
ascend Learn more about ascend

  • How should land be planted in the desert? Agriculture in sandy areas is in the ascendant.

    How should land be planted in the desert? Agriculture in sandy areas is in the ascendant.

    At present, the development of agricultural production in China is subject to hard constraints such as the reduction of cultivated land resources and the limited carrying capacity of environmental resources. China now has a desertification area of 1.73 million mu, which has great potential to expand agricultural production space in arid desert areas. However, the ecology of the sandy area is fragile, and it is necessary to find a living.

    2016-01-10 Desert upper farming should how planting sandy area agriculture current
  • Is Camellia oleifera with narrow base lines a tea?

    Is Camellia oleifera with narrow base lines a tea?

    Rabdosia angustifolia is not tea. She is a weak perennial herb with creeping roots at the base and small spherical tuberous roots. Stem 15100 cm tall, erect or ascending, 4-angled, sulcate, pubescent to several long sparsely pilose, often proximally with many leaves. I. narrow baseline

    2020-11-08 Narrow baseline lines fragrant tea vegetables yes tea narrow
  • The twisted beauty of true cypress

    The twisted beauty of true cypress

    Sabina vulgaris belongs to the family Cypress, and Sabina vulgaris. Evergreen shrubs, branches often flexion and creeping, branchlets ascending into dense clusters. Spiny leaves slender, usually decussate or 3-whorled, 3-6 mm long, tightly arranged, slightly obliquely spreading. The cone is round and bluish.

  • Knowledge of bonsai modeling-bending technique

    Knowledge of bonsai modeling-bending technique

    In bonsai modeling, taking bend is an indispensable technology, and it is also a frequently used technology, so how to bend the bonsai? now this article will briefly introduce the bending technology of bonsai with brown silk.

  • Green flowers, bonsai bending how to do

    Green flowers, bonsai bending how to do

    Bonsai bending method one of the methods of binding brown silk with brown silk it is good to bind with brown silk: bend downward with brown silk: bend downward (2) bind with brown silk: bend downward (3). Use metal hooks as the main fixed point

  • How to raise rose on the balcony

    How to raise rose on the balcony

    Three years from the moon, from a basin to a complete balcony, how did he do it? It is not easy to rise the moon from the beginning of the pot to the balcony now! Many people envy the great god who ascended to heaven. In fact, God is fed by countless roses. Can become the god of the moon, some time ago has burned a lot of money

  • Flower rental: rich peony flower

    Flower rental: rich peony flower

    Peony originated from our country. It was first recorded in Wuwei Medical Bamboo Slips in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. Tang has been cultivated. After Wu Zetian ascended the throne, he moved peony from his hometown to Chang 'an. After that, it flourished in Chang 'an City. Song Dynasty, Luoyang peony reign supreme in the world. Pass...

  • The orchid advertisement of Huawei mobile phone is a gentleman such as Lan.

    The orchid advertisement of Huawei mobile phone is a gentleman such as Lan.

    Huawei AscendP7 Chinese advertisement: the video is 1 minute long, with a strong Chinese style, no matter the background music, rich voice, picture or text all express the elegant, quiet and noble quality of the Chinese gentleman. Huawei said that this advertisement is made up of dozens of people spanning 3568 kilometers.

  • How much is the price of snake chrysanthemum seeds per jin? How to plant it? What are the effects and effects?

    How much is the price of snake chrysanthemum seeds per jin? How to plant it? What are the effects and effects?

    Snake chrysanthemum belongs to the genus Chrysanthemum of Compositae. Herbs annual, to 50 cm tall, stems procumbent or obliquely ascending ±hairy; leaves rhomboid-ovate or oblong-ovate, entire, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces. Native to Mexico and cultivated in Hong Kong, China. So, how much is the price of snake chrysanthemum seeds per jin? How to plant

  • Pine bonsai fengshui

    Pine bonsai fengshui

    Fengshui is not superstition, is one of the traditional Chinese culture, contains a lot of knowledge in it. Modern China has undergone earth-shaking changes, a lot of traditional culture has also been destroyed, modern people have been unable to see the full picture of fengshui

  • Do you know the growth habits of tricolor flowers?

    Do you know the growth habits of tricolor flowers?

    Tricolor Convolvulus is a herb of the genus Convolvulaceae, native to the Mediterranean coast and North Africa. It is an annual or biennial herb of Convolvulaceae. The branches are elongated and creeping, the leaves are long oval, the apex is pointed, and the flowers are funnel-shaped and face-like.

  • Wan Ding Chunlan

    Wan Ding Chunlan

    In February 2007, Dongxixi Township, Huoshan County, Anhui Province, Yangsanzhai Scenic spot went down the mountain. Alias Ihe, a Shannong Wang found it and sold it to Wang Yonghong. Yin Xuesen bought two seedlings from Wang and named them. When going down the mountain, three seedlings with an old ball, with an arrow and two flowers, are positive lotus petals with excellent fragrance. In the same year, he ascended in Lanhui, Anhui Province. This flower.

  • How much is the price of gentian?

    How much is the price of gentian?

    How much is the price of gentian?

  • Every night I think of my mother's words, the tears glisten in Lu Binghua

    Every night I think of my mother's words, the tears glisten in Lu Binghua

    Lubinghua, also known as "lupine", is a rose, leguminous, lupine plants. Stems ascending or erect, base branched, entire plant brown or rust-colored hirsute. Racemes terminal, shorter, infructescence axis thickened, still not longer than compound leaves,...

  • The liver is the general in traditional Chinese medicine

    The liver is the general in traditional Chinese medicine

    At present, Western medicine has been deeply impressed in people's minds, and the liver has also become one of the important organs of metabolism such as digestion, absorption and detoxification. In this regard, Zhang Liangchen, deputy director of Dongcheng traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said: this concept and guiding ideology is actually.

  • Li Mingjun: the reform of agricultural land transfer system is ready to start.

    Li Mingjun: the reform of agricultural land transfer system is ready to start.

    2015 the fourth China International Agro-Business Summit Forum was held in Beijing on May 17. The picture above shows Li Mingjun, dean of China Europe International Business School. (photo source: Sina Finance and Economics Liang Bin) Sina Financial News 2015 the fourth China International Agro-Business Summit Forum was held in Beijing on May 17.

    2016-03-20 Li Mingjun farmland Circulation system Reform ready to go 2015
  • Where can I sell a thousand jin of seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell a thousand jin of seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Qianjin pull alias also known as soil yellow chicken, rat tail, through the dragon, Niu Li, etc., is a perennial herb, stem erect or ascending, sometimes with creeping rhizome. Qianjin plucking is generally picked and dug in spring and autumn, washed slices and dried in the sun, and can also be used freshly. The root can be used for medicinal purposes and dispels wind.

    2020-11-27 Thousand jin pull seed where have sell raise seedlings method which
  • Lu Binghua is also called Lupin for garden viewing. Maternal love, happiness, greedy heart.

    Lu Binghua is also called Lupin for garden viewing. Maternal love, happiness, greedy heart.

    Lubinghua (herb) Lubinghua (Latin name: Lupinus micranthus Guss.), also known as Lupin, is a plant of the genus Rosaceae, Leguminosae and Lupin. Stem ascending or erect, basally branched, whole plant brown or covered.

  • When will Digitalis (also known as Digitalis) seeds be sown? What are the planting methods? What is the difference between Lu Binghua and Lu Binghua?

    When will Digitalis (also known as Digitalis) seeds be sown? What are the planting methods? What is the difference between Lu Binghua and Lu Binghua?

    Digitalis: alias Digitalis, poisonous herb, purple Rehmannia, hanging bell flower, originated in the mountains of central and southern Europe. At present, a large number of plants have been cultivated in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Shandong. Do you know when the seeds of Digitalis will be sown? What are the planting methods? What is the difference between Lu Binghua and Lu Binghua?

  • How to standardize the cultivation of scutellaria

    How to standardize the cultivation of scutellaria

    Radix scutellariae is a perennial herb, 20- 50cm high, conical taproot, about 10- 30cm long, about 1-2cm in diameter, yellow brown outer skin, yellow inside. Stems clustered, base prostrate, slightly ascending or erect, branched and thin, plants square, green or purple-green. leaves simple, opposite

    2020-11-08 how standardization planting scutellaria baicalensis for perennial herb