
1.5 meters Learn more about 1.5 meters

  • The cultivation method of Luohansong, how much is the price of a tree 1.5 meters high?

    The cultivation method of Luohansong, how much is the price of a tree 1.5 meters high?

    Luohansong is an evergreen tree. Is a more common pine variety, can blossom, receptacle hypertrophy, fleshy, broad-shaped seeds, born on the receptacle. The leaves of this kind of pine are spirally alternate, the leaf surface is dark green, the back is yellowish green, the flowers are bisexual, and the male cones spike.

    2019-03-31 Luohan pine of breeding method loose more less money one tree 1.5 meters
  • Two kinds of flowers are long tortoise back leaf meaning: health and longevity in the living room straight 1.5 meters

    Two kinds of flowers are long tortoise back leaf meaning: health and longevity in the living room straight 1.5 meters

    These two kinds of flowers all grow "tortoise back leaves", meaning: health and longevity, raising 1.5 meters in the living room, more and more people like to grow flowers, many people will put a variety of green plants in the living room, balcony, bedroom and kitchen.

  • Culture method of giant bone hyoid fish

    Culture method of giant bone hyoid fish

    Fish tank requirements: giant bone hyoid fish grow rapidly, it is necessary to choose a fish tank with a length of 4.5 meters, a width of 1.5 meters and a height of 1.5 meters, and measures to prevent escape should be taken at the top. Water quality requirements: prefer weak acid water quality, the suitable water temperature is about 24 ℃-29 ℃. Feed requirements: animals

    2020-11-08 Giant bone hyoid fish culture method summary fish tank requirements giant bone
  • Introduction of seven excellent varieties of okra

    Introduction of seven excellent varieties of okra

    Okra, also known as sheep's horn beans, chili, more varieties, mainly young pods for people to eat, tender leaves, tender flowers can also be eaten. It is a kind of vegetable with health care function, which is rich in a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, and is deeply loved by people. With the okra

    2020-11-27 Okra of seven excellent varieties introduction okra also known as
  • The height of "tranquil Shenmu" is 60 centimeters, but it produces an effect of 1.5 meters.

    The height of

    Quiet Kamiki ADA ranked 77th cylinder only 60cm, and it is no accident that the depth of field is very important from the composition, from the thick tree trunk in front to the dense jungle in the distance, from the flat prairie in front to the deep canyon in the distance.

  • Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus with wheat straw and cow manure

    Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus with wheat straw and cow manure

    Greenhouse Agaricus bisporus overwintering period generally refers to the winter solstice after the year to the next year Jingzhe this period. During this period, the hypha was in a very slow or stopped growth stage, and sometimes a few fruiting bodies were produced, but it was of little significance in production. According to the dry and wet degree of bacteria layer, two methods of dry overwintering and wet overwintering are adopted.

  • Storage and fresh-keeping Technology of Potato

    Storage and fresh-keeping Technology of Potato

    Storage and fresh-keeping Technology of Potato

  • Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

  • The order for 1.5 yuan per egg has reached half a month later.

    The order for 1.5 yuan per egg has reached half a month later.

    The order for 1.5 yuan per egg has reached half a month later.

  • Family method of rapid fermentation of sawdust

    Family method of rapid fermentation of sawdust

    First of all, it is necessary to regulate the moisture, wet the sawdust with water, and add 1 kg of sawdust starter to each cubic sawdust to mix; secondly, build a pile of fermentation, which is 1.2 to 1.5 meters high and 2 meters wide, and then turn it over four times.

    2020-11-09 Family fast fermentation sawdust method first regulation okay
  • Standardized cultivation technique Model of Rice Daohuaxiang No.2

    Standardized cultivation technique Model of Rice Daohuaxiang No.2

    Daohuaxiang No. 2 rice standardized cultivation technique model 1 expected target yield: 0.8000 kg / ha. The yield components are 17-18 holes per square meter, 20-21 panicles per hole, 95 filled grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight.

  • Breeding techniques of American partridges

    Breeding techniques of American partridges

    Breeding techniques of American partridges

  • How much is the yew? What types of varieties do you have?

    How much is the yew? What types of varieties do you have?

    Taxus chinensis, also known as yew, is recognized as a natural rare anticancer plant on the verge of extinction in the world, known as "tree giant panda". Not only Ruicui, the yew has strong ornamental and medicinal value, so those red bean fir trees with good growth age and quality

    2020-11-27 Yew price more less money one tree have which variety type
  • The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    At present, facility agriculture has large output and good benefits, which is a major direction for the development of modern agriculture. At the same time, it has high scientific and technological content, high technical requirements, and a lot of investment. In this way, for ordinary farmers who want to participate, it is very risky and difficult.

    2020-11-10 The latest vegetables greenhouse construction technology methods tutorials at present
  • Construction of Golden Ring Snake House

    Construction of Golden Ring Snake House

    Artificial breeding gold ring snake can use snake garden, snake room, a small amount of breeding can be used snake box. The snake garden and snake house of Golden Ring Snake should be built in a secluded place with leeward and sunny, high and dry terrain, dense soil, near water source and far from residential areas. The wild environment of the golden ring snake should be simulated in the snake garden. the wall around the snake garden is 2.5 meters high, the inner wall of the wall should be flattened with cement, the corner of the wall should be built into a circular arc, the wall foundation should be 1.5 meters deep underground, and tamped with concrete at the depth of 1.5 meters of soil to prevent rodents from burrowing and making snakes escape.

  • Comprehensive adjustment techniques for high density cultivation of cotton 81y3

    Comprehensive adjustment techniques for high density cultivation of cotton 81y3

    Variety 81y3 has the characteristics of high boll formation rate per plant, strong boll setting, disease resistance, high yield and high quality. At the same time, 81y3 also has the characteristics of weak growth in seedling stage, stronger growth potential in bud stage, strong growth potential in flowering stage, no premature senescence in later stage and long growth period. In order to obtain high yield and high yield in a large area under the condition of high density cultivation, we must coordinate the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of cotton under the premise of scientific and rational operation of water and fertilizer, and master the comprehensive regulation techniques of 81-3 high-density and high-yield cultivation.

  • Construction of turtle pond

    Construction of turtle pond

    1. Juvenile turtle pond is called juvenile turtle when it is just born to less than 10 grams. The area of the pool is 2 square meters ~ 8 square meters, rectangular, and the depth is 0.3 ~ 0.4 meters. The water depth is kept at 0.1 m ~ 0.15 m, the bottom of the pool is covered with fine sand, and the pool is covered with a shade canopy 1-1.5 m higher than the top of the pool. A rest table with a width of about 20 cm should be built at both ends. Build a 30 °slope at the intersection of the rest table and the water surface to facilitate its up and down. two。 The young soft-shelled turtle is called young turtle whose weight in the pond is about 10 ~ 100 grams. The area of the pool is 20 square meters.

  • How much is one meter of Pinus elliottii?

    How much is one meter of Pinus elliottii?

    How much is one meter of Pinus elliottii?

  • The Construction method of Snake House of Golden Ring Snake

    The Construction method of Snake House of Golden Ring Snake

    Artificial breeding gold ring snake can use snake garden, snake room, a small amount of breeding can be used snake box. The snake garden and snake house of Golden Ring Snake should be built in a secluded place with leeward and sunny, high and dry terrain, dense soil, near water source and far from residential areas. The wild environment of the golden ring snake should be simulated in the snake garden. the wall around the snake garden is 2.5 meters high, the inner wall of the wall should be flattened with cement, the corner of the wall should be built into a circular arc, the wall foundation should be 1.5 meters deep underground, and tamped with concrete at the depth of 1.5 meters of soil to prevent rodents from burrowing and making snakes escape. Snake garden ground

  • Profit and cost of raising sheep

    Profit and cost of raising sheep

    Profit and cost of raising sheep
