
Boston Learn more about Boston

  • What about the yellowing of Boston fern leaves? how to prevent it?

    What about the yellowing of Boston fern leaves? how to prevent it?

    Boston fern is a kind of perennial evergreen fern native to the tropics and subtropics, which is most suitable for pot culture and hanging indoors. What if the leaves of Boston fern turn yellow? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

  • Is Boston fern suitable for indoor culture

    Is Boston fern suitable for indoor culture

    As mentioned above, Boston is not only non-toxic, but also can purify the air, so it is very suitable for indoor breeding, help people absorb harmful gases, and play a certain role in ensuring air quality and human health. Therefore, Boston fern is especially suitable for newly renovated new houses. In addition,

  • Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultured?

    Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultured?

    Boston fern can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in water, and the method of water culture is simpler. The above is the introduction of whether Boston fern can be hydroponically cultured. Let's take a look at the planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern.

  • Are Boston fern and kidney fern the same plant?

    Are Boston fern and kidney fern the same plant?

    Boston fern and kidney fern are not the same kind of fern. Boston fern has erect roots and common leaves. It is a drooping foliage plant. The leaves of kidney fern are scaly and irregular, but their general appearance is similar to that of Boston fern. the only biggest difference is that

  • How to breed Boston ferns? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern

    How to breed Boston ferns? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern

    Boston fern culture methods and precautions lighting, Boston fern likes bright scattered light, should be placed indoors with bright scattered light in spring and summer, when the sun is strong, it can not be placed in direct sunlight, the leaves will turn yellow when the sun is direct; increase the light appropriately in winter

  • Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern pictures of Boston fern

    Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern pictures of Boston fern

    Boston fern is a terrestrial fern foliage plant of Nephropteridaceae and Pteridaceae. Native to the tropics and subtropics, it is distributed in Taiwan Province of China. It belongs to perennial evergreen fern herbs. Rhizome erect, stoloniferous. Leaves tufted, up to more than 60cm long, with slender compound leaves, leaves spreading and drooping

  • Can the culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern be cultured in water?

    Can the culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern be cultured in water?

    Boston fern is very hardy, but prefer humid environment, it is easier to raise, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of Boston fern? Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultured? Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern: generally placed in an indoor place with bright scattered light

  • Methods and points for attention of Boston fern culture

    Methods and points for attention of Boston fern culture

    Perennial evergreen fern herbs of the Boston pteridaceae are a kind of drooping fern foliage plants native to tropical and subtropical regions and distributed in Taiwan Province of China. Drooping pteridophyte foliage plant, suitable for indoor hanging and ornamental, potted and vertical greening, its stolon cutting can be used as a decorative material

  • How to raise Boston fern culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise Boston fern culture methods and matters needing attention

    Pteridophytes are liked by more and more people because of their beautiful leaf shape, and gradually become the type of plants planted by people in their families. Boston fern is a well-developed fern in recent years. Planting Boston fern at home can add one to the family.

    2020-11-08 Bo Ston fern how culture method and matters needing attention
  • How to grow Boston ferns? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern

    How to grow Boston ferns? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern

    The planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern are generally cultivated in bright scattered light indoors, which can not be exposed to strong light, but they can not be cultivated in the dark. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and it can survive the winter safely when it is above 10 ℃ in winter. Although it is resistant to drought, it still needs sufficient moisture and should not be too wet or too dry.

  • How do Boston ferns breed? Introduction to the breeding methods of Boston fern

    How do Boston ferns breed? Introduction to the breeding methods of Boston fern

    The method of reproduction of Boston fern Boston fern can be propagated by ramet method. Boston fern is often propagated by split-plant method. In summer, small plants with roots from stolons are cut from vigorous plants and can be planted separately. Cut off the small plants with roots from the stolons from the vigorous growing plants and plant them separately.

  • Ramet propagation of Boston fern

    Ramet propagation of Boston fern

    The ramet propagation of Boston fern can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, and the ramet in early spring from April to May can be combined with turning the basin. The method of split propagation of Boston fern in early summer, the stolons on the plants will grow rapidly and grow small plants with roots.

  • The function of Boston fern culture method

    The function of Boston fern culture method

    The function of Boston fern culture method

  • The cause and solution of the yellowing of the leaves of Boston fern

    The cause and solution of the yellowing of the leaves of Boston fern

    Boston fern is a temperature-loving plant that grows best in warm climates. Boston fern is now very popular in the market, and many people like to buy it and raise it at home. In the process of breeding, it is possible to ask because of farming skills.

    2020-11-08 Wave Ston fern leaf hair yellow cause and solution
  • Can the vigorous growth of Boston ferns be hydroponically cultivated?

    Can the vigorous growth of Boston ferns be hydroponically cultivated?

    Boston fern, this is a lot of people like, this Boston fern is still very good-looking, what is the way for Boston fern to grow exuberantly? Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultivated: the way for Boston ferns to grow vigorously: light, bright indoor space, and avoid direct sunlight.

  • Matters needing attention in cultivating Boston fern

    Matters needing attention in cultivating Boston fern

    Fertilizer: the fertilization concentration of Boston fern should not be too high, otherwise it is easy to hurt the roots. the best way of fertilization is to add rotten barnyard manure first when filling the pot (changing the basin every other year in spring), and then topdressing with thin fertilizer in the peak growing season. When applying fertilizer, it is necessary to avoid contamination of the leaves with fertilizer, if it is carelessly contaminated.

  • The culture method of Boston fern

    The culture method of Boston fern

    The posture of Boston fern is elegant, which can add a quiet elegance to the living room and bedroom. And Boston fern culture has a very long history, as early as the Victorian era was widely cultivated, so what are the methods of Boston fern culture? 1. Soil:

    2020-11-09 Boston fern breeding method posture
  • What is the flower name of Boston fern?

    What is the flower name of Boston fern?

    Boston fern is a common fern with strong ornamental nature. it originates from tropical and subtropical regions and is currently planted in many parts of our country.

  • The culture method of Boston fern

    The culture method of Boston fern

    The culture method of Boston fern

  • Maintenance methods of Boston fern (Dryopteris crinkle)

    Maintenance methods of Boston fern (Dryopteris crinkle)

    Boston fern (Pteris rugosa) scientific name: nephrolepisexaltatabostoniensis morphological characteristics: small terrestrial or epiphytic fern. Leaves fascicled,-pinnate, slightly pendulous; lobes margin undulate, apex twisted, light green
