
Tripterygium Learn more about Tripterygium

  • Efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

  • What side effect does Tripterygium wilfordii have?

    What side effect does Tripterygium wilfordii have?

    What side effect does Tripterygium wilfordii have?

  • The efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

    The efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention?

    Tripterygium wilfordii is a beautiful green plant and a kind of foliage plant, which can be seen in many provinces in China. So what is the effect and effect of Tripterygium paniculata? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? I. the efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii? 1 、

    2020-11-09 Fan rattan of efficacy and effect have what culture methods
  • The latest course of cultivation techniques of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The latest course of cultivation techniques of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Tripterygium wilfordii is an uncommon and uncommonly used traditional Chinese medicine, and some people call it vegetable insect medicine and red medicine. Tripterygium wilfordii is a very traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly distributed in Taiwan, Fujian, Anhui, Guangxi, Hunan and other places in China.

    2020-11-10 The latest Tripterygium wilfordii cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • Propagation methods of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Propagation methods of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The cutting propagation of Tripterygium angustifolia is suitable to be carried out from May to September. Cut 2-3 nodes of the sturdy stem, insert them directly into coarse sand or water moss, and keep the substrate moist, while keeping the temperature at about 22-24 ℃. Rooting can take place about 20-25 days after cutting.

  • Cultivation techniques of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Cultivation techniques of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Cultivation techniques of Tripterygium wilfordii

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The morphological characteristics of Tripterygium paniculata are herbaceous vines. Branchlets Terete, longitudinally ribbed, often glaucous, glabrous. Tendrils 2-branched, interspersed with leaves at intervals of 2 segments. The leaves of Tripterygium wilfordii are cordate-ovoid, 5-13 cm long and 4-9 cm wide, apex acute or acuminate, base cordate.

  • The four main functions of Tripterygium

    The four main functions of Tripterygium

    The four main functions of Tripterygium

  • How to cultivate Tripterygium and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

    How to cultivate Tripterygium and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

    Tripterygium also known as wrinkled papaya, unique plant shape, beautiful flowers and rich varieties, has a high ornamental value. You can enjoy the delicate and colorful flowers of Tripterygium in spring, and taste its rich fruit in summer and autumn.

    2020-11-08 Paste stem begonia how culture method and matters needing attention
  • The efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The efficacy and function of Tripterygium wilfordii

  • How to raise money

    How to raise money

    1, flower soil flower selection string money vine basically belongs to the soil can grow plants, to grow more luxuriant or to use fertile loose pot soil, flower market bought fleshy flower soil or plant general nutrient soil

  • Culture method of Tripterygium

    Culture method of Tripterygium

    First, the temperature should be suitable. Begonia is a kind of plant that likes warmth and strong adaptability. The most suitable temperature for survival is 15-28 ℃. At the same time, if the temperature is lower than-20 ℃, buried protection is needed to spend the winter. Second, maintain humidity and stick to the stem of begonia to resist drought

  • How to cultivate and maintain Tripterygium

    How to cultivate and maintain Tripterygium

    Stick stem begonia, famous iron foot begonia. Deciduous leaves of Rosaceae. Leaves oval, ovate, glossy surface; flowers blooming in front of or at the same time as leaves, 3-5 flowers, clustered on nodes of 2-year-old branches, scarlet, pedicels very short. The fruit is nearly spherical, yellow when ripe and fragrant.

  • Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii

    1. Light and temperature as tropical plants of the fragrant vine, like the warm and sufficient light environment, the suitable temperature for growth is generally 25 ℃, the vine is not cold-resistant, its growth will be inhibited in winter, at this time, it is necessary to move the vine into the sunny room or greenhouse, keep the temperature above 10 ℃ in order to survive the winter safely.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium wilfordii

  • Propagation of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Propagation of Tripterygium wilfordii

    The most suitable growth temperature of Tripterygium wilfordii is 20-31 ℃, and it is the most suitable for cultivation in spring, which should not be lower than 10 ℃ to avoid freezing injury. Tripterygium wilfordii has a strong ability to adapt to the soil, especially like the sandy soil rich in humus. Generally, sowing and cutting are used to propagate, and semi-lignified branches are selected.

  • The Propagation method of Tripterygium

    The Propagation method of Tripterygium

    Sticking Begonia, also known as Iron foot Begonia, Iron Begonia, is a plant of papaya of Rosaceae. The flowering period of Tripterygium is generally from March to April, and the fruit is ripe in October, and it is also very adaptable and very hardy. It can spend the winter in the open field in North China, and is very sensitive to temperature.

  • Culture of Tripterygium repens

    Culture of Tripterygium repens

    1. The flowering period of Piaoxiang vine is mainly in summer and autumn. If you maintain it properly, it can blossom in other seasons. 2. Light fragrant vines prefer warm, humid and sunny environments, and can also be placed in slightly shaded places, but the lack of light reduces flowering. The optimum temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃.

  • Matters needing attention in the culture of Tripterygium

    Matters needing attention in the culture of Tripterygium

    Defense against pests: pests can cause devastating damage to plants. The disease that often occurs on the heart leaf vine is leaf spot disease. Therefore, we should be extra careful of insect pests and prescribe the right medicine in time. two。 Daily care: first of all, avoid exposure to the sun, but to be more sunny. Like by the window. The second is to often wipe the dust off the leaves.

  • Propagation of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Propagation of Tripterygium wilfordii

    Hydroponic propagation air root is the main part of reproduction, when using hydroponic propagation to trim branches about 10CM, and then insert it into a container containing water, it will take root in about ten days, when it grows to a certain number, it can be planted. There is no need to water and fertilize, just pruning on time
