
How does the two-color jasmine grow (cutting)? How does the two-color jasmine trim?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Reproduction is the basis of species continuity, plants as producers, the number of existence is generally more than the number of animals, so as to meet the needs of consumers, so usually the way plants reproduce is more than the way animals reproduce. double

Reproduction is the basis of the continuation of species, and plants, as producers, generally have more than the number of animals, so as to meet the needs of consumers. so plants usually have more ways of reproduction than animals. As a kind of plant, bicolor jasmine can reproduce in many ways.

How to reproduce bicolor jasmine

1. Sowing and propagation of bicolor jasmine

Sowing and reproduction is a common way for bicolor jasmine to reproduce. First of all, select the right seeds, sterilize and germinate, sow them into the soil, cover them with soil about twice the size of the seeds, and then spray the soil with moisture.

After that, you need to slowly wait for the plant to sprout and grow roots, pay attention to keep the soil moist, keep the low temperature warm in winter, and wrap the flowerpot in a plastic bag.

2. Cutting propagation of two-color jasmine.

Two-color jasmine in cutting, generally choose the way of softwood cutting, between late spring and early autumn, choose the branches of the same year as cuttings, hardwood cuttings generally choose the branches of the previous year as cuttings in early spring.

Coarse sand can be used as substrate when cutting, and two-color jasmine can be cut after cleaning.

3. Striping propagation of bicolor jasmine

Striping is also a common way of propagation of two-color jasmine. When making striping, choose the strong-growing branches, peel off the outer skin from the top of the branches about 30cm, and use the ring peeling method.

After peeling off the skin, wrap the wound in a plastic film and add some moist soil. Pay attention to the insertion of the upper and lower ends, and wait for it to take root slowly, which will take about 6 weeks.

How to trim two-color jasmine

The specific pruning methods are different because the straight plant type of the plant is different. But generally speaking, the principle of pruning is to keep the plant under low pressure, promote the germination of new branches and blossom more. The old branches were truncated and renewed. The common practices are:

After flowering, cut short the flowering branches and cut off some longer branches to promote the germination of new branches. In addition, cut off the remaining flowers in time after the flower fade, so as to avoid the withered leaves staying on the branches for too long, affecting the beauty. In short, the principle of pruning after flowering is to ensure that the plant is compact and beautiful, and proper pruning can promote flowering in the next half of the month.

Heavy pruning should be carried out before the beginning of winter, with 2 or 3 buds in each branch, all the rest cut off, and the thin branches, diseases and insect pests cut off, as long as they do not become bald, everyone can rest assured to prune. After pruning, the light transmittance is enhanced, which is conducive to the growth and blooming of bicolor flowers in the spring of the coming year.

How to change the basin of two-color jasmine

When the plant is removed, it should be brought with dirt to protect the roots and reduce water loss. To use the clayey cultivated soil as the new basin soil, part of the old basin soil should be removed when changing the basin, because after a long time, the nutrients in the soil have been consumed by plants, and the fertility of the loam itself will be reduced, which is not conducive to the growth and development of plants in the later stage. The specific composition of the soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and cinder ash. In order to keep the soil acidic, alkaline soil can not be used. After changing the basin, water should be watered once, and then do not water for a period of time, because at this time the root is not fixed, can not fully absorb water, too much watering will cause waterlogging.

Watering method of two-color jasmine

1. Requirements for quantity

The origin of two-color jasmine is in the high-temperature and rainy areas of America, so the overall demand for water is relatively large. However, it is afraid of waterlogging. Therefore, it should be adjusted according to different times, so it should be decided according to the actual situation.

2. Watering according to season

Spring is in a period of exuberant growth and development of bicolor jasmine, so it is necessary to maintain an adequate water supply. Summer is very hot and evaporation is prosperous, so it is necessary to replenish water. It should be watered once a day or two, and it should be watered more and thoroughly. If it is the rainy season, you can put it outside to accept the natural nectar during the light rain, but not the heavy rain or heavy rain. It should be properly controlled when it comes to autumn. In winter, you can't water more, usually once every ten days or every two weeks. Don't worry about the soil being too dry, it's best to keep it dry most of the time. If you water too much, you may find that the roots of plants tend to rot or the leaves tend to start to fall.

3. Timing of watering

The most suitable time is when the sun first appears in the morning and when the sun goes down in the evening, when the noon temperature is high and the light is too strong, it is not suitable.

Although from a natural point of view, the diversification of plant reproduction is to meet the needs of consumers, from a realistic point of view, people planting plants is no longer what plants can provide for us. On the contrary, people take care of plants more, which is a kind of harmony between man and nature, and at the same time, it is the improvement of aesthetic sentiment after material enrichment.