
acanthosis Learn more about acanthosis

  • Causes and prevention of dog hair loss

    Causes and prevention of dog hair loss

    Pet dog hair loss refers to the local or systemic hair pathological shedding, often accompanied by other symptoms. Hair loss not only affects the dog's aesthetics, but may also spread diseases to the owner. Causes of hair loss and performance 1, scabies mite disease: caused by scabies mite or demodex mite. Sarcoptes occur mainly on the head (nose, orbit, auricle and its root), sometimes also in the chest, abdomen, armpit, thigh inner and tail, and even spread to the whole body. The skin surface is flushed, with rash nodules, subcutaneous tissue thickening, and the skin of the affected part is often scratched.

  • Fox vitamin b6 deficiency

    Fox vitamin b6 deficiency

    The disease mostly occurs in the fox breeding period, when vitamin B6 deficiency, the male fox appears azoospermia, while the female fox causes empty pregnancy or fetal death, and the growth and development of young foxes are retarded. Therefore, once the lack of vitamin B6 in feed, it will cause great losses to fox production. Symptoms: loss of appetite of foxes, keratosis of epithelial cells, paralysis of hindlimbs in patients with acanthosis, and hypochromic anemia of small cells. The empty rate of pregnant female foxes increased, and the mortality rate of newborn foxes increased. Male fox sexual function disappeared or asexual or asexual reflex, no sperm. Male fox testicular Ming

  • How do starfish reproduce

    How do starfish reproduce

    Starfish is the most representative class of echinoderms in structure and physiology, and its reproductive ability is relatively strong, so do you know how it reproduces? Let's take a look at it. How do starfish reproduce? Starfish have a strong ability to reproduce and live for up to 35 years. Full

    2020-11-08 Starfish how reproduction starfish is acanthosis movement matter structure
  • Control methods of parasitic diseases of Monopterus Albus

    Control methods of parasitic diseases of Monopterus Albus

    Control methods of parasitic diseases of Monopterus Albus

  • Control methods of parasitic diseases of ricefield eel

    Control methods of parasitic diseases of ricefield eel

    Control methods of parasitic diseases of ricefield eel

  • Diagnosis and Prevention of Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in Fox

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in Fox

    Nutritional and metabolic diseases mean that the nutrients contained in feed, especially vitamins and minerals, can not meet the growth and development needs of foxes. Sometimes nutritional metabolic diseases occur not because of insufficient nutrients in feed, but because of digestive disorders in animals. In the preparation of feed, attention should also be paid to the interrelationship between vitamins and minerals (complementary or antagonistic). The following five kinds of nutritional and metabolic diseases are easy to occur in fur animals. (-) Vitamin A deficiency
