
alizarin Learn more about alizarin

  • What are the commonly used Chinese herbal medicines for sheep diarrhea?

    What are the commonly used Chinese herbal medicines for sheep diarrhea?

    Animal husbandry and veterinarians guide six kinds of Chinese herbs commonly used by farmers to treat sheep diarrhea, including dandelion, purslane, poplar flowers, poplar leaves, poplar bark, alizarin and so on. First, the dandelion treatment will wash the fresh dandelion, feed it directly to the sheep or mash it up and feed the raw juice to the sheep.

    2020-11-11 Sheep diarrhea commonly used Chinese herbal medicine have which
  • Determination of aminophylline tablets

    Determination of aminophylline tablets

    Take 20 tablets of anhydrous theophylline ┄, weigh them precisely, grind them fine, take an appropriate amount (about equivalent to aminophylline lOOmg), put them in a 200ml measuring bottle, add 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution 20ml and water 60ml, shake for 10 minutes to dissolve aminophylline, dilute it with water to scale, shake well. Filter, refine the filtrate 5ml, place it in a 250ml flask, dilute it to scale with 0.01mol/L sodium hydroxide solution, shake well, and use spectrophotometry (page 17, appendix).

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Rubia cordifolia

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Rubia cordifolia

    Rhizoma Rubiae, alias blood sorrow, blood, windmill grass, is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine plant that can be taken both internally and externally. it mainly has the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding and removing blood stasis, and is mainly used to make hemostatic drugs. It is mainly distributed in Northeast China, North China, Sichuan and Xizang.

    2020-11-10 The latest coriander planting techniques methods tutorials alizarin aliases
  • President of Iran: plans to expand exports to China because this is a good opportunity

    President of Iran: plans to expand exports to China because this is a good opportunity

    Iran is extremely rich in oil and gas reserves. Oil is the economic lifeline of Iran, which is currently the second largest crude oil exporter in the world. The proven crude oil reserves are conservatively calculated at 93 billion barrels, accounting for 10% of the world's total oil reserves.

  • The efficacy and function of Rubia officinalis

    The efficacy and function of Rubia officinalis

    The efficacy and function of Rubia officinalis

  • The efficacy and function of Bupleurum

    The efficacy and function of Bupleurum

    The efficacy and function of Bupleurum

  • Comprehensive prevention and control measures of porcine pica

    Comprehensive prevention and control measures of porcine pica

    Pig pica is one of the problems often encountered in pig production, especially in the winter and spring when the light time is insufficient and the temperature is low. Improper feeding and management, environmental discomfort, imbalance of feed nutrition supply, disease and metabolic disorders are the causes of the disease. Due to long-term eclipse, pigs often cause growth retardation, weight loss and anorexia, causing unnecessary economic losses to pig farmers. 1. Clinical symptoms: pig pica is characterized by tail biting, ear biting, rib biting, navel sucking, especially eating chicken dung and urine.

  • Culture method of Blue couplet Flower

    Culture method of Blue couplet Flower

    1. Temperature and light Blue couplet flowers are originally produced in tropical America. They like warm, humid, sunny environment and are not resistant to cold frost and snow. It is suitable for growing in places where the temperature is between 22 and 30 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower than 15 degrees, the blue flower will stop growing and even be frozen.
