
7.5 Learn more about 7.5

  • Next year, the increase in farmers 'income will be maintained at more than 7.5 percent

    Next year, the increase in farmers 'income will be maintained at more than 7.5 percent

    On December 12, the Ministry of Agriculture held a party group (enlarged) meeting, which pointed out that next year we should do everything possible to stabilize grain output at more than 1100 billion jin and keep farmers 'income growth at more than 7.5%. Ministry of Agriculture: Keep farmers 'income growth rate above 7.5% next year December

    2016-03-20 next year the increase in peasants 'income will be maintained at 7.5 percent or more.
  • Row spacing and plant spacing of peanut

    Row spacing and plant spacing of peanut

    When planting peanuts, the row spacing of double-grain strip sowing in the south is about 25~35cm, the plant spacing is about 15~30cm, the row spacing of single-grain strip sowing is about 7.5~15cm, and the plant spacing is about 7.5~15cm. In the north, the row spacing of single-row ridge is about 35~45cm, and the plant spacing is about 13~15cm.

    2020-11-09 Peanut planting row spacing and plant spacing flower planting general southern
  • How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato

    How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato

    How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato

  • Design Scheme of Modern Pig Farm

    Design Scheme of Modern Pig Farm

    Design Scheme of Modern Pig Farm

  • Design idea of Wantou Pig Farm and Pig herd structure

    Design idea of Wantou Pig Farm and Pig herd structure

    Design idea of Wantou Pig Farm and Pig herd structure

  • How to fertilize strawberries to grow well

    How to fertilize strawberries to grow well

    It is necessary to apply pre-flower fertilizer, post-fruit fertilizer, pregnant flower fertilizer and extra-root topdressing. Before flowering, 10 kg of urea and 25 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied per mu. Apply urea and ammonium sulfate 10kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer 15kg / mu, potassium chloride 7.5kg / mu after fruit. Pregnant flower fertilizer is mainly applied with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

    2020-11-09 How to fertilize strawberry talent grow be good need give good flowers
  • Control techniques of common diseases and insect pests in rice

    Control techniques of common diseases and insect pests in rice

    A bacterial disease in the leaves of rice. The pathogen is a pathogenic variety of rice yellow unicellular rice in prokaryotes. The bacteria are immersed in the wounds and pores of the roots, stems and leaves and multiply in the ducts of the vascular bundles. Seedling stage and tillering stage are the most vulnerable. Most of the seedling leaves showed the symptom of leaf withering. In the infectious product.

  • Application Technology of Base Fertilizer in Wheat

    Application Technology of Base Fertilizer in Wheat

    Application Technology of Base Fertilizer in Wheat

  • How to raise peonies: what is peony purple feather disease?

    How to raise peonies: what is peony purple feather disease?

    What is peony purple feather disease? What harm does purple stripe feather disease have to peony? Also ask friends to help introduce the harm of purple feather disease of peony: commonly known as purple or black root rot, is a common fungal disease of peony. The incidence of old plants and continuous cropping for many years is higher, which also harms forest fruit trees and trees in addition to peony.

  • How to grow buckwheat head

    How to grow buckwheat head

    Buckwheat head, also known as Jiantou, botanical name, belongs to the perennial root herb of Liliaceae. It has been cultivated in China for 3000-4000 years since ancient times. Today we will talk about how to grow buckwheat heads. 1. The suitable time for sowing and planting is early September, and there are clear seeds and sets of planting methods.

    2020-11-09 Buckwheat head how seed buckwheat head also known as buckwheat head plant scientific name
  • Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soybean

    Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soybean

    In the seedling stage of soybean, appropriate edible nitrogen fertilizer makes the plant grow stronger, and it is generally appropriate to apply 7.5 to 10 kg of urea per mu. Spraying 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or calcium superphosphate water root at flowering stage can increase the nitrogen content of grains and significantly increase the yield.

    2020-11-09 Soybean nitrogen and phosphorus potassium ratio soybean in young seedling stage appropriate
  • Tongdou No. 4 (soybean)

    Tongdou No. 4 (soybean)

    First, the approval number Su Shendou 200602 II, the original name of the variety source and type is "95-50". It is an early-maturing summer soybean variety in Huainan. It was bred in 2000 by the Agricultural Science Research Institute along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province to cross between Pudong and Yancheng. Third, the scope of adaptation is suitable for summer soybean cultivation in Huainan area of Jiangsu Province. 4. Yield level and characteristics participated in the regional trial of summer soybean in Huainan, Jiangsu Province from 2003 to 2004. The average yield per mu in two years was 148.0 kg, which was 8. 5% higher than that of the control.

  • Earthworm culture technology and profit statement

    Earthworm culture technology and profit statement

    Earthworm breeding technology: the puddle connected with the ditch can be used for reconstruction and breeding, adding 7.5-10 kg of livestock and poultry manure or farm manure per square meter, and 0.25-0.5 kg of seed worms, which can be fed with feed such as cow manure, pig manure, straw and so on. The temperature should be kept at

    2020-11-08 Earthworms farming techniques and profit statements summaries earthworms
  • How to cut African Impatiens

    How to cut African Impatiens

    There are many nicknames for African impatiens, such as Sudan impatiens, glass Cui and so on. This plant generally does not grow very tall, and the flowers are colorful and rich, so it is very suitable for potted plants. The stem and leaf price of African impatiens is very smooth, and the number of flowers is also very large.

  • Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Spraying "seven liquids" on cotton increases production by 100 jin.


    According to the experiments of our Institute of Agricultural Sciences and cotton farmers for many years, spraying the following nutrient solution during the application of insecticides to control insects in different growth stages of cotton can effectively increase the yield by 20% Mel 30%. The methods are introduced as follows: 1. Chicken manure: take 3 kg of fermented dried chicken manure, 2, add 7.5 kg of water, 3, soak for 30 hours, 4, cook 2 more for 5 and 3 hours, 6, filter out the residue, 7, and then ferment, 8, until the liquid surface appears white mold. 9, filter out the mildew, 10, add 50 kg of water, 11, spray evenly in 1 mu of cotton field. 12. Rabbit feces:

  • How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

  • Kiwifruit planting techniques: how to prevent and cure kiwifruit chlorosis?

    Kiwifruit planting techniques: how to prevent and cure kiwifruit chlorosis?

    How to prevent and cure kiwifruit chlorosis? Please introduce the control methods of kiwifruit yellowing, we can refer to the following methods to control kiwifruit yellowing: choosing the garden site, the soil pH value of the production and cultivation garden is between 5.5 and 7.5, the soil is better with light loam, medium loam and sandy loam with good permeability.

  • Planting method of Ham Melon in South America

    Planting method of Ham Melon in South America

    Stubble soil preparation: choose to plant in plain or low-lying land with sufficient light and fertile soil. Planting requirements: the seeds should be planted in a nutrition bowl and transplanted when the outdoor temperature is stable above 20 ℃. At the time of transplantation, the distance between plants was 1.3-1.6 m, and 5-7.5 kg of farm manure was applied to each hole.

    2020-11-08 South America ham melon planting methods abstracts stubble selection soil preparation
  • Is it all right to apply fertilizer to wheat once a year?

    Is it all right to apply fertilizer to wheat once a year?

    Base fertilizer: 3 tons of organic fertilizer per mu, plus calcium superphosphate 40kg, urea 10 kg, potassium chloride 7.5-10kg. Seed fertilizer and seedling fertilizer: seed fertilizer is urea 2.5kg, seedling fertilizer is urea 5kg. Jointing and booting fertilizer: wheat fields with faded and yellowed leaves, urea 3-5kg per mu, section 1

    2020-11-08 Wheat fertilization time and methods once a year okay?