
The efficacy and function of Rubia officinalis

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The efficacy and function of Rubia officinalis

Ruby grass, also known as blood sorrow, Huoxue Dan, Salvia miltiorrhiza and so on, is a perennial herbaceous climbing vine of Rubiaceae. It has the effects of hemostasis, activating menstruation, activating collaterals, relieving cough and expectoration, and has therapeutic effects on hematemesis, dysmenorrhea, urine, hematochezia, blood avalanche, amenorrhea, rheumatism, injury, stasis, swelling and pain, jaundice, chronic tracheitis and so on. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of Herba!

The Medicinal effect of Rubia officinalis

[taste] bitter taste, cold nature.

The heart and liver meridians.

[efficacy] Blood stasis, activating menstruation, activating collaterals, relieving cough and expectoration, mainly treating hematemesis, hematuria, hematuria, hematochezia, amenorrhea, rheumatism arthralgia, fall injury, stasis, swelling and pain, jaundice, chronic tracheitis.

Related discussion of Rubia officinalis

1. Benjing: main cold and damp wind arthralgia, jaundice, tonifying.

2. "don't record": stop the bleeding, collapse the blood, lack of bladder, fall. Main arthralgia and heat, injury and fall.

3. "Compendium": dredging meridians and treating bone joint and wind pain. Promoting blood circulation and promoting blood circulation.

4. "Medicine warning": Gong specializes in promoting blood circulation, treating carbuncle, symptoms, amenorrhea, hematochezia, avalanche, hemorrhoid leakage, wind arthralgia, distension, jaundice, insect injury.

Medicinal taboos of Rubia officinalis

1. Notes on the Classic of Materia Medica: fear of rats.

2. "Materia Medica": do not commit copper and iron.

3. "Classic of Materia Medica": although the patient sees hemopathy, if you add diarrhea and do not eat, do not take it.

4. "Materia Medica": do not use it if you do not take blood due to qi deficiency and cold spleen.

5. "Huiyan of Materia Medica": those with essence deficiency and blood deficiency, those with spleen deficiency and stomach weakness, and those with Yin deficiency and fire victory are all prohibited.

6. "Materia Medica from the new": those who do not have stasis should not vote.

7. "Materia Medica seeking Truth": those with fever due to blood deficiency should not be used.

The Medicinal prescription of Rubia officinalis

1. Treat hematemesis: use Xigen one or two to mash into the end. Two dollars for each service, fried in water, cold-eyed, and the last two dollars can be taken with water.

2. Treat women with amenorrhea: use Xigen one or two, fry alcohol clothes.

3, treat cup poison (hematemesis, blood like pig liver): use herb root and lotus leaves for three points each, add four liters of water, boil into two liters.

4. Cure prolapse of the anus: use a handful of coriander and pomegranate peel, add a bowl of wine, fry to 70%, and take warm clothes.

5. There is no time to treat bleeding: clover root, moxa leaf-two each, black plum meat (baked) half-two. Finely finished. Honey pills are as big as Wuzi. Thirty pills under Wumei soup.

6. treatment of chronic tracheitis: 20 grams of herb, 10 grams of Fritillaria thunbergii, 10 grams of almonds, 5 grams of ephedra, 30 grams of gypsum and 10 grams of licorice. Fried in water, one dose a day.

7. Cure measles: five dollars for herb roots and three dollars for shady ferns. Pan-fry in water and add rice wine to serve.

8. Prevent rash: take root juice. Treatment of distemper poison, acne is positive: fried herb root juice, into the wine to drink.

9, treatment of sores: sappan wood, dry for the end, heavy eight money, light five money, good wine fried clothes, such as yellow, rinse wine clothes: dregs furuncle.

10. Cure the injury: 120g of Rubia root, 20g of safflower, 30g of Chuanxiong, 1000 ml of liquor. Soak the medicine in liquor for 7 days, taking 30 ml each time, twice a day.

11. Treat chronic diarrhea: appropriate amount of coriander and yam, stir-fried, fine powder, add a little brown sugar. Take 9 grams 3 times a day before meals, one week as a course of treatment.

12. Treatment of Henoch-Schonlein purpura: 30 grams of herb root, 15 grams of Radix Rehmanniae, 12 grams of Radix Ginseng, 10 grams of peony bark, 10 grams of Fangfeng, 10 grams of Radix Paeoniae Alba, 10 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 6 grams of licorice. Fried in water, one dose a day.

13. Treat oral ulcer: 20 grams of Rubia officinalis and 5 grams of Coptis chinensis. Fried in water. Take one dose daily for 14 days.

14. Treatment of traumatic bleeding: proper amount of clover root, Panax notoginseng, fine powder, external application of wound, once a day.

15, to treat nosebleed: 50 grams of alizarin root, 50 grams of moxa leaves, 15 grams of black plum meat, research end, honey pills as big as sycamore, 50 pills of Wumei soup each time.