
The latest course of Flower and Fruit Management techniques of Grape

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Grapes are now very large in the national market, grapes can not only be used as fresh fruit, but also can be processed into raisins, wine and other foods. It is very popular in the market, and the management of grapes is very popular when growing grapes.

Grapes are now very large in the national market, grapes can not only be used as fresh fruit, but also can be processed into raisins, wine and other foods. It is very popular in the market, and the management of grapes is very important when growing grapes, especially in the flowering and fruiting period. So the editor brings you the management technology of grape blossom and fruit period today. Let's take a look at it.

1. Reasonable load

The vines have a load range. If the amount of flowers and fruits of the vines exceeds the load range, then not only can not increase the yield, but also lead to a large number of flowers and fruits, resulting in a reduction in production. During the flowering and fruiting period of grapes, our yield per mu should not exceed 2000kg. The load per square meter is about 3kg fruit. If the varieties with small ears are controlled according to the varieties, the weight of each ear is controlled at about 300g. The number of ears of each fruiting branch should not exceed 2. The excess spikes should be removed in time to ensure that the amount of flowers and fruits is within the load range of the grapevine.

2. Spraying foliar fertilizer

During the flowering period, proper spraying of borax and other foliar fertilizer can effectively improve the fruit setting rate of grapes. When spraying foliar fertilizer, it should not be carried out in sunny days, but in cloudy days or in the morning and evening. This can prevent the agent from evaporating too quickly after spraying because the temperature is too high. Then when spraying, we should pay attention to the spraying position and method, using the method of spraying on the back of the young leaves, you can add an appropriate amount of washing powder to the fertilizer to ensure that the liquid can stick to the leaves.

3. Ear trimming

The trimming of ears is also an indispensable management measure for grapes in the flowering and fruiting period. It occurs when the grape inflorescence is fully developed but not fully civilized. The object of cutting is big ear and accessory ear, but it is not suitable to cut off all of them. And keep the spike tip of about 4 beat 5. By the same token, for small ears, it is not appropriate to trim them too heavy, or even not to trim them, just make some trimming.

4. Fruit bagging

After the grape fruit, bagging can effectively prevent diseases, insects and birds from causing damage to the fruit. Avoid can prevent the fruit from coming into contact with the solution, reduce the pollution of the fruit, reduce sunburn, fruit cracking and other bad phenomena. Improve the quality and yield of fruit. When the ear is arranged for the first time, it should be bagged at the right time, usually about three weeks after falling flowers. According to the planting area to determine the specific bagging time, should be sterilized before bagging, the sterilization object is mainly fruit ear, methyl topiramate and other chemicals, after the agent is dry, bagging can be started.

The above is a brief introduction to the management technology of grape flower and fruit stage. The management of grape blossom and fruit period is very important, we must pay more attention, that's all for today's introduction, friends who want to know more related information, please continue to follow us!