
Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultured?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Boston fern can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in water, and the method of water culture is simpler. The above is the introduction of whether Boston fern can be hydroponically cultured. Let's take a look at the planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern.

Boston fern can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in water, and the method of water culture is simpler.

The above is the introduction of whether Boston fern can be hydroponically cultured. Let's take a look at the planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern.

What if the leaves of Boston fern are dry? attention should be paid to watering during the growing season.

Boston fern is an excellent indoor potted plant, but in the process of breeding, the leaves of Boston fern may dry up due to improper maintenance and other reasons, which seriously affect the ornamental value of Boston fern. What about Boston fern leaves when they are dry? how to prevent Boston fern leaves from drying up? Let's study with the editor.

First, what if the Boston fern leaves are dry?

The reason why Boston fern leaves are dry may be due to too much light, too little watering and too much watering. If you want to solve the problem of Boston fern leaves drying, you must prescribe the right medicine to the case.

What to do when the leaves of Boston fern are dry: the light is too strong

Boston ferns prefer semi-shade environment, avoid direct sunlight, too much light will cause rapid evaporation of water in Boston fern leaves, and cause Boston fern leaves to dry. Generally put the Boston fern indoors out of sunlight, sufficient astigmatism is the most suitable, but the growing season should also maintain a certain amount of sunlight for the growth of Boston fern.

What to do when the leaves of Boston fern are dry: too little watering

Boston ferns like warm and humid environments most, including the soil where Boston ferns are planted and the air around them. The main reason why Boston fern leaves are dry is often due to insufficient humidity. Pay attention to watering Boston ferns to keep the soil moist, and often spray water on the leaves of Boston ferns to improve air humidity.

What to do when the Boston fern leaves are dry: overwatering

Boston fern is a plant that likes high humidity very much, but if it is overwatered, it will cause the soil of Boston fern basin to accumulate water, thus causing the leaves of Boston fern to dry up. First of all, the water must be controlled, and then it depends on whether the Boston fern basin soil can be breathable and permeable. If not, it is suggested that consideration be given to changing the soil for the Boston fern, or changing it to hydroponics. Boston fern should be maintained in accordance with the principle of less watering and more spraying. Dry places in the north can consider putting water on a plate under the basin to achieve the purpose of increasing air humidity.

Second, how to prevent Boston fern leaves from drying up?

Boston ferns like warm, humid and semi-shady environments, like bright scattered light, and are afraid of direct sunlight. Summer can be properly shaded, long-term direct light will cause most of the leaves of Boston fern to be withered and yellow. Boston ferns should be kept indoors in bright light and can grow normally even if they are kept for a year. Because of the calcium-loving habit of Boston fern, the basin soil should add appropriate amount of lime and chopped eggshell, and the effect of calcareous fertilizer will be better. In winter, we should reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Boston ferns like the humid environment, the growing season should be fully watered, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, but also pay attention to higher air humidity, when the air is dry, sprinkle water around Boston ferns. Especially in summer, Boston ferns are watered 1-2 times a day. If there is a lack of water, the leaves of Boston ferns will dry up. Boston fern watering avoid basin soil when dry and sometimes wet, easy to make Boston fern leaves yellow. Boston fern is applied 2-3 times a month dilute liquid fertilizer, fertilization should not stain the leaves of Boston fern, so as not to cause rotten leaves.

After reading the relevant information about what to do when the Boston fern leaves are dry, you now know the solution to the Boston fern leaves drying. Share it with your friends!

Ferns do not need seeds and spores to reproduce. Pteridophytes use stems to reproduce.

Flower bonsai network guide: today the flower bonsai network Xiaobian introduces to you the article about breeding ferns without seeds and spores, ferns using stems to reproduce, let's take a look.

There are many species of indoor ornamental ferns, such as bird's nest fern, kidney fern and Boston fern. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of kidney fern and Boston fern. Kidney fern can also reproduce with spores, while Boston fern can only use ramet and stem to reproduce. Let's take a look.

I. introduction of split-plant propagation

Method 1: directly take the new root ball growing in the periphery of the root to propagate.

Method 2: use a sharp knife to cut the larger root ball to propagate.

Second, the choice of soil for raising seedlings:

Peat soil or general culture soil is recommended for soil propagation.

It is recommended to use cutting or seedling sponges for hydroponic propagation.

Third, how to propagate with a stem

Let the Boston kidney fern walk its stem and cut it off (ramet) before planting it when a new plant (seedling) grows.

How can we grow small branches quickly?

In normal maintenance, the medium should be kept in a slightly wet state, the higher humidity conditions needed by Boston ferns should be maintained, and direct sunlight should be avoided during breeding.

If the air humidity is high, there will be no problem even if the soil is slightly dry, lateral buds can only grow when the humidity is high, and the roots will be healthy only if they have a chance to breathe, so air humidity is also an important key.

As for watering is actually very simple, lift the edge of the basin blade slightly with a sharp mouth kettle to pour water, or put it in a shallow water plate for about half an hour to let it capillarity up to absorb water, usually pad wide water plate to provide air humidity, but do not soak the basin bottom.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

The leaves are dry brown or brittle (so-called browning), usually because the air is too dry with too much salt.

Avoid leaves near heat sources or power sockets, as drastic changes in temperature around Boston kidney fern plants can also cause browning.

If the leaves yellowing or withering (non-browning) is usually caused by overwatering, you should immediately stop watering less, cut off the damaged leaves, and check the roots of the plants to see if they have rotted. If the roots of the plants are mostly black, you should throw away the whole plant.

Pteridophytes are tropical plants, normal temperature water should be used when watering, and low water temperature should be avoided in winter.

Fifth, pest control of ferns:

1. Scale insects

Shell insects are one of the most common diseases and insect pests of Boston kidney fern. They look like small brown CDs and are easy to be found in compound leaves. When found, they should be scraped off with their fingernails or removed with similar texture tools.

2. Red spider

Red spiders are not common, but they are more harmful to Boston fern plants than shell worms. If the presence of spider silk between compound leaves is evidence of damage by red spiders, the affected compound leaves should be cut off when found.

If the weather is warm enough, red spiders can be washed off with warm water slightly higher than room temperature. Regular spray can not only help Boston ferns moisturize, but also prevent dry red spiders from invading.

Insecticides should be avoided in dealing with diseases and insect pests of Boston ferns, as ferns are vulnerable to chemicals.