
Liu Naiyu: using a new type of greenhouse to increase income by more than 100,000 yuan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Liu Naiyu: using a new type of greenhouse to increase income by more than 100,000 yuan

"I used a 'earthwork', built four 'warm Kang' in each of the two greenhouses, laid pipes, and lit a fire to keep the cherry trees warm at night or on rainy days, as long as the temperature was less than 18 ℃, so that the cherry trees could not suffer from the cold and live a healthy life, thus achieving the effect of protecting flowers and fruits." In the cherry shed in Houshuibei Village, Dongli Town, Yiyuan County, Shandong Province, Liu Naiyu pointed to a "warm Kang" in the shed and told me.

"especially in the full bloom, if you encounter rain, snow, cold snap and other weather, using the 'warm Kang' to heat the shed can ensure that the temperature is kept at 18: 20 ℃, and the cherries in the shed can blossom about 10 days ahead of schedule." Speaking of his warm Kang, Liu Naiyu was a little proud.

In the evening, Liu Naiyu turned on the switch of the greenhouse with a "bang". The 16 biogas lights in the shed immediately lit up, and what came into view was two cement biogas digesters exposed to the ground. "you see, this biogas digester is connected to toilets and pig pens. After manure flows into it, it can produce biogas, which can not only illuminate, but also kill insects and sterilize, and biogas slurry can be used as fertilizer to produce pollution-free agricultural products."

It is understood that since 2009, Dongli Town has made great efforts to develop biogas construction, not only investing more than 1 million yuan to encourage farmers to build biogas digesters, but also organically combining biogas construction, animal husbandry, vegetable greenhouse and comprehensive utilization of crop straw. we will vigorously develop ecological circular agriculture with "livestock-marsh-fruit" and "livestock-marsh-vegetable" as the main mode, and take the road of circular economy development. Lao Liu's cherry greenhouse has also been transformed into a "livestock-marsh-fruit" integrated energy-saving and environmental protection greenhouse, which has completely changed their business model.

"for example, our two greenhouses used to use no less than 26000 yuan a year for water, fertilization, and pesticides. Since using 'warm Kang' and biogas lamps, the investment has been reduced by no less than 8000 yuan a year, and the cherries have been put on the market 15 days earlier than other growers. The cherries produced are big, colorful, and taste good. They are not only expensive but also easy to sell on the market. Last year, these two new sheds alone increased their income by more than 100,000 yuan." Liu Naiyu said happily.