
Using Learn more about Using

  • What should I pay attention to when using phoxim and chlorpyrifos?

    What should I pay attention to when using phoxim and chlorpyrifos?

    What should I pay attention to when using phoxim and chlorpyrifos? Please introduce phoxim: 1. Stop using phoxim 5 days before vegetable harvest. 2. Phoxim can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides. 3. Phoxim is easy to cause drug damage to cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and kidney beans, so it should be used with caution. (4) the medicine should be applied in the evening or on cloudy days. 3 days after spraying.

  • What should be paid attention to when using Acetochlor in dry land?

    What should be paid attention to when using Acetochlor in dry land?

    What should be paid attention to when using Acetochlor in dry land? Please pay attention to the following four points when using Acetochlor in dryland: a certain soil moisture is beneficial to improve the weeding effect, such as the continuous dry weather in the medication stage, the weeding effect will be greatly reduced. Therefore, first watering to increase soil moisture, and then.

  • The effect of using practical aquaculture instrument (ozone)

    The effect of using practical aquaculture instrument (ozone)

    The effect of using practical aquaculture instrument (ozone)

  • What should be paid attention to when using fungicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using fungicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using fungicides? The following points should be paid attention to when using fungicides: first, the properties of fungicides should be made clear when choosing fungicides. There are two types of fungicides. One is protective agents, which are used to prevent plant disease, such as Bordeaux solution, mancozeb, carbendazim, etc.

  • Using it to grow flowers has four advantages. Flowers grow more and more prosperous. Regret just knowing.

    Using it to grow flowers has four advantages. Flowers grow more and more prosperous. Regret just knowing.

    Speaking of potted plants, flower friends who have raised flowers for many years must have a lot of experience. No matter using fermented Amoy rice water to water flowers, or using rotten soybeans as organic fertilizer, every little skill in life can be learned and used. Although growing flowers.

  • What are the taboos in using Daojie?

    What are the taboos in using Daojie?

    Daojie is a commonly used herbicide in rice, which can effectively control barnyardgrass (including barnyardgrass resistant to barnyardgrass, dichloroquinolinic acid and anti-acetyl coenzyme carboxylase), annual Cyperaceae weeds, etc., but it is toxic, so we should pay attention to it when using it. Nadaojie is taboo in its use.

    2020-11-08 Daojie use taboo have which is rice commonly used
  • What should I pay attention to when using abamectin?

    What should I pay attention to when using abamectin?

    What should I pay attention to when using abamectin? Please give guidance abamectin should pay attention to the following points when applying: 1. Abamectin is toxic to bees and should not be used in flowering crops during the honey gathering period of bees. 2. Abamectin is sensitive to aquatic plankton and should not be used to pollute fish ponds and rivers. 3、...

  • What matters should be paid attention to when using a small sprinkler machine?

    What matters should be paid attention to when using a small sprinkler machine?

    Small sprinkler irrigation machine should do a series of preparatory work before use, and pay attention to a lot of things when using it. And real-time maintenance and maintenance in order to give full play to the role of light and small sprinkler. What matters should be paid attention to when using that small sprinkler machine?

    2020-11-09 Small sprinkler make use need pay attention to what matters small
  • Fertilizer always doesn't work after using it. Did you buy fake fertilizer again?

    Fertilizer always doesn't work after using it. Did you buy fake fertilizer again?

    Many farmers are apt to fall into a misunderstanding when using chemical fertilizer, that is, to judge whether it is a "good fertilizer" by the speed of effect, especially after seeing that other people's crops use fertilizer immediately, but their own has not moved for a long time.

  • What should I pay attention to when using glyphosate?

    What should I pay attention to when using glyphosate?

    What should I pay attention to when using glyphosate? Please give guidance on the use of glyphosate to pay attention to the following points: 1. Glyphosate is a fungicidal herbicide. Do not pollute crops when applying glyphosate, so as not to cause drug damage. two。 For perennial malignant weeds, such as White Grass, Cyperus roxburghii, etc., the perennial malignant weeds should be treated again one month after the first use.

  • What should I pay attention to when using plant regulators?

    What should I pay attention to when using plant regulators?

    What should I pay attention to when using plant regulators? What should I pay special attention to? We also ask experienced netizens to introduce that the scientific use of plant regulators can promote plant growth, improve crop fruit setting rate, expand crop fruit, increase crop yield and accelerate crop fruit ripening, such as improper use.

  • Using eggshell to control plant and flower pests can control diseases and pests without drugs.

    Using eggshell to control plant and flower pests can control diseases and pests without drugs.

    Using eggshell to control pests is a very cheap method, and it is also very easy to use. It can be used when growing flowers on the yard or balcony. The eggshell must be clean before use, and it should be scalded with boiling water or wind.

  • What should be paid attention to when using glyphosate series herbicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using glyphosate series herbicides?

    What should be paid attention to when using glyphosate series herbicides? Glyphosate series herbicides are organophosphorus, low toxic, internal absorption and transmission broad-spectrum post-budding herbicides, which can effectively control annual and perennial malignant weeds. When using glyphosate herbicide, if it is not used correctly, go to.

  • What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators? Please guide plant growth regulators have been widely used in grain, cotton, fruit, vegetable crops, often due to improper use resulting in poor effect or frequent occurrence of diseases. Therefore, when using plant growth regulators, we should pay attention to the following points:.

  • What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

    What problems should be paid attention to when using pesticides in summer?

  • Liu Naiyu: using a new type of greenhouse to increase income by more than 100,000 yuan

    Liu Naiyu: using a new type of greenhouse to increase income by more than 100,000 yuan

    Liu Naiyu: using a new type of greenhouse to increase income by more than 100,000 yuan

  • Using pollution-free method to control orchid diseases and insect pests

    Using pollution-free method to control orchid diseases and insect pests

    Using pollution-free method to control orchid diseases and insect pests

  • Lowest cost quail feed formula (I am using it)

    Lowest cost quail feed formula (I am using it)

    Lowest cost quail feed formula (I am using it)

  • What should I pay attention to when using ammonium sulfate fertilizer?

    What should I pay attention to when using ammonium sulfate fertilizer?

    What should I pay attention to when using ammonium sulfate fertilizer? Can a netizen help introduce it? The following items are listed for the reference of netizens. Ammonium sulfate should not be used continuously for a long time. The fertilizer belongs to physiological acid fertilizer, long-term use in a piece of land will increase soil...

  • What should we pay attention to when using high nitrogen compound fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when using high nitrogen compound fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when using high nitrogen compound fertilizer? Please introduce that there are various types of high-nitrogen compound fertilizers on the market, which are characterized by high nitrogen content and are suitable for one-time application or as topdressing for corn. However, it should be noted that high nitrogen compound fertilizer is generally ammonium-based or urea-based compound fertilizer, which can be contained in the production process.
