
Load Learn more about Load

  • How to determine the reasonable load of planting Pear trees

    How to determine the reasonable load of planting Pear trees

    Under normal management and moderate load conditions, the flower quantity of adult pear trees is generally too much, and the flower branch rate of some trees is as high as 7080%, which is full of flowers. Although too many flowers are the basis of high yield, too much fruit will show a large number of falling fruit and small fruit, and less flowers in the following year.

    2020-11-08 Species pear trees how to determine reasonable negative load in normal
  • Measurement of grass yield in grazing land Calculation of sheep load

    Measurement of grass yield in grazing land Calculation of sheep load

    (a) grass yield measurement grazing land grass yield is affected by factors such as season, climate, species and grazing use. It is important to determine the reasonable sheep load by measuring the grass yield of grazing land. Sample method can be used. The mowing quantity of 1 square meter pastureland is taken as a sample, at least 10 sample squares are sampled in each grazing plot, 10~20 sample squares are sampled in each large area, 50~100 sample squares are required for desert pastureland, and the actual number of sample squares is divided by the grass yield of sample squares.

  • Management techniques of Flower and Fruit in Grape

    Management techniques of Flower and Fruit in Grape

    Management techniques of Flower and Fruit in Grape

  • Biyang donkey

    Biyang donkey

    Produced in Henan Province, the central producing area is in Biyang County, so it is called Biyang donkey. Biyang donkey is a medium-sized donkey with a strong physique, square shape and symmetrical development. it is similar to Guanzhong donkey in appearance, but more meticulous than Guanzhong donkey. He is about 1.25 meters tall and weighs 220-250 centimeters. The coat color is mainly pink and black. It is estimated that there are about 25000 horses in existence. Biyang donkey maximum pull 203.3 kg, load 100-150kg, daily travel 40-50 km, 3 donkeys pull load 1500 kg rubber-wheeled cart, daily travel 35-40 km. Slave, meat and meat at the same time

  • The latest course of Flower and Fruit Management techniques of Grape

    The latest course of Flower and Fruit Management techniques of Grape

    Grapes are now very large in the national market, grapes can not only be used as fresh fruit, but also can be processed into raisins, wine and other foods. It is very popular in the market, and the management of grapes is very popular when growing grapes.

    2020-11-10 The latest grapes flowers and fruits management techniques methods tutorials
  • Buy a house and give it a 180-inch platform. You can't waste building a garden.

    Buy a house and give it a 180-inch platform. You can't waste building a garden.

    Buy a house to send a terrace to have more than 180 square meters, not the roof, in the second floor, go out is the garden, can see at a glance from the room, better than the roof. Every day you can see the garden full of flowers and trees, the picture is too shocking, but this.

  • Grape planting technique: why is the summer black grape rotten?

    Grape planting technique: why is the summer black grape rotten?

    Grape planting technique: why is the summer black grape rotten?

  • Tepco: the water situation has not yet improved and water saving should not be forgotten.

    Tepco: the water situation has not yet improved and water saving should not be forgotten.

    In recent days, the weather is hot, with temperatures above 30 degrees all over Taiwan, which in turn leads to an increase in electricity demand. Taiwan Power said that the instantaneous peak load reached 35.993 million kilowatts on the 11th, setting a new high this year and the fifth highest in history in May.

  • The stone trough received from the flat-entry garden for 50 yuan is worth a lot of extra points.

    The stone trough received from the flat-entry garden for 50 yuan is worth a lot of extra points.

    Flower people tend to have happiness, because they all love life! I like the natural color and clumsy appearance of the stone very much. Just taking into account the load-bearing capacity of the balcony, there are some good stone tools do not dare to put, this year is going to hit the idea of logs. Me.

  • Technical points of Live Fish Transportation

    Technical points of Live Fish Transportation

    This paper mainly studies and summarizes the open live fish transportation methods of common freshwater adults and species in the market, and studies a simple, convenient, large loading, high survival rate and low transportation cost of live fish transportation method. 1. Method of transportation 1. Before filling the water tank with fish, it is necessary to fill the water tank of the car where the fish are transported. The water used had better use underground hard water. Generally, the water tank is 40cm to 50cm deep. When transporting in summer, it is best to add about 1 stroke 5 when adding underground well water.

  • The structure of bamboo rodent breeding pond

    The structure of bamboo rodent breeding pond

    The structure of bamboo rodent breeding pond

  • Technical principles of Flower and Fruit thinning of Pear

    Technical principles of Flower and Fruit thinning of Pear

    On the basis of winter shearing, flower and fruit thinning is to regulate and control the trees that still have more flowers or more fruit; this is a means to achieve reasonable load; its main function is to overcome the big and small years and stabilize the yield; the second is to ensure that the fruits in the current year are large and tidy; to make the fruits left on the trees develop into qualified high-quality commercial fruits and produce fewer residual fruits; the third is to form a sufficient number of flower buds bearing next year and maintain a strong momentum. Trees that do not thinning fruit or leaving too much fruit are easy to have large and small years. The essence of the year is the fruit.

  • Two measures for arrangement of grape inflorescence

    Two measures for arrangement of grape inflorescence

    There are 300 to 1500 flowers in the grape inflorescence, and most of the flowers and fruits fall during the fruit setting period. Therefore, flower thinning of inflorescences retained on fruiting branches can enhance the development of remaining flowers. First, sparse inflorescences. To remove the whole inflorescence from the fruiting branch. When the plant load is large and the inflorescence is too much, it is necessary.

  • Cement combination box for cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    Cement combination box for cultivation of Gastrodia elata

    The box is completely composed of cement board, and the volume of the cavity is required to be 60 cm long, 40 cm wide and 32 cm high. Each box is composed of five plates, of which two horizontal sides are 60 cm long, 32 cm wide and 2 cm thick, two plugs are 45 cm long, 32 cm wide and 2 cm thick, and a bottom plate is 65 cm long, 45 cm wide and 3 cm-5 cm thick. The plate and the plate are connected by a connecting ring, which is interlaced with canine teeth, and a pin stick is inserted into the ring. 1. Backplane. The open-box cow bears the most load.

  • Problems to be considered in planting Fujimoto rose on the balcony

    Problems to be considered in planting Fujimoto rose on the balcony

    Now, more and more friends like to plant some plants on the balcony to beautify the home environment, but potted plants can no longer satisfy the flower friends. Now, some flower friends have successfully planted Fujimoto rose on the balcony. Although it is feasible to plant Fujimoto rose on the balcony.

  • Common Walnut Tree shape and shaping techniques

    Common Walnut Tree shape and shaping techniques

    A reasonable tree shape is the skeleton of the tree, the basis of load yield, and the basic condition of high yield, high quality and high efficiency. The purpose of shaping is to create a solid tree skeleton to ensure that the canopy can intercept the light energy and the yield with high load to the maximum extent. A reasonable tree

    2020-11-27 Common walnut tree shape and plastic technical reasonable
  • Medium-sized agricultural machinery straw crushing and returning machine how to maintain the effect is good?

    Medium-sized agricultural machinery straw crushing and returning machine how to maintain the effect is good?

    Using medium-sized machinery to return straw to the field can increase the content of soil organic matter, improve soil fertility and promote the continuous yield and income of crops. So how can the straw crushing and returning machine have a good maintenance effect? 1. Prepare before operation: you should carefully check the connection of the parts and components.

    2020-11-09 Medium agricultural machinery straw crushing returning field machinery how maintenance
  • The medium that plants can breathe-perlite is essential for non-rotting roots.

    The medium that plants can breathe-perlite is essential for non-rotting roots.

    At the beginning of learning to grow flowers, everyone's first reaction was to dig some soil outside and plant the flowers directly, but as soon as they were watered and the weather was hot, they found that the plants wilted day by day. When they pulled it up and looked at it, they often felt heartache to see a pile of rotting roots and dripping water.

  • Source lotus petal

    Source lotus petal

    Lotus petal orchid source load

  • The heart loves the cymbidium

    The heart loves the cymbidium

    Huilan heart instrument load
