
How to cultivate Tripterygium and its breeding methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tripterygium also known as wrinkled papaya, unique plant shape, beautiful flowers and rich varieties, has a high ornamental value. You can enjoy the delicate and colorful flowers of Tripterygium in spring, and taste its rich fruit in summer and autumn.

Tripterygium also known as wrinkled papaya, unique plant shape, beautiful flowers and rich varieties, has a high ornamental value. You can enjoy the delicate and colorful flowers of Tripterygium in spring, and taste its rich fruit in summer and autumn. This kind of plant which combines the two is very popular in the flower circle. Today, this article is going to share with you the culture method of sticking Begonia.

How to raise Begonia with sticking stem

1. Soil: Begonia is not strict on soil quality, either slightly acidic soil or neutral soil, but it is better to use loose, fertile and well-drained rotten leaf soil or pastoral soil.

2, watering: stick stem begonia usually keep the basin soil moist, but must pay attention to prevent stagnant water in the basin, otherwise the root is easy to rot. The potted soil should not be too dry during the growing period of spring and summer, especially during flowering. 3. Sunshine: the bonsai of Begonia should be placed in a place with sufficient light and ventilation. When it is hot in summer, it is necessary to take proper shade to prevent the leaves from burning.

4. Temperature: sticking begonia is more cold-resistant in winter, and it is not strict with the environment. It can be buried in the soil or put into the indoor window.

5. Fertilization: sticking begonia should apply sufficient base fertilizer in winter, and dry cake fertilizer or rotten barnyard manure and bone meal are the best. During the growth period, thin fertilizer and water are often applied except for the rainy season.

6. Insect pests: sticking begonia often has rust on its leaves, which can be controlled by spraying Baume 0.5 degree stone sulfur mixture. The main insect pests are aphids, spider moths, red spiders and so on. The method of prevention and control is the same as that of Begonia.

7. Pruning: pedicled begonia is mostly carried out after flowering, and the branches that have flowered are generally cut short to promote the formation of branches and flower buds and increase the number of flowers in the coming year.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium

First, the culture method of Tripterygium

1. Soil

Tripterygium does not have high requirements for soil, but it is better to use fertile soil rich in humus with good drainage. It is possible for the soil to be slightly acidic or neutral.

2. Lighting

Tripterygium likes sunny environment, if it is placed in a dark environment for a long time, it will affect its healthy growth. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it can receive enough light, it should be placed in an open area full of sunshine, and direct sunlight at noon should be avoided in hot summer.

3. Moisture

Usually appropriate amount of watering, to ensure that the basin soil can be moist, do not water too much, otherwise there will be stagnant water, easy to rot roots. Adequate moisture should be ensured during flowering and growing periods.

Second, matters needing attention in the culture of Begonia.

1. Pruning

Tripterygium is characterized by short stalks and close flowers. Therefore, the long branches should be pruned properly and new branches should sprout before sprouting in spring. During the growth period, you can also pick the heart to promote sprouting. And it is beneficial to the hemispherical growth of the plant and is beneficial to the ornamental.

2. Fertilization

Sticking crabapple needs fertilization in four seasons. Organic fertilizer should be applied when sprouting in spring, compound fertilizer should be added in summer, topdressing should be applied in autumn to ensure the nutrient balance of plants, and rotten cake fertilizer or bone meal should be applied in winter.

Regulation of flowering stage of Tripterygium

1. Regulation and control of florescence.

First of all, the management of Begonia should be strengthened when it grows in spring. when the buds do not sprout in early spring, we should add rotten bean cakes and bean dregs, dig trenches in the ring basin and bury them in fertilizer, then cover the soil and water them once.

Secondly, the mature liquid fertilizer is applied once during the bud period to promote the growth and opening of the bud. When the flowers bloom, they can be watered with 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate for maintenance. Then put it in a sunny place to ensure a warm environment and make the flowers bloom more brightly.

Finally, the soil to choose fertile, good drainage of soil, generally choose sandy soil. Wait until late May, the pedicel begonia flowers will wither, at this time to pay attention to timely topdressing to ensure the nutrients needed for the formation of flower buds in the coming year, increase the number of flower buds and blossom more.

2. matters needing attention in the regulation and control of florescence

Pay attention to the time of fertilization: fertilization should be carried out before and during the bud germination.

Pay attention to watering: watering should be based on the weather, but dry and thoroughly immediately. Even if the leaves wilt, they should be rehydrated in time.

What should I do if I stick the stem begonia and lose its leaves?

1. Planting soil is not suitable.

The soil for planting Begonia must be well breathable, and clayey soil should not be used. If clayey soil is used, it will cause Begonia to lose its leaves.

Solution: choose the soil that is rich in nutrients, loose and fertile, and breathable. If necessary, you can put some bones, fertilizers and so on at the bottom of the soil to replenish the nutrients.

2. Too much watering too often

Tripterygium has good drought resistance, but it should be noted that its waterlogging resistance is very poor, so if there is stagnant water or too much water in the flowerpot, it will cause the pedicel begonia to lose its leaves.

Solution: for the maintenance of sticking begonia, watering should be appropriate, and remember not to water too much.

3. Too little pruning

If the number of pedicel begonia pruning is too little, or not pruning, then the plant will be more dense, airtight, will also cause the loss of leaves.

Solution: prune and paste begonia in time, cut off unnecessary withered branches, overlapping branches and other branches that affect the normal growth of the plant.

4. Injury of diseases and insect pests

Sticking begonia is relatively easy to get rust and aphids, and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests will also cause the leaves of sticking begonia to fall.

Solution: carry out the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, if the emergence of diseases and insect pests should be timely spraying.

The breeding method of tapping begonia is introduced here today. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Tripterygium can manually control its flowering period, and flower friends can also prune it in the right season to make it into an old pile bonsai.