
Mel Learn more about Mel

  • What's the use of the fungicide copper hydroxide?

    What's the use of the fungicide copper hydroxide?

    What's the use of the fungicide copper hydroxide? Please give an introduction to the fungicide copper hydroxide: other names are Shide, Crown Copper, Fengshuan, etc., the common dosage forms are 77% copper hydroxide wettable powder, 57.6% copper hydroxide dry granule, 37.5% copper hydroxide suspension, 25% copper hydroxide suspension, currently in agriculture.

  • What is the effect of the fungicide copper hydroxide?

    What is the effect of the fungicide copper hydroxide?

    What is the effect of the fungicide copper hydroxide? Please give an introduction to the fungicide copper hydroxide: other names are Shide, Crown Copper, Fengshuan, etc. The common dosage forms are 77% copper hydroxide wettable powder, 57.6% copper hydroxide dry granule, 37.5% copper hydroxide suspension, 25% copper hydroxide suspension, currently in agriculture.

  • Techniques for making peach cake

    Techniques for making peach cake

    Peaches are crisp, tender and refreshing and nutritious. Peach cake made from peach as basic raw material and refined with red, carrot, gelatin and essence has good toughness, chewing resistance, unique flavor and rich in a variety of vitamins. The processing procedure is as follows: first, the formula peach fruit 35% Mel 37%, red fruit 10% Mel 12%, carrot 10% Mel 12%, white granulated sugar 40% Mel 42%, food grade gelatin 1% Mel 2%, edible flavor and preservative sorbate. Second, operation 1. Material selection: choose fresh

  • The production of peach cake

    The production of peach cake

    Peaches are crisp, tender and refreshing and nutritious. Peach cake made from peach as basic raw material and refined with red, carrot, gelatin and essence has good toughness, chewing resistance, unique flavor and rich in a variety of vitamins. The processing procedure is as follows: first, the formula peach fruit 35% Mel 37%, red fruit 10% Mel 12%, carrot 10% Mel 12%, white granulated sugar 40% Mel 42%, food grade gelatin 1% Mel 2%, edible flavor and preservative sorbate. Second, operation 1. Material selection: fresh, non-rotten, none

  • Feed formulation and preparation of Meat Dog

    Feed formulation and preparation of Meat Dog

    The feed for meat dogs is made of animal feed, plant feed and mineral feed. The nutrition standards in feed are: protein 17% Mel 25%, fat 3% Mel 7%, fiber 3% Mel 4.5%, carbohydrate 44% Mel 49.5%, calcium 1.5% Mel 1.8%, phosphorus 1.1% Mel 1.2%, and trace amounts of copper, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, zinc, iodine and vitamins. Based on the experience of 12 professional dog households, such as Yu Jianwei in Pulandian City, this paper introduces the feed preparation of meat dogs.

  • A New method of Preservation and Preservation of Fish

    A New method of Preservation and Preservation of Fish

    Fresh fish has a new method of anticorrosion, Moscow Meat and Milk Industry Research Institute of Russia has developed the use of glycerol spraying method to prolong the preservation time, so that the stored fresh fish to maintain the original flavor. The new technology of glycerol spraying is formulated as follows: glycerol 1% Mel 20%, hydroxyethylamide 0.15% Mel 0.3%, sorbic acid 1% Mel 5%, polyvinyl alcohol 0.3% Mel 30%, and the rest is water. Spraying the preservative on the fish can slow down the oxidation and realize long-term fresh-keeping.

  • National orchid classification

    National orchid classification

    Orchidaceae Cymbidium of Orchidaceae can be roughly divided into Cymbidium, Cymbidium, Jian Orchid, Cymbidium, Chunjian Sword and Lotus petal. Cymbidiumgoeringii (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f.1, florescence: February-March. 2. Inflorescence: 1 mai 2 singletons or twins. ...

  • Goat farming, did you raise it right?

    Goat farming, did you raise it right?

    Mutton is one of our main edible meats, which is delicate, delicious and rich in nutrients, so it is also a good tonic in winter. According to the class Materia Medica.

  • Analysis on the rapid reproduction of earthworms in the courtyard

    Analysis on the rapid reproduction of earthworms in the courtyard

    Earthworm is a kind of high-quality animal protein supplementary feed, the fresh body contains 12% Mel 20% protein, the dry body contains 50% Mel 70% protein, and the effective amino acid content reaches 58% Mel 62%. The breeding of earthworms in the courtyard is rich in resources, suitable environment and convenient management. 1. The birth of earthworms

    2020-11-08 Analysis courtyard fast multiplication earthworm is a kind of excellent
  • Fertilization management of geranium

    Fertilization management of geranium

    Geranium belongs to the genus Pelargonium. There are more than 250 species of the genus Pelargonium, and there are all kinds of hybrids. The main species are horseshoe leaf geranium (ZonalPelargoniums, Latin name Pelargoniumxhortorum) and ivy leaf geranium (Ivy-LeavedPelargoniums, English geranium). This kind of plant comes from P.peltatum.

  • Do a good job of raw material reserve and grasp the cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii in winter and spring

    Do a good job of raw material reserve and grasp the cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii in winter and spring

    Apricot abalone mushroom (Pleurotuseryngii) is also known as snow mushroom. Pleurotus eryngii is a kind of large fleshy umbrella fungus with good quality. Pleurotus eryngii has thick seedling meat, crisp and tender texture and delicious taste, which can be called the king of Pleurotus ostreatus. Rich in nutrition, high oligosaccharide content, has the effect of bowel cosmetology. It can be suitable for keeping fresh or dried, and is very popular with consumers.

  • Special insecticides for melon crops

    Special insecticides for melon crops

    In the process of melon crop growth, for the pests often encountered, which are the special pesticides, that is, low toxicity, the pesticides that will not cause serious residue problems of melons are introduced as follows. 1. Kill aphid pine. Also known as aphid repellent. Organophosphorus insecticides with high efficiency and low toxicity have contact and internal absorption effects. In the melon aphid.

  • How to use ethephon, a plant growth regulator?

    How to use ethephon, a plant growth regulator?

    How to use ethephon, a plant growth regulator? Ethephon is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus low-toxic plant growth regulator that promotes ripening, which can enter the plant through leaves, bark, fruits and seeds, and then transmit to the active parts and release ethylene. Can promote fruit ripening and coloring, promote leaves.

  • How to control powdery mildew of pumpkin when the leaves are covered with white spots?

    How to control powdery mildew of pumpkin when the leaves are covered with white spots?

    How to control powdery mildew of pumpkin when the leaves are covered with white spots?

  • What is strawberry deficiency in greenhouse?

    What is strawberry deficiency in greenhouse?

    How to manage strawberries in spring? Please guide to uncover the film and refine the seedlings 1. When the average temperature of the day is about 10 ℃, the mulch for overwintering and cold protection will begin to be removed. two。 Be careful not to break the flower buds when uncovering. If the agricultural film cover should be uncovered during the day, cover at night, and then gradually uncover the film, so as not to affect strawberries.

  • What crops does ethephon work on?

    What crops does ethephon work on?

    What crops does ethephon work on? Ethephon is an organophosphate plant growth regulator with broad spectrum and low toxicity. It can enter plants through leaves, bark, fruits and seeds, and then transfer to the active parts to release ethylene. It can promote fruit ripening and coloring, promote leaves and fruits...

  • Feed formula for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Feed formula for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Pelteobagrus fulvidraco is distributed in all the freshwater waters in China, especially in the rivers and lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Its meat is delicate and has no intermuscular thorns, delicious taste, rich nutrition, nourishing effect and medicinal value. When culturing Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, the fish feed formula should be

    2020-11-11 Pelteobagrus fulvidraco feed formula distributed in China
  • High-yield cultivation of licorice

    High-yield cultivation of licorice

    Licorice, also known as sweet grass root, is a medicinal plant of Leguminosae, which is used in medicine with roots and strong stems, which can tonify the spleen and replenish qi, clear away heat and detoxification, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, and reconcile various medicines. Licorice likes dry climate and is resistant to severe cold. It is suitable for planting in sandy soil with deep soil layer, good drainage, low groundwater level, rich calcium and neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Waterlogged land, land with high groundwater level and acid soil are not suitable for planting. Licorice is usually propagated with strong roots and stems. After harvesting licorice in autumn or spring, put the thick root into medicine and choose the small one.

  • Matters needing attention when feeding live pigs with chicken manure

    Matters needing attention when feeding live pigs with chicken manure

    Matters needing attention when feeding live pigs with chicken manure

  • Jinmai 47

    Jinmai 47

    National trial variety. This variety is a weak winter and mid-early maturing variety. The seedlings are semi-creeping, the growth is steady, the tillering ability is strong, and the panicle rate is high. The plant height is 85 Mel 90 cm, the leaf is up-tilted, the plant type is compact, the ear layer is neat, the panicle is rectangular, long awn, white shell, white grain, the number of grains per ear is 28 Mel 35, 1000-grain weight 42 Mel 45 g. It has good drought and frost resistance, fast grouting speed, good yellowing, strong resistance to dry and hot wind, good lodging resistance, middle susceptibility to stripe and leaf rust. Main points of cultivation: suitable for dry and fertile land
