
Charcoal Learn more about Charcoal

  • Charcoal is a good thing. Use it to grow flowers and potted plants.

    Charcoal is a good thing. Use it to grow flowers and potted plants.

    Speaking of charcoal, I believe that everyone will not be unfamiliar, whether it is the beginning of heating, metallurgy or the development of the present barbecue, deodorant are inseparable from it, of course, in addition to these uses charcoal has a lot of functions we are not familiar with, just...

  • The magical uses of charcoal for growing flowers are almost like picking up treasures.

    The magical uses of charcoal for growing flowers are almost like picking up treasures.

    Charcoal is the remaining black lump of wood after full combustion. This kind of thing is very common in rural areas or urban and rural fringe areas. It is a seemingly inconspicuous waste, but it is actually a rare good material for growing flowers.

  • Views on charcoal

    Views on charcoal

    Views on charcoal

  • The ingenious use of charcoal on orchids

    The ingenious use of charcoal on orchids

    The ingenious use of charcoal on orchids

  • The wonderful use of charcoal in orchid cultivation

    The wonderful use of charcoal in orchid cultivation

    The wonderful use of charcoal in orchid cultivation

  • How to grow orchids with charcoal

    How to grow orchids with charcoal

    How to grow orchids with charcoal

  • Introduction to the types and uses of carbon

    Introduction to the types and uses of carbon

    Carbon is a relatively common agricultural material in China, and there are many kinds of charcoal. Friends engaged in the carbon industry also know that in the carbon market, the quality requirements for carbon are different under different uses, even if they are of the same use and in different regions. The requirements for carbon are also different.

    2020-11-27 Charcoal kinds and uses introduction charcoal yes China comparison
  • I found a piece of charcoal in the dustbin to put it in the flowerpot. The magnolia exploded and went crazy.

    I found a piece of charcoal in the dustbin to put it in the flowerpot. The magnolia exploded and went crazy.

    The trash can not only pick up cardboard, but also pick up good things for growing flowers. One day, you can pick up a section of charcoal and take it home and put it in a flowerpot. The gentleman orchid does not rot its roots and grows prosperous. Charcoal itself is relatively loose, for the storage of water.

  • High quality of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated with charcoal powder

    High quality of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated with charcoal powder

    Methods 1kg of charcoal powder, 1kg of calcium carbonate and 0.02% carbendazim were added to the 100 kg culture material, and the carbendazim was mixed well, and then closed and fermented. Principle 1. Charcoal powder can adjust the ratio of carbon to carbon in the culture medium. 2. Charcoal powder is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other effective components, which can make up for the lack of nutrition of the culture material. 3. Charcoal powder has the function of absorbing heat and heating up, which is beneficial to the rapid growth of mycelium.

  • What is sorghum charcoal rot? How to prevent?

    What is sorghum charcoal rot? How to prevent?

    What is sorghum charcoal rot? How to prevent? Please give an introduction to sorghum charcoal rot symptoms: sorghum whole growth period can come on. Infection with the disease can lead to withered seedlings or charred roots. The infected roots were initially water-stained, then blackened, internal tissues collapsed, cortex rotted and extended to lateral roots. Infected plants mature early, ears...

  • Guantian Chuanai to Pingtung charcoal adsorption bag to make the air of Fuba fresh.

    Guantian Chuanai to Pingtung charcoal adsorption bag to make the air of Fuba fresh.

    Adhering to the idea of "implementing public welfare", Guantian Wujin Community Cooperative presented 316 packets of charcoal adsorption packages to Pingtung County Government Rehabus, hoping to share the benefits of Guantian Lingchan with the public through such donation activities and achieve sustainable agriculture.

  • Symptoms, causes and control measures of white gourd charcoal rot

    Symptoms, causes and control measures of white gourd charcoal rot

    Wax gourd is one of the vegetables we often eat. It tastes refreshing and light. It is a green and healthy vegetable. In the process of planting wax gourd, it will be attacked by diseases and insect pests for various reasons, especially wax gourd charcoal rot is very common, once it occurs, for wax gourd,

    2020-11-08 white gourd charcoal rot disease symptoms causes and control measures
  • Lentinus edodes is easy.

    Lentinus edodes is easy.

    Lentinus edodes is rich in nutrients, and dried products are easy to absorb moisture and become moldy or be eaten by insects. Using charcoal as moisture absorbent to preserve Lentinus edodes can not only maintain the color and smell of Lentinus edodes, but also easy to operate and easy to popularize. The specific practices are as follows. The inner wall of a large barrel or tank (1.6 meters high and 1.3 meters in diameter) is papered with cotton paper and dried. Put a layer of charcoal on the bottom, cover it with Kraft paper, then install a layer of shiitake mushrooms with a thickness of 30cm, then cover it with a layer of paper, and load it with charcoal of the same thickness as the first layer. Such a layer of shiitake mushrooms and a layer of charcoal fill the container and seal it.

  • Using it to grow flowers has four advantages. Flowers grow more and more prosperous. Regret just knowing.

    Using it to grow flowers has four advantages. Flowers grow more and more prosperous. Regret just knowing.

    Speaking of potted plants, flower friends who have raised flowers for many years must have a lot of experience. No matter using fermented Amoy rice water to water flowers, or using rotten soybeans as organic fertilizer, every little skill in life can be learned and used. Although growing flowers.

  • Fengyue charcoal roasted oolong tea won the iTi International Crystal Award

    Fengyue charcoal roasted oolong tea won the iTi International Crystal Award

    The Belgian iTi International Flavor Evaluation in the new year comes from thousands of products from all over the world. Taiwan, as a producer of high-quality oolong tea, has also actively participated in the competition to demonstrate the excellent quality of characteristic tea. Among them, Fengyue Tea Research Institute follows the traditional workers.

    2021-06-11 Fengyue charcoal baking oolong tea won the iTi international crystal award
  • When green pineapple cuttings, add some to the soil to take root in 3 days and burst in 20 days.

    When green pineapple cuttings, add some to the soil to take root in 3 days and burst in 20 days.

    Green pineapple, as a kind of foliage plant, is very popular with flower friends because of its greasy leaves all the year round, and it can also absorb indoor dust. But although green pineapple is easy to raise, there will be some minor problems, such as the most common yellow.

  • Orchids can't grow. A lot of people make the same mistake. This kind of plant is hard to grow orchids.

    Orchids can't grow. A lot of people make the same mistake. This kind of plant is hard to grow orchids.

    Planting materials play an important role in whether orchids are raised well or not. If the plant material is prepared correctly, the orchid can get twice the result with half the effort; if something goes wrong with the plant material, it is very difficult to feed the orchid, let alone raise it well. What kind of plant is used for orchids? About these good photographers.

  • Raise green pineapple and add some cuttings to take root for 3 days and burst pot for 15 days.

    Raise green pineapple and add some cuttings to take root for 3 days and burst pot for 15 days.

    Green pineapple is a very easy to raise foliage plants, the leaves are very green all the year round, loved by flower friends, raised a lot of green pineapple to absorb indoor dust, but green pineapple is relatively easy to raise, but there will be some minor problems.

  • Orchid Plant Ingredients

    Orchid Plant Ingredients

    Plant material is the material basis for orchids to survive, and it is also one of the factors to promote more buds, vigorous roots and strong seedlings. Here are a few formulas that have been tested and verified by the author for different orchids. Formula 1: mushroom soil 70%, chaff charcoal 20%, coarse river sand 10%, plus 10% bone charcoal (this formula is suitable for planting spring orchid,...

  • Family potted flowers, what to pad at the bottom of the flowerpot, not rotten root growth

    Family potted flowers, what to pad at the bottom of the flowerpot, not rotten root growth

    Family potted flowers, what to pad at the bottom of the flowerpot, not rotten root growth
