
Pulp Learn more about Pulp

  • Where can I sell fake acid pulp seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Where can I sell fake acid pulp seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    False acid pulp is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which originated in Peru and is distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places in China. Because of its high medicinal value, there are a large number of artificial planting of false acid pulp in many areas. So where can I sell the seeds of planting fake sour pulp? How to nurture

    2020-11-27 False acid pulp seed where have sell how seedling false acid
  • Pulp apricot juice

    Pulp apricot juice

    1. Select fresh fruits with yellow pulp, rich sugar and acid, fully ripe and moderate size, and eliminate miscellaneous residual fruits. 2. Wash and crush the selected apricot fruit, soak it and rinse it with clean water, then use a beater to remove the apricot peel and core and beat the pulp into pulp. 3. Heat the coarse filter and use the press to remove the crude fiber from the apricot pulp. 4. The sugar acidity of coarse filtered apricot juice was detected and adjusted, and the suitable ratio of acid to sugar was 1: 1: 18: 20. 5. Vacuum for degassing homogenization

  • Processing of apricot pulp beverage

    Processing of apricot pulp beverage

    1. Apricot pulp beverage: (1) technological process: raw materials are selected: → washing fruit, → scalding, → breaking, → beating, → filtering, → blending, → degassing, homogenized → sterilization, → canned → sealing. (2) Technical essentials: ① raw material selection: select ripe fruits. If the fruit has low maturity, you can leave it for a few days after ripening and then use it. Remove diseases, insect pests, immature fruits and rotten fruits. ② cleaning: wash the fruit directly with clean water. If there is much dirt in the peel, wash it with detergent and then rinse with clean water.

  • Every piece of toilet paper is the life of a tree! Recycled pulp toilet paper is cheap and environmentally friendly, and only 5% is used in Taiwan.

    Every piece of toilet paper is the life of a tree! Recycled pulp toilet paper is cheap and environmentally friendly, and only 5% is used in Taiwan.

    Every piece of toilet paper is the life of a tree! Recycled pulp toilet paper is cheap and environmentally friendly, and only 5% is used in Taiwan.

  • Seedling plastic hole tray consumes 1 million kilograms a year! The paper pulp seedling raising hole plate is introduced in the flower-changing field, which saves labor and reduces plasticity.

    Seedling plastic hole tray consumes 1 million kilograms a year! The paper pulp seedling raising hole plate is introduced in the flower-changing field, which saves labor and reduces plasticity.

    Seedling plastic hole tray consumes 1 million kilograms a year! The paper pulp seedling raising hole plate is introduced in the flower-changing field, which saves labor and reduces plasticity.

  • Preparation and processing of Sweet Potato starch

    Preparation and processing of Sweet Potato starch

    Sweet potatoes can be divided into two types: fresh sweet potatoes and dried sweet potatoes. Starch produced by fresh sweet potato generally belongs to manual production in rural areas, while sweet potato starch factories mostly use dried sweet potato as starch raw material, so it belongs to industrial production. 1. The technological process of producing starch from fresh sweet potato is as follows: raw material selection-washing-crushing-grinding and filtration-mixing-skimming and sitting-skimming-pulping-drying. The production process is as follows: (1) selection of raw materials: due to different sweet potato varieties, their quality and starch content are also different, even if the same variety is in different producing areas.

  • Don't lose the old towel gourd, put it on the bottom of the basin and grow flowers for 10 years without rotting roots!

    Don't lose the old towel gourd, put it on the bottom of the basin and grow flowers for 10 years without rotting roots!

    Huahua came home two days ago and saw the towel gourd planted by her mother crawling all over the wall, and some of them even went outside the wall. Huahua went to look outside the wall and saw a towel gourd getting old because he forgot to pick it. Don't throw away the old towel gourd, growing flowers is also a good baby!

  • Causes and control methods of watermelon pulp toppling

    Causes and control methods of watermelon pulp toppling

    Causes and control methods of watermelon pulp toppling

  • The method of beating grass to cultivate fish fry: fast growth and high survival rate

    The method of beating grass to cultivate fish fry: fast growth and high survival rate

    The method of beating grass to cultivate fish fry: fast growth and high survival rate

  • Towel gourd pulp is dried and covered with a layer of flowers raised outside the flowerpot. They are no longer afraid of cold in winter.

    Towel gourd pulp is dried and covered with a layer of flowers raised outside the flowerpot. They are no longer afraid of cold in winter.

    When I saw towel gourd when I was shopping in the vegetable market at the weekend, I suddenly wanted to eat towel gourd. I bought some to take home and fried it, as if I was in my grandmother's house when I was a child. When I was a child, Grandma used to take Huahua to grow vegetables.

  • The latest planting method of acid pulp

    The latest planting method of acid pulp

    Acid pulp, also known as acid bulb, lantern grass, lantern fruit, bubble grass, etc., known as girls in the north, the fruit is edible, originated in China, in the south and north have wild resources, cultivation has a long history. At present, it is widely planted in Northeast China, so how to grow acid pulp?

    2020-11-10 The latest acid pulp planting method also known as acid bulb lantern
  • What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    Grape is a woody vine, is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, the fruit is generally spherical or oval, the ripening time varies with varieties and planting boundaries. So, what are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature? I. China

    2020-11-09 China common grape variety which when
  • Processing of turbid peach juice beverage

    Processing of turbid peach juice beverage

    (1) technological process: raw materials are selected: → fruit washing, → blanching, → crushing, → beating, → filtration, → blending, → degassing, homogenization, → sterilization, → filling, → sealing. (2) Technical essentials: ① raw material selection: select ripe fruits, remove diseases, insect pests and rotten fruits, pick out low-mature fruits and then use them after ripening. ② cleaning: wash the dirt on the surface with clean water, or remove the hair from the peach skin with detergent. When there are many pesticide residues, rinse with 1% hydrochloric acid solution, and then rinse with clean water. ③ perm: at 80 ~

  • Development and Utilization of Kernel Apricot Pulp

    Development and Utilization of Kernel Apricot Pulp

    1, dried apricot processing 1, technological process: apricot meat → cleaning → fumigated → drying → finished product 2, technical points: ⑴ cleaning. Choose the flesh that is neat, fully ripe, hairless, small and thick, rinse with clean water and drain. ⑵ smoked sulphur. Feed the material basket or bamboo curtain containing apricot slices into the wood frame of the smokehouse, pour the burning charcoal into the iron plate in the center of the smokehouse, quickly sprinkle sulfur (1000 kg apricot slices with 3-4 kg sulfur) on the charcoal, and then leave.

  • Processing technology of kumquat fruit tea

    Processing technology of kumquat fruit tea

    (1) Raw materials and formula kumquat pulp: 10% 15%; carrot pulp: 5% 15%; carrot pulp: 5% 10%; granulated sugar: 8% 10%; citric acid: 0.10%; citric acid: 0.10%; sodium citrate: 0.05%; β-cyclodextrin: 0.05%; carboxymethyl cellulose: 0.05%; carboxymethyl cellulose: 0.03%; pectin (high fat): 0.10%; potassium sorbate: 0.12%

  • Wendan processing is more convenient! The flower changes the market to develop the peeler, the green skin and white bag pulp, easy three points in the world.

    Wendan processing is more convenient! The flower changes the market to develop the peeler, the green skin and white bag pulp, easy three points in the world.

    Wendan processing is more convenient! The flower changes the market to develop the peeler, the green skin and white bag pulp, easy three points in the world.

  • Brief introduction to the production of royal jelly

    Brief introduction to the production of royal jelly

    Royal jelly is the secretion of glands such as tongue gland (commonly known as royal jelly gland) and upper palatal gland of worker bees. it is the lifelong food of worker bees, drones larvae and queens within 3 days old. With the difference of florescence, production season and bee species, royal jelly is milky white to yellowish curd, with sour, spicy, astringent and slightly sweet taste. Royal jelly is a kind of natural health product, which has no harm to human body and has a wide range of application. Men, women, old and young can all benefit. After taking it, it can improve the immune function of the body, promote the rehabilitation after the disease, and treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and spirit.

  • Introduction to the production method of jujube tea ice cream

    Introduction to the production method of jujube tea ice cream

    Jujube tea ice cream formula jujube syrup 10%, full fat light milk powder 8%, dilute cream 11%, granulated sugar 12%, stabilizers and other food additives 0.65%, water 58.35% production process white granulated sugar, stabilizer, whole light milk powder, dilute cream, red jujube pulp, water → mixed ingredients → homogenized → sterilization, cooling → aging (adding flavor) → frozen → perfusion → packaging → inspection → finished products. Key points of technological operation: preparation and selection of red jujube pulp with high maturity, compact pulp and strong jujube fragrance

  • Creative leaves, pulp bowls, make one with the kids.

    Creative leaves, pulp bowls, make one with the kids.

    If the observation bottle is still a traditional specimen known to parents, it must be a masterpiece to make a pulp bowl. But do not think that this brain needs professional equipment, all daily materials: plastic bowls, plastic wrap, brushes, flowers and plants.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of acid pulp

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of acid pulp

    15-20 days before sowing, the seeds need to be covered with plastic film, and the seeds need to be soaked in warm water for a period of time. More than half of the seedlings sprouted and planted in the land. The planting density is about 750000 plants per hectare. After planting, topdressing and watering in time, but also pay attention to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.
