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  • How to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings?

    How to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings?

    The seedling field is also called the mother field, the bottom field, the foot field and the pond. It is a field for cultivating rice seedlings. So how to weed in rice seedling field? What are the herbicides? Is it harmful to seedlings? How to weed in rice seedling field? 1. Chemical weeding in seedling field is labor-saving, labor-saving and effective.

    2020-11-09 Rice rice fields how herbicides which right seedlings
  • Usage of atrazine

    Usage of atrazine

    Atrazine can be used in corn fields, where the quality of soil organic matter is 1% 2%, 150-200 grams of 50% wettable powder, or 175-200 ml of 40% suspending agent per mu, and 200-250 grams of 50% wettable powder per mu, or 40% suspension per mu where the content of soil organic matter is more than 3%.

    2020-11-09 Atrazine atrazine usage
  • What herbicides are suitable for autumn radish field

    What herbicides are suitable for autumn radish field

    Pre-sowing soil ban, you can choose 48% trifluralin EC 100-150 ml (dosage per mu, the same below), 48% trimethoprim EC 200 ml, 33% herbicide EC 100-150 ml, 50% Acetochlor EC 75-150 ml, spray 50 kg of water respectively. Fluralin and other easy photolysis, volatilization, reduce efficacy, spray after standing.

  • Radish planting: how to use herbicides to grow autumn radish?

    Radish planting: how to use herbicides to grow autumn radish?

    How to use herbicide to grow autumn radish? Please give introduction to autumn radish weeding can refer to the following methods: first, before sowing soil ban, you can choose 48% trifluralin EC 100g 150ml (dosage per mu, the same below), 48% trimethoprim EC 200ml, 33% herbicide EC 100ml 150ml, 50% Acetochlor EC.

  • Herbicides used in rape from sowing to pre-seedling

    Herbicides used in rape from sowing to pre-seedling

    Herbicides used in rape from sowing to pre-seedling

  • How to use herbicide to grow autumn radish?

    How to use herbicide to grow autumn radish?

    How to use herbicide to grow autumn radish? What is the method of use? When radish is planted in autumn, there are a large number of weeds in the field, so herbicides can be selected for chemical weeding according to the actual situation. Before sowing soil ban, you can choose 48% trifluralin EC 100ml 150ml (dosage per mu, the same below.

  • The latest usage of herbicides in Corn Field

    The latest usage of herbicides in Corn Field

    The method of using herbicides in corn field, the main weeds in corn field are Equisetum, amaranth, Equisetum, Saxifraga, Rabdosia rubescens, Solanum nigrum, paspalum, Chenopodium, Chenopodium, Portulaca oleracea, amaranth, Portulaca oleracea, Salvia przewalskii, Saussurea przewalskii

    2020-11-10 The latest corn field herbicide method of use
  • The latest Propagation method of Aloe vera

    The latest Propagation method of Aloe vera

    Aloe barbadensis is a perennial herb of the family Liliaceae, also known as Barbados Aloe, Aloe vera, Aloe vera and so on. It is native to Curacao Islands and Barbados in the American West Indies. It has high cultivation value and can also be used as a family basin.

    2020-11-10 Latest Ku Rasol Aloe Vera Propagation method Rasso
  • How to weed when planting corn?

    How to weed when planting corn?

    How to weed when planting corn? Please guide the spring sowing corn field to be dominated by perennial weeds, perennial weeds and early spring weeds, such as Bowl flower, field rotation, borage, shepherd's purse, puccinellia oleifera, quinoa, etc., the weed community is generally composed of one or two kinds of weeds, the dominant weeds are Baicao, Datang, dog.

  • How to use glyphosate to control soybean dodder?

    How to use glyphosate to control soybean dodder?

    How to use glyphosate to control soybean dodder? Please introduce the method of soybean dodder is a parasitic weed on soybean, also known as rootless Teng. After sowing and emergence of soybean, dodder seeds in the soil also began to germinate, after the young stem extended to the soil surface, absorb the nutrition of soybean plant, soybean flowering and pod reduction, strict.

  • How to control dodder on litchi and longan

    How to control dodder on litchi and longan

    Dodder has no roots and no leaves, but it has a zigzag sucker (or sucking roots) on the stem. It absorbs nutrients by sucking roots deep into the bark, affecting the growth of fruit seedlings and causing seedlings to die in serious days. It is more common in mountain mature litchi orchard that dodder can blossom and bear seeds, the flowers are small white, and the fruit will fall off after ripening.

  • Questions and answers on fertilization and weeding of cotton covered with plastic film

    Questions and answers on fertilization and weeding of cotton covered with plastic film

    Recently, Ding Libang, a 75-year-old farmer from Shuqiao Village, Wuluo Town, Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, called me and asked if it was feasible to change the nutrition bowl to transplant seedlings to plastic film mulching cultivation this year. The answer is now given. Q: can plastic film cotton use chicken manure as base fertilizer? Answer: several points must be paid attention to when using chicken manure as base fertilizer: first, chicken manure should be fully mature; second, it should be applied early before mulching; third, the application amount should not be less than 1500 kg per mu; fourth, because chicken manure contains a certain amount of weed seeds.

  • Characteristics of nicotinyl atrazine

    Characteristics of nicotinyl atrazine

    Nicosine atrazine is a selective herbicide before and after seedling. The root absorbs mainly, but the stem and leaf absorb little. The herbicidal effect and selectivity are the same as simazine, which is easy to be leached to the deeper soil by Rain Water, and is also effective for some deep-rooted grasses, but it is easy to cause drug damage. Lasting period

    2020-11-08 Nicotinic acid atrazine azine characteristic nicosine yes internal inhalation
  • Which herbicides should be used in heat preservation cultivation of vegetables

    Which herbicides should be used in heat preservation cultivation of vegetables

    In the season of low temperature, in order to make vegetables on the market earlier and sell at a good price, in recent years, plastic film mulching is often used to increase temperature and heat preservation to promote early ripening and yield increase of vegetables. At the same time, herbicides are used to save labor and increase efficiency. However, many years of experience of chemical weeding in the film tells us that if we choose.

  • Sowing time of spring corn in Shandong Province

    Sowing time of spring corn in Shandong Province

    It's time for spring ploughing and it's time for farmers to plant crops. Shandong as a major economic province, when is the planting time of spring corn in Shandong, and how to determine the planting time? Today we will explain in detail the planting time of spring corn in Shandong. Let's take a look.

    2020-11-09 Shandong spring corn sowing time spring ploughing farmers
  • Application of herbicides in Corn Field

    Application of herbicides in Corn Field

    Application of herbicides in Corn Field

  • How to use herbicides in corn fields?

    How to use herbicides in corn fields?

    How to use herbicides in corn fields? What weed control methods can be used in cornfields? With the continuous development of aquaculture, the demand for corn is also increasing, corn planting is gradually entering a large scale, and the weeding technology of corn fields is also diversified.

  • Sowing technology of soybean

    Sowing technology of soybean

    1. Soil preparation: (1) soil preparation before sowing: soil preparation before sowing includes soil tillage, raking, pressing, etc. Due to the use of different land preparation techniques, the work of land preparation before sowing is also different. Such as turning over, ridge cultivation, raking stubble, deep loosening and so on. (2) pre-sowing irrigation: for plots with poor soil moisture, if there are irrigation conditions, you can irrigate once 1-2 days before sowing and soak the soil to facilitate seed germination after sowing. (3) closed weeding before sowing: soybean planting in some large farms in the main soybean producing areas of Northeast China.

  • How to raise White Russo Orchid? Introduction to the main points of culture of Bailasuo orchid

    How to raise White Russo Orchid? Introduction to the main points of culture of Bailasuo orchid

    White Russo orchid is native to South America and has an incredible fragrance. And these pure white ghostly flowers will only release the strong fragrance at night. Its flowers bloom many times a year and bloom for a long time. Let's take a look at the main points of its culture.

  • How to control weeds in sorghum fields?

    How to control weeds in sorghum fields?

    How to control weeds in sorghum fields? Please introduce the method weed is a major disaster in sorghum production, it competes with sorghum for water, fertilizer, glory and land, resulting in a decline in the yield and quality of sorghum. The grass damage in low-lying land and saline-alkali land is particularly serious, and it is annual, that is, there will be weeds at any time.
