
Benzyl ethyl Learn more about Benzyl ethyl

  • Benzyl ethyl herbicide instructions for use

    Benzyl ethyl herbicide instructions for use

    This product is mainly used for weeding rice fields after rice transplantation. Early rice is generally applied 5-7 days after transplantation, and late rice is generally applied 4-6 days after transplantation. The agent is evenly mixed with urea or sand as top dressing and then fully mixed and then spread, and the shallow water layer is kept in the field for 5-7 days. So, benzyl ethyl weed control

    2020-11-08 Benzyl ethyl herbicide instructions for use this product mainly used in rice
  • Causes and Control Countermeasures of herbicide damage in Paddy Field

    Causes and Control Countermeasures of herbicide damage in Paddy Field

    Causes and control countermeasures of herbicide damage in paddy field 1 cause 1.1 herbicide use problem 1.1.1 herbicide selection wrong seedling throwing field should use herbicide containing butyl benzyl component, if transplanting field herbicide is used in seedling throwing field.

  • Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

    Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

    Four diseases most likely to occur in growing vegetables in winter

  • The function of Gardenia jasminoides the six uses of Gardenia jasminoides

    The function of Gardenia jasminoides the six uses of Gardenia jasminoides

    The function of Gardenia jasminoides the six uses of Gardenia jasminoides

  • The four most common diseases of winter vegetables

    The four most common diseases of winter vegetables

    After winter, the temperature gradually drops, and it is about to enter winter. When planting vegetables at this time, it is often unfavorable to vegetable production due to low temperature, and it is easy to reduce ventilation time, resulting in four degrees increase in shed, creating conditions for disease occurrence and epidemic. following small series

    2020-11-10 latest winter planting vegetables most easy to occur raw four major diseases
  • Acetone benzyl coumarin poisoning in dogs

    Acetone benzyl coumarin poisoning in dogs

    Extensive bleeding can be seen in clinic caused by accidental ingestion of diphacinone sodium salt and warfarin. The main treatment is remonstrance and detoxification. [prescription 1] compound sodium chloride injection 250ml vitamin Kl injection 20-30mg usage: intravenous drip, twice a day, for 3-5 days. [prescription 2] 10% Vitamin K3 injection 0.5-3ml usage: one intramuscular injection. 3 times a day for 3-5 days. [prescription 3]

  • Technical advice on rice field chemical elimination

    Technical advice on rice field chemical elimination

    Rice field chemical elimination is the key link to achieve high and stable yield of rice. There are mainly three kinds of weeds in rice fields in our county: grass weeds such as barnyardgrass, Euphorbia chinensis and crabgrass, broad-leaved weeds such as clematis, Potamogeton rotundus and Aegilops tauschii, as well as Cyperaceae weeds. In recent years, due to the variety of rice planting methods in our county, great changes have taken place in the grass phase of paddy fields: firstly, some malignant weeds in paddy fields have an upward trend, except for barnyardgrass, which still occurs widely and in large quantities, and there are obvious upward trends in sphagnum chinense and cyperus seu.

  • Key points of cultivation in transplanting stage of mechanically implanted rice

    Key points of cultivation in transplanting stage of mechanically implanted rice

    First, make a good start and manage the seedling field well. 1. Look at the seedlings and fertilize them well. It is generally carried out 3-4 days before transplanting; the amount of fertilizer and application method should depend on the seedling color; the detached seedlings with faded leaves should be evenly sprayed or poured with urea 4-4.5 kg per mu to water 200 kg in the evening, and should be sprinkled once after application to prevent fertilizer-burning seedlings; the seedlings should be sprayed with urea 1-1.5 kg per mu and 60-70 kg water per mu The leaves are thick green and the leaves are covered with seedlings, do not apply fertilizer, water control measures should be taken to improve the quality of seedlings.

  • Plant growth substances and orchids

    Plant growth substances and orchids

    Plant growth substances and orchids

  • Aroma-increasing Technology of Natural liquid Tea

    Aroma-increasing Technology of Natural liquid Tea

    There are a large number of glycosides with monoterpene enols and aromatic alcohols as ligands in fresh tea leaves. In the process of tea processing, these substances are hydrolyzed by endogenous glycosidase to release volatile ligands, which is an important source of aroma of all kinds of tea flowers and fruits. It has been proved that there are β-glucosides, β-primroside and a small amount of other disaccharides in fresh tea leaves, which are mainly composed of cis-3-hexenol, linalool, methyl salicylate, geraniol, benzyl alcohol and 2-phenylethanol. After picking fresh tea leaves, they should be processed into all kinds of finished tea leaves.

  • The characteristics of Caryophyllum chinense

    The characteristics of Caryophyllum chinense

    The characteristics of Caryophyllum chinense

  • Suggestions on Cordyceps Control in single cropping Rice Seedling Field

    Suggestions on Cordyceps Control in single cropping Rice Seedling Field

    1. Weeding in the seedling field 1. Weeding before ploughing in the seedling ploughing 10 days before ploughing, 41% glyphosate 150ml / mu or 10% glyphosate 1000 ml / mu flushing 30kg fine spray to control old weeds before sowing. 2. Weeding after sowing ① was sprayed with 17.2% benzepidan wettable powder (Youhebao) 210g / mu 45 kg fine spray 2 days after germination and sowing. ② can be wetted with 40% benzyl propionate during the seedling needling stage.

  • Detailed Analysis of Medicinal value and Culture methods of Caryophyllum chinense

    Detailed Analysis of Medicinal value and Culture methods of Caryophyllum chinense

    Detailed Analysis of Medicinal value and Culture methods of Caryophyllum chinense

  • Which weeds can be eliminated by ethyl carboxyfluoxane?

    Which weeds can be eliminated by ethyl carboxyfluoxane?

    Which weeds can be eliminated by ethyl carboxyfluoxane? What is the weeding effect of ethyl carboxyfluoxane? What should I pay attention to? Also ask netizens to help answer the data of ethyl carboxyfluoxane herbicides sorted out by the Land Network, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The weeding principle of ethyl carboxyfluoxane and which crops it can be used in.

  • What are the seed planting methods of perennial herbs Carnation? What is the effect and effect? And the area of summer carnation

    What are the seed planting methods of perennial herbs Carnation? What is the effect and effect? And the area of summer carnation

    Colorful carnation, alias: Carnation, American carnation, Carnation, perennial herbs of the family Caryophyllaceae, leaves lanceolate, petals usually red-purple, with white spots, capsule ovate-oblong, flowering and fruiting from May to October. Do you know what are the seed planting methods of carnation? What is the effect and effect?

  • Action characteristics of ethyl spinosad

    Action characteristics of ethyl spinosad

    Ethyl spinosad is mainly used to control Lepidoptera larvae, thrips and leafminers, and has a good control effect on Plutella xylostella, beet armyworm, leafminer, thrips, Spodoptera litura and pod borer. Low toxicity to birds, fish, earthworms and aquatic plants; in practical application

    2020-11-09 B Quito fungicides action characteristics
  • How can we raise the wealth tree well?

    How can we raise the wealth tree well?

    How can we raise the wealth tree well?

  • How can we raise the rich tree in the latest?

    How can we raise the rich tree in the latest?

    The rich tree is very popular with people, and how to raise it well has become a problem that people often pay attention to, but many people do not understand its habits and are careless in management, resulting in diseases such as withered branches and leaves, stem rot and so on. How on earth should the rich tree be maintained? Take it.

    2020-11-10 The latest how ability raise well get rich
  • How to apply herbicide in paddy field?

    How to apply herbicide in paddy field?

    How to apply herbicide in paddy field? Please advise: first, choose to use drugs in the period when weeds are most sensitive to herbicides in order to improve the weeding effect. Second, it is necessary to choose the growth period of rice with the strongest resistance to herbicides in order to ensure the safety of rice seedlings. Generally speaking, weeds are in the stage of seed germination and.

  • Strengthen field management after rice planting

    Strengthen field management after rice planting

    Strengthen field management after rice planting
