
bicolor Learn more about bicolor

  • What if the leaves of bicolor jasmine turn yellow? what about losing the leaves?

    What if the leaves of bicolor jasmine turn yellow? what about losing the leaves?

    Bicolor jasmine is a kind of plant that can change face. yesterday, the flowers first bloomed dark blue, today they become light purple, and tomorrow they turn white. Isn't this magical plant that can change faces particularly interesting? let's take a look at the flowers that change faces.

  • Bicolor jasmine does not blossom

    Bicolor jasmine does not blossom

    When seeing other people's two-color jasmine blossom, some flower friends found that their own two-color jasmine did not bloom, looking for reasons everywhere, all kinds of fertilization, light, watering, but still could not find the reason, if two-color jasmine blossoms in time, the correct maintenance method is the most important.

  • Distribution area and growth habits of bicolor jasmine

    Distribution area and growth habits of bicolor jasmine

    Two-color jasmine is also called mandarin duck jasmine, because the same plant blossoms at different times, you can see different colors at the same time, so it is named. Although the name contains jasmine, it has nothing to do with jasmine at all.

  • Bicolor jasmine used to have a flower name.

    Bicolor jasmine used to have a flower name.

    Two-color jasmine is also called mandarin duck jasmine, because the same plant blossoms at different times, you can see different colors at the same time, so it is named. Although the name contains jasmine, it has nothing to do with jasmine at all.

  • This kind of flower has jasmine fragrance and three colors bloom for more than 300 days.

    This kind of flower has jasmine fragrance and three colors bloom for more than 300 days.

    Bicolor jasmine, also known as mandarin duck jasmine, is a flower of the genus jasmine in the Solanaceae, which has nothing to do with jasmine. Two-color jasmine flowering is more interesting, the flower is dark blue at first, then becomes light purple, finally becomes white, when blooming.

  • What is the effect of the two-color jasmine cutting method?

    What is the effect of the two-color jasmine cutting method?

    There is a pot of two-color jasmine at home, it is a bit lonely! The second child has been released, put a few pots of flowers and plants on your balcony, accompany each other, flowers will also grow healthily. You want to see a strange landscape with two colors and one flower. The cutting method of two-color jasmine The cutting soil of two-color jasmine

  • How to reproduce and prune two-color jasmine

    How to reproduce and prune two-color jasmine

    From a realistic point of view, what people plant is no longer what plants can provide for us, but that people take more care of plants, which is a kind of harmony between man and nature, and at the same time, after the material is rich, the improvement of aesthetic sentiment

  • The reason why two-color jasmine does not bloom

    The reason why two-color jasmine does not bloom

    Improper watering if too much watering, it is easy to lead to excessive growth of leaves, branches and leaves will absorb nutrients in the past, thus affecting flowering, so watering should adhere to the principle of dry and wet. To keep the air moist, spray water on the leaves. Improper fertilization and selection of fertilizers containing too much nitrogen will lead to vigorous growth of branches and leaves.

  • How to cultivate bicolor jasmine

    How to cultivate bicolor jasmine

    Two-color jasmine is named mandarin duck jasmine, five-color jasmine, pan Mo jasmine is Solanaceae, mandarin duck jasmine genus, evergreen shrub, plant height 30cm 100cm. Its origin is in tropical America, and the flowers are dark blue from bud breaking to the beginning of blooming, but two or three days later, under the influence of light, temperature and other factors.

  • Maintenance method of two-color jasmine

    Maintenance method of two-color jasmine

    Timely pruning when you find that the two-color jasmine is too high, you can cut off the leaves and buds at the top in time, which can not only promote multiple lateral branches, but also reduce the poor growth and development of flower buds on branches. Fertilization before flowering begins to apply fertilizer one month before flowering, providing nutrients, focusing on topdressing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and reducing nitrogen fertilizer.

  • How does the two-color jasmine grow (cutting)? How does the two-color jasmine trim?

    How does the two-color jasmine grow (cutting)? How does the two-color jasmine trim?

    Reproduction is the basis of species continuity, plants as producers, the number of existence is generally more than the number of animals, so as to meet the needs of consumers, so usually the way plants reproduce is more than the way animals reproduce. double

    2020-11-08 bicolor jasmine how propagation cuttings pruning yes species
  • Matters needing attention in culturing bicolor jasmine

    Matters needing attention in culturing bicolor jasmine

    Bicolor jasmine likes the sunny environment, but can not be exposed to the sun, because excessive exposure can easily lead to the withering of flowers and leaves, so it is best to keep the light for 4 hours a day. And in order to keep the air moist, spray water on the leaves, keep the basin soil dry in winter, and reduce watering in the rainy season.

  • The latest culture method of two-color jasmine

    The latest culture method of two-color jasmine

    Two-color jasmine, also known as mandarin duck jasmine, five-color jasmine, etc., because it blossoms successively and different colors of flowers can be seen on the same plant at the same time, its English name means yesterday, today and tomorrow, which vividly describes the special changes of its flower color. when the floret first blossoms

    2020-11-10 Latest bicolor jasmine aquaculture method alias
  • Have you ever seen two colors of bicolor jasmine when it blossoms? Potted plants that can be raised by beginners.

    Have you ever seen two colors of bicolor jasmine when it blossoms? Potted plants that can be raised by beginners.

    The following is two-color jasmine, also known as mandarin duck jasmine, it is a small shrub flower plant that can bloom many times a year, suitable for pot or ground cultivation, in fact, it and jasmine are not plants of the same genus, but because two-color jasmine.

  • Extraordinarily beautiful bicolor sorrel

    Extraordinarily beautiful bicolor sorrel

    Two-color sorrel, also known as two-color ice cream, is a perennial herb of the genus Oxalis of the Oxalis family, which has underground bulbs, blossoms in winter and spring and dormancy in summer. Its flower back has a red edge, seen from the back to red and white, ten.

  • How to plant the seeds of Pseudoacacia pseudoacacia in the subfamily Euphorbiaceae? What are the effects and effects? The difference between Cassia chinensis and Cassia bicolor?

    How to plant the seeds of Pseudoacacia pseudoacacia in the subfamily Euphorbiaceae? What are the effects and effects? The difference between Cassia chinensis and Cassia bicolor?

    Robinia pseudoacacia cassia is also known as Robinia pseudoacacia, Jinfeng tree, Sophora pseudoacacia, golden medicine tree, powder leaf cassia, so how to plant the seeds of Cassia pseudoacacia? What are the effects and effects? The difference between Cassia chinensis and Cassia bicolor? According to the data, Cassia pseudoacacia is a plant that likes light, can tolerate semi-shade, and likes high temperature and humid climate.

  • Common cultivated varieties of geraniums?

    Common cultivated varieties of geraniums?

    Common varieties of geranium: common varieties are true love, single flower, red. Fantasia, large flower, semidouble, red. Chewing gum, bicolor, crimson flowers, pink heart. Purple ball 2 Peibal, semidouble, fuchsia. Tango purple, large flower species, pure purple flowers. Merlot, large, semidouble, bright red. Jana, large flowers, bicolor species, flowers deep pink, heart magenta. Samgba, large flower species, crimson flowers. Arava, semidouble, light orange red. Grape designer, spend half a weight

  • Culture method of two-color jasmine

    Culture method of two-color jasmine

    Culture method of two-color jasmine

  • How to raise two-color jasmine the culture method and matters needing attention of two-color jasmine

    How to raise two-color jasmine the culture method and matters needing attention of two-color jasmine

    Two-color jasmine, usually because of the different flowering time, often grow two different colors of flowers on one plant, so it is named two-color jasmine. When two-color jasmine opens, its aroma is slightly stronger than that of other jasmine. As a result, many families have farming. that

    2020-11-08 Bicolor jasmine how to raise breed method and matters needing attention
  • What to do with the yellowing of two-color jasmine leaves? the solution of two-color jasmine not blooming

    What to do with the yellowing of two-color jasmine leaves? the solution of two-color jasmine not blooming

    Two-color jasmine is a more valuable variety, very interesting, its English name means yesterday, today, tomorrow, which also vividly describes the change of its design and color. The two-color jasmine blossoms from yesterday's dark blue to today's purple to tomorrow's white.

    2020-11-08 Two colors jasmine leaves yellowing how to do do not bloom flowering solve