
The function of Gardenia jasminoides the six uses of Gardenia jasminoides

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The function of Gardenia jasminoides the six uses of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia, color doubt Qiongshu rely on, fragrance like Yujing, fragrance is beautiful, no one does not love, used to do home decoration is a very good practice, today we want to share for you is the role of gardenia, let's take a look!

Effect of Gardenia jasminoides

1. Watch

Gardenia has luxuriant branches and leaves, evergreen leaves, fragrant and elegant flowers, green leaves and white flowers, especially beautiful and lovely, which is an excellent beautification material in the courtyard. it is suitable for the configuration of front steps, poolside and roadside, and can also be used as flower hedges, potted plants and bonsai, with high ornamental value.

2. Beautify the home

Gardenia is absolutely a very good embellishment at home. Put a gardenia next to the TV at home, beautifying the indoor space and absorbing harmful radiation inside, but also emitting fragrance from time to time, masking the original insipid or even unpleasant smell, exchanging air to the space, making the whole family full of poetry.

3. Purify the air

Gardenia is resistant to sulfur dioxide and can absorb sulfur to purify the atmosphere. 0.5 kg leaves can absorb 0.002 to 0.005 kg of sulfur, and the air in the middle of planting at home should be much more fresh and comfortable.

4. Medicinal use

Gardenia, fruit, leaves and roots can be used as medicine, generally make tea or fried soup to take. Gardenia contains geniposide, dehydroxygeniposide, chicken rattan glycoside methyl ester and a small amount of geniposide, which has the effects of clearing away heat and diuresis, cooling blood and detoxification, jaundice, bloody pain, eye swelling, fire sore, lowering blood pressure and so on. Among them, gardenia fruit is used as medicine to treat fever and high fever, restlessness, toothache, sores in mouth and tongue, nasal rules, hematemesis, conjunctivitis, sore swelling, jaundice infectious hepatitis, broad bean disease, urine blood; external use to treat traumatic bleeding, contusion and contusion. The root is used as medicine to treat infectious hepatitis, injury caused by falls, and toothache caused by wind and fire.

5. Edible

Gardenia has a very high medicinal value, at the same time, it is also edible. The main edible methods of gardenia are: cold gardenia, gardenia egg flower, gardenia fried bamboo shoots, gardenia fresh soup, scented tea, pickled candied fruit, fried gardenia honey soup, gardenia fried leek and so on.

6. Daily chemical industry

Gardenia flower contains benzyl acetate, linalyl acetate, ethyl threonyl ester and other components. Gardenia fragrance is very popular in the world. Gardenia extract can be produced by extraction method with gardenia flower (extract yield 0.1-0.13%), which can be widely used in cosmetic and food fragrance, and gardenia oil can be produced by steam distillation. Gardenia oil can be used to prepare a variety of flower fragrance, soap, cosmetic essence Benzyl acetate and linalyl acetate of Gardenia jasminoides oil were isolated by vacuum fractionation as the main flavor agent or coordinating agent for daily make-up, and also used in food, such as the essence of chewing gum.

Let's introduce the use of gardenia in detail.

1. Gardenia salad. Gardenia 500 grams, chopped onions, shredded ginger each appropriate amount. Wash gardenia flowers in boiling water, boil them in boiling water, remove and drain water, cool and grasp them with chopsticks, place them on a white porcelain plate, sprinkle chopped onions and shredded ginger, pour in sesame oil and vinegar, add salt and monosodium glutamate, and stir evenly. This dish is fresh and tender, with the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxification and relieving dysentery. It is suitable for lung heat cough, carbuncle swelling, intestinal wind blood and other diseases.

2. Gardenia egg flower. 200 grams of gardenia, 3 eggs, chopped onions and shredded ginger. Wash gardenia flowers, put them in boiling water and chop them into pieces; beat eggs in a bowl and beat well; put gardenias in human eggs and stir well; refuel in the pot, heat to 80%, pour gardenia eggs, deep-fry, sprinkle with chopped onions, shredded ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, stir well. This dish is fragrant, crisp and tender, with the effect of clearing heat and nourishing stomach, broadening intestines and benefiting qi. It is suitable for diseases such as hot stomach, bad breath, swollen and painful gums, poor defecation and so on.

3. Stir-fried bamboo shoots with gardenia: 200g gardenia, 150g shelled bamboo shoots, 100g bacon, chopped onions and shredded ginger. Gardenia flowers to miscellaneous wash, a little scald; small bamboo shoots obliquely cut into thin slices; bacon cut into small diced meat; pot refueling, burning to 60% hot, gardenia, bamboo shoots, bacon together into the pot, stir-fry several times, add chopped onions, shredded ginger, and then stir-fry until cooked, add monosodium glutamate, salt. This dish is light and fresh, crisp, tender and refreshing, with the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizers, clearing away heat and promoting intestines. It is suitable for diseases such as sluggish stomach, reduced diet, abdominal distension and so on.

4. Gardenia soup: 150 grams of gardenia, 100 grams of lean pork, 30 grams of shredded mustard, chopped onions and shredded ginger. Gardenia to miscellaneous wash, slightly blanch, drain water; shredded pork; add water in the pot, boil gardenia, lean pork, shredded mustard, and then boil until the pork floats, skimming foam, add onion, shredded ginger and other five spices, Sheng people soup bowl, this soup is fresh and refreshing, with the effect of nourishing stomach, clearing heat and benefiting intestines. It is suitable for poor body deficiency, bleeding under intestinal wind, poor defecation, cough and expectoration, gum swelling and pain, etc.

5. Scented tea. To drink the flowers after drying, the method is to remove the calyx and pedicel, spread the Corolla down into a thin layer, dry it with a gentle fire or test box, or turn it over when drying, so that it can be heated evenly, dry and put in a sealed container and refrigerated in the refrigerator. Drink directly with hot water, can add rock sugar, honey and so on to increase sweetness.

6. Pickle candied fruit. Knead the petals with salt, rinse and drain with cold water, mix well with sugar in the ratio of petals to sugar at 1:2, marinate in a sealed container for 3 days and serve.

7. Deep-fried gardenia. Prepare batter with flour, egg juice and water, so that the petals can not be exposed, and deep-fry in oil until golden brown.

8. Gardenia flower honey soup. Fresh gardenia 915g, a little honey. Pan-fry soup with water. This prescription comes from "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica", gardenia clearing and purging lung heat, honey moistening lung dryness. For lung heat or lung dryness, cough, or hemoptysis.

Drain water; shred pork; add water in pot, boil gardenia, lean pork, shredded mustard, and then boil until pork floats, skimming foam, add chopped onions, shredded ginger and other five seasonings, Sheng ren soup bowl, this soup is fresh and refreshing, with the effect of nourishing stomach, clearing heat and benefiting intestines. It is suitable for poor body deficiency, bleeding under intestinal wind, poor defecation, cough and expectoration, gum swelling and pain, etc.

5. Scented tea. To drink the flowers after drying, the method is to remove the calyx and pedicel, spread the Corolla down into a thin layer, dry it with a gentle fire or test box, or turn it over when drying, so that it can be heated evenly, dry and put in a sealed container and refrigerated in the refrigerator. Drink directly with hot water, can add rock sugar, honey and so on to increase sweetness.

6. Pickle candied fruit. Knead the petals with salt, rinse and drain with cold water, mix well with sugar in the ratio of petals to sugar at 1:2, marinate in a sealed container for 3 days and serve.

7. Deep-fried gardenia. Prepare batter with flour, egg juice and water, so that the petals can not be exposed, and deep-fry in oil until golden brown.

8. Gardenia flower honey soup. Fresh gardenia 915g, a little honey. Pan-fry soup with water. This prescription comes from "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica", gardenia clearing and purging lung heat, honey moistening lung dryness. For lung heat or lung dryness, cough, or hemoptysis.