
Poet Learn more about Poet

  • What is the season of Su Shi's drinking lake and du Mu's mountain trip respectively?

    What is the season of Su Shi's drinking lake and du Mu's mountain trip respectively?

    Su Shi's "drinking the Rain after the first Sunshine on the Lake" and du Mu's "Mountain Journey" are famous unique sentences in ancient China to depict landscapes, so what season do the two poems depict respectively? According to cultural and historical materials, one of them writes about the West Lake in spring and the other about Yuelu Mountain in autumn.

    2020-11-09 Su Shi of drinking on the lake early sunny later rain and du Mu Shan Xing
  • This flower is beautiful, full of fairy flavor, pleasant fragrance, a long flowering period, a large number of flowers and good potted plants.

    This flower is beautiful, full of fairy flavor, pleasant fragrance, a long flowering period, a large number of flowers and good potted plants.

    The name of this ou Yue is very romantic: the wife of the poet. The flower is also very beautiful, is a very excellent rose, a typical Austin rose. The pattern is a classic cup-shaped shape, which is very positive. Super good-looking lemon yellow.

  • This flower is beautiful, full of fairy air, pleasant fragrance, long flowering period, large heat resistance and good care. It is worth having.

    This flower is beautiful, full of fairy air, pleasant fragrance, long flowering period, large heat resistance and good care. It is worth having.

    "Poet's wife", a romantic and beautiful name, must have a beautiful story. It is one of the most fragrant Austin roses, with very strong aromas of old roses, with intense aromas of green lemon, peach and mango.

  • What are the poems about daffodils?

    What are the poems about daffodils?

    What are the poems about daffodils?

  • The country of origin of grapes

    The country of origin of grapes

    Li Bai, a famous poet, once wrote: looking at the duck's head green in the Han River from a distance, it is like the early fermented grains of grapes. Grapes have been people's favorite fruit since ancient times. So where is the origin of the grapes? Grapes are native to Europe, West Asia and North Africa. According to archaeological data, grapes were first cultivated.

    2020-11-08 Grape of origin famous poet Li Bai once wrote Zeng
  • Grape origin

    Grape origin

    Li Bai, a famous poet, once wrote: looking at the duck's head green in the Han River from a distance, it is like the early fermented grains of grapes. Grapes have been people's favorite fruit since ancient times. So where is the origin of the grapes? Grapes are native to Europe, West Asia and North Africa. According to archaeological data, grapes were first cultivated.

    2020-11-08 Grape country of origin famous poet Li Bai once wrote Zeng wrote
  • What are the latest poems about daffodils?

    What are the latest poems about daffodils?

    The daffodils are pure, elegant and extraordinary in large groups. Her fragrance that contains fragrance, does not allow silt to encroach on the character of Hao Su, is not afraid to invade the spirit of Xiao Han and depends on a spoonful of water, takes root everywhere and blooms in spring, and is deeply loved by people as good luck and peace friends.

    2020-11-10 The latest about daffodils flowers poetry there are which daffodils
  • I love orchids. Orchids love me.

    I love orchids. Orchids love me.

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread orchid knowledge I love orchids, orchids love me; punctual, warm fragrance as promised. All the gorgeous orchids are noble and dignified and absolutely not demon, charming and elegant in the immortal; Huizhong or elegant.

  • The meaning of blowing noodles without cold poplar and willow wind

    The meaning of blowing noodles without cold poplar and willow wind

    The meaning of blowing noodles without cold poplar and willow wind

  • Appreciation of Chinese Cymbidium

    Appreciation of Chinese Cymbidium

    Huilan's word "Hui" has appeared in the songs of Chu by qu Yuan, a great poet of the State of Chu during the warring States period. His words said: "since Zilan Xi Nine Yun (one mu 12 mu--...

  • A brief introduction to the Su School, the Chinese School of Bonsai

    A brief introduction to the Su School, the Chinese School of Bonsai

    Suzhou, which has a history of 2500 years, is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, on the shore of Taihu Lake, with continuous hills, dense rivers, humid climate and abundant rainfall, which is suitable for plant breeding and growth. it provides extremely favorable regional environment and natural conditions for the development of tree stump bonsai. Suzhou is a unique water city.

  • The meaning of the latest blowing noodles is not cold poplar and willow wind.

    The meaning of the latest blowing noodles is not cold poplar and willow wind.

    Willow is the general name of willow glandular willow, weeping willow, maple poplar and other plants. In spring, willow is the most charming and unrestrained tree, and it is also one of the themes celebrated by poets and writers for thousands of years. For example, I don't know who cut the fine willow leaves.

    2020-11-10 The latest blowing noodles not cold willow wind meaning is
  • The origin of Dragon Boat Festival and what is the best flower for Dragon Boat Festival?

    The origin of Dragon Boat Festival and what is the best flower for Dragon Boat Festival?

    The 2018 Dragon Boat Festival is coming tomorrow. Dragon Boat Festival is a folk festival to commemorate the ancient patriotic poet qu Yuan. According to the Records of the Age of Jing and Chu, due to climbing in mid-summer, Shunyang is on the top, May is midsummer, and its first noon is climbing Gaoshun.

  • Cultivation and maintenance of Carnation

    Cultivation and maintenance of Carnation

    1. Tidbits Carnation is one of the famous ornamental flowers in China, which has a long history of cultivation and is appreciated by ancient poets. Li Bai and du Fu, the two great poets of the Tang Dynasty, both have good words about carnation flowers. Shixian said that "carnation embroidery Luo Yi". The poem saint said, "Musk Sleeping Carnation". It can be seen that as early as 1200 years ago in the Tang Dynasty, carnation was widely cultivated for people to enjoy. Carnation is widely distributed in Northeast, North, Northwest and Yangtze River provinces in China, and is now widely cultivated at home and abroad. The carnation is shaped like a bamboo with dense flowers and bright color.

  • Beautiful countryside leisurely Nanshan

    Beautiful countryside leisurely Nanshan

    Jie Lu is in the human world, but there are no chariots and horses. How can it leave on me no trace? Secluded heart makes secluded place. I pick fenceside asters at will, carefree I see the southern hill. The mountain air is good day and night, and the birds return. Jin Tao Yuanming's drinking five, although this is only the pen of the pastoral poet Tao Yuanming.

  • The implication of sycamore

    The implication of sycamore

    Noble character: Indus in the story symbolizes the meaning of noble and beautiful character, the ancients used Indus crazy growth, dressed in brilliant sunrise to symbolize noble and beautiful character. Loyal love: legend has it that Wu is a male tree and Tong Tong is a female tree. They grow old and die at the same time. According to the poet, it has become a symbol of loyal love.

  • The method of making hanging bonsai DIY

    The method of making hanging bonsai DIY

    Bonsai gives people a peak is too China thousand fathom, a spoon is thousands of miles of artistic feelings, affecting the feelings of the poet. For example, the poem is full of mountains for tens of thousands of miles, all in a small basin, the pool light and sky shadow are blue, and only a few bottles of water are added to the shore, which is the poet's sincere praise for the art of bonsai. Nowadays, more and more people's love for plants

  • Tai Bai Cymbidium

    Tai Bai Cymbidium

    Lujiang orchid friend Tian Kesi (mountains high and water far) and Tian Keran (natural orchid garden) also have this product, and come to the bud, and send it to the Anhui Huilan exhibition and use the name of the great poet of the Tang Dynasty: too white. The color is as white as paper, the tongue spot is red, the petal can not close, the white flower is less, can stabilize less, this flower has seen several years to open.

  • Production technology of ginger candy

    Production technology of ginger candy

    The small town of Phoenix in western Hunan was once praised as "the most beautiful town in China" by New Zealand poet Louis Sheng, and it is also the hometown of Shen Congwen, Huang Yongyu and Xiong Xiling. Ginger candy is the most famous snack specialty. There are many small shops that make ginger candy, mostly family workshops, the store scale and production technology are roughly the same, but the price is very different. Generally speaking, the price of ginger candy is only 8 yuan per jin, but Zhang's ginger candy can buy a small bag of 1.5 yuan, with only 10 tablets in each bag, nearly three times the price of the former, and the sales volume is excellent. Why do people care about this?

  • Xie Peimei Orchid: the origin of the name of Huilan Xiepei. How about Xie Peimei's fragrance?

    Xie Peimei Orchid: the origin of the name of Huilan Xiepei. How about Xie Peimei's fragrance?

    Xie Peimei Orchid is one of the famous products of Huilan. How did Xie Pei get the name? Is it named after the shape and characteristics of orchids? In fact, it is not. The name comes from the poem "Yong Lan" written by Yang Shen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. It is: incense carrying Man.

    2019-03-22 Xiepei plum orchid Huilan name origin fragrance how about