrent on both sides, the leaves are slender, and the first half is strongly wrinkled. Bamboo leaves grow up and droop in clusters, with an eye-catching appearance. The shooting period is in late April. 2. Distribution habits in northern Zhejiang

  • City Flower of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

    City Flower of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

    Daphne is an evergreen shrub belonging to Daphne genus of Daphne family, which is a traditional famous flower in China. Because of its short and strong plants, tree natural and chic, it is also known as Penglai flowers, romantic trees. Leaves alternate, thick, oblong; buds red, pale white after opening, flowers small.

  • Green seedlings--Ligustrum lucidum

    Green seedlings--Ligustrum lucidum

    Ligustrum lucidum is a horticultural cultivated species of Ligustrum genus of Oleaceae. It is an evergreen small tree, single leaf opposite, twigs slightly pubescent, leaves ovate, oval to ovate elliptic, thin leathery, leaf shape very similar to that of Ligustrum lucidum, germination is stronger, and growth is faster, growth is vigorous, its new shoots and young leaves are purple-red, under the contrast of old leaves, they feel more bright and dazzling. If several times pruned, the new branches dense, the whole crown was purple, in the green flora, it is more beautiful and moving. After winter, the whole plant is purple and black, more conspicuous in all things. Ligustrum rubrum

  • Pose technique of Acer maple bonsai

    Pose technique of Acer maple bonsai

    Small deciduous trees of the genus Acer of the family Acer with dark gray bark and thin branchlets; young branches turquoise and slender. Purple flowers, purplish red when Samara is tender, yellowish brown when ripe, wings spreading into obtuse angles. Nutlets globose, veined conspicuously; wings and nutlets open at an obtuse angle. Like light, warm and humid climate, cold resistance is not strong

  • How to raise crocodile beak flowers? mastering this breeding skill, blooming can save lives.

    How to raise crocodile beak flowers? mastering this breeding skill, blooming can save lives.

    Crocodile mouth flower is a very beautiful flower, from the side of the flower, very similar to the crocodile mouth, the whole petal is red, very conspicuous in the green leaves, crocodile mouth flower is not only good-looking, but also called life-saving grass by Indonesian people, in Hainan.

  • Yangpu peach (Jinshanpu peach, even fog, sweet fog)

    Yangpu peach (Jinshanpu peach, even fog, sweet fog)

    Yangpu peach (Jinshanpu peach, Lianwu, sweet fog) is an evergreen tree of the family Magnoliaceae, 615m high. The bark is brown, the height under the branch is 2 to 4 m, and the crown is ovoid. Leaves opposite, leathery. Long elliptic moment round, long 12~25cm, wide 6~9cm, entire, apex obtuse, base retuse or rounded, dark green above, with minute glandular spots, midvein conspicuous on both sides of the leaf, with marginal veins; petiole ca. 3mm. Cymes terminal or axillary; flowers white or yellowish, stamens numerous. Berries turbinate or shallowly cup-shaped, flat and broad at top, sunken in the middle

  • How to keep perfume white palm

    How to keep perfume white palm

    The flower of the perfume white palm is large and conspicuous, the pedicel is long and high above the leaf, white or green. The city of Snow White in plants symbolizes nobility, beauty and innocence. So, how to keep the perfume white palm? The main results are as follows: 1. Rotten leaf soil, garden soil and combination are used in soil pot conservation.

    2020-11-08 Perfume white palm how raise perfume of flower big and