
tassel Learn more about tassel

  • Maintenance of tassel bonsai

    Maintenance of tassel bonsai

    1. Tassel trees like the sun, try to put it in a place that depends on the sun, the light should be a little more. two。 To ensure a relatively humid growth environment, tassel trees like to pour water through the soil, but can not accumulate water. 3. To apply fertilizer reasonably, both excessive fertilization and insufficient fertilization will affect its growth.

  • Matters needing attention in the maintenance of tassel bonsai

    Matters needing attention in the maintenance of tassel bonsai

    Xiguang Xiyang bonsai should be placed in sunny or transparent places as far as possible. Sufficient moisture fimbriate trees grow in a humid environment, so it is necessary to ensure that there is enough water, but there is no water in the soil, which will affect the growth of the flow rate. Pay attention to pest control, there will be beetles in the tassel growing period.

  • Tassel grafted osmanthus bonsai

    Tassel grafted osmanthus bonsai

    Tassel, also known as April snow or shredded radish flowers, is in full bloom every early summer, covered with white flowers, such as frost and snow. Tassel flower, white and flawless, like a fairy who does not eat human smoke and fire, detached from the dust. Beautiful flowers, such as the ancient ladies dress tassel, hence the name, very beautiful, both elegant and holy

  • The advantages of grafting Osmanthus fragrans with tassel trees

    The advantages of grafting Osmanthus fragrans with tassel trees

    Tassel tree is a small tree or deciduous shrub, the annual flowering period is from April to June, tassel tree on the soil requirements are not strict, in the neutral slightly acidic and alkaline soil can grow very well, so its adaptability is very strong. And sweet-scented osmanthus has certain requirements for the environment, so it uses tassel trees to graft sweet-scented osmanthus.

  • Can tassel trees make bonsai?

    Can tassel trees make bonsai?

    The best breeding time for tassel trees is from September to October every year, and cutting is usually carried out in July and August. It can do bonsai production method is relatively simple, first select tassel stump as rootstock, in the grafting site to cut the interface, the interface needs to be oval, to 3 to 5 cm

  • What is the price of tassel saplings? How to plant it?

    What is the price of tassel saplings? How to plant it?

    Tassel tree can be used as rootstock to graft sweet-scented osmanthus, its hard wood can be used as high-quality wood, and its new buds and tender leaves have the medicinal effect of relieving summer heat and relieving thirst. At the same time, its tree shape is dignified and beautiful, and it is also an important ornamental tree species for landscaping and urban street beautification. So tassel saplings

    2020-11-09 Tassel sapling price yes how much how planting tassel tree can
  • How to make bonsai with tassel trees

    How to make bonsai with tassel trees

    There are three main methods for tassel tree to make bonsai, the first is the cutting method, the second is the connecting method, and the third is the high-order method. Among them. The most suitable way is to rely on the joining method. Let's learn how to do it. First of all, the stump of the tassel tree is used as the rootstock, and then the grafted part of the rootstock is cut into a slope.

  • The latest course on cutting techniques and methods of tassel trees

    The latest course on cutting techniques and methods of tassel trees

    Tassel tree, also known as radish silk flower, tea tree, April snow and so on, Oleaceae, tassel tree is a deciduous tree. The young leaves of tassel tree can replace tea and have certain medicinal value, its material is better, it can be used for making utensils and cabinetwork, the branches and leaves of tassel tree are luxuriant, and the flowers are large and beautiful.

    2020-11-10 Latest tassel trees cuttings techniques methods tutorials tassels
  • How much is the price of deciduous shrub fringed tree seedlings? When does it blossom? Can sweet-scented osmanthus trees be grafted? How to plant

    How much is the price of deciduous shrub fringed tree seedlings? When does it blossom? Can sweet-scented osmanthus trees be grafted? How to plant

    Tassel tree, also known as radish silk flower, beef tendon, black gold, tea tree, April snow, is a deciduous shrub or small tree, tall and beautiful. How much is the price of tassel saplings? When does it blossom? Can sweet-scented osmanthus trees be grafted? How do you plant it? According to the data of Oleaceae, the flowering period of tassel tree is from June to July.

  • How to maintain the bonsai of the latest tassel trees

    How to maintain the bonsai of the latest tassel trees

    If you want to propagate the tassel tree by sowing, the best time is from mid-September to early October, and the best time for cutting propagation is from July to August. Soil and water fimbriate trees do not have high requirements for soil, but if the water and nutrients are sufficient, soft sand

    2020-11-10 The latest tassel trees bonsai how conservation reproduction if
  • Matters needing attention after grafting Osmanthus fragrans

    Matters needing attention after grafting Osmanthus fragrans

    Sweet-scented osmanthus likes sunshine and is resistant to high temperature, so it does not need to be sheltered when it is hot. June to August is the differentiation period of sweet-scented osmanthus, so it is necessary to give about ten hours of sunshine every day, so as to promote the flowering rate. Watering is now in autumn. After tassel trees are grafted with sweet-scented osmanthus, they should be watered once a day.

  • How to maintain the bonsai of tassel trees

    How to maintain the bonsai of tassel trees

    How to maintain the bonsai of tassel trees

  • Cutting technique of tassel tree

    Cutting technique of tassel tree

    Cutting technique of tassel tree

  • Is it easy to raise sweet-scented osmanthus by tassel grafting?

    Is it easy to raise sweet-scented osmanthus by tassel grafting?

    Tassel, as a unique rare ornamental tree species in China, is a good material for making bonsai, especially as the rootstock of grafted sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai. Even if it is not used as a rootstock, it will be planted in pots directly, and it will have a very high ornamental value at the flowering stage. Making bonsai with tassel grafting sweet-scented osmanthus

  • Matters needing attention in the Culture of Zhu tasseled Flower

    Matters needing attention in the Culture of Zhu tasseled Flower

    The plants that trim the Zhu tasseled flowers grow very tall and begin to be pruned when the young trees are up to 2 meters high. The main branches of Zhu tasseled flowers can be cut off to promote new branches and make the crown fuller. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to pruning the plant type and cut off the extra side branches and unnecessary new buds.

  • The latest culture method of Zhu tasseled flower

    The latest culture method of Zhu tasseled flower

    Zhu tassel is an excellent flowering tree species, also known as Leucaena paniculata, American acacia, red velvet ball, etc., is a deciduous shrub or small tree of the genus Leguminosae. It is native to South America and is often cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. Taiwan, Fujian and Guangdong have

    2020-11-10 The latest Zhu Ying flower culture method Zhu tasseled flower is
  • The latest course on techniques and methods of grafting Osmanthus fragrans with tassel trees

    The latest course on techniques and methods of grafting Osmanthus fragrans with tassel trees

    Tassel is a deciduous shrub or small tree, flowering from April to June and fruit ripening from September to October. The requirements of soil are not strict, neutral, slightly acidic, slightly alkaline can adapt. The sweet-scented osmanthus grafted with tassel has strong affinity and grows well. The sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai cultivated by tassel stump can be used in

    2020-11-10 Latest tassel tree grafting sweet-scented osmanthus technology method tutorial
  • Overwintering temperature of Osmanthus fragrans grafted with tassel

    Overwintering temperature of Osmanthus fragrans grafted with tassel

    Tassel, also known as April snow, is a relatively rare and precious protected tree species. In summer, trees will be covered with white flowers, such as snow cover, clear and pleasant. Tassel can not only be planted in pots, but also make bonsai stumps, and it is also a high-quality rootstock for grafting sweet-scented osmanthus.

  • Is it easy to grow Zhu tasseled flowers?

    Is it easy to grow Zhu tasseled flowers?

    Zhu tasseled flowers, with red flowers, are furry like red fluffy balls. It is a shrub plant, high ornamental, very beautiful.

  • The nickname of Zhu tasseled flower

    The nickname of Zhu tasseled flower

    Zhu tasseled flowers, with red flowers, are furry like red fluffy balls. It is a shrub plant, high ornamental, very beautiful.
