
swollen joint Learn more about swollen joint

  • What medicine does swollen piggy leg use? The effect of cephalosporin combined with it is doubled.

    What medicine does swollen piggy leg use? The effect of cephalosporin combined with it is doubled.

    What medicine does swollen piggy leg use? The effect of cephalosporin combined with it is doubled.

  • What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

  • Etiological Analysis and differential diagnosis of Chicken leg Diseases

    Etiological Analysis and differential diagnosis of Chicken leg Diseases

    In the process of feeding, chickens often suffer from leg diseases such as soft feet, claudication, paralysis, squatting and unwilling to walk, deformed legs and paws and paralysis. The causes of leg diseases in chickens are extremely complicated. Leg disease is mostly a symptom of a disease, or a type of disease, a very small number of independent diseases, which some people call foot weakness syndrome. The occurrence of leg disease in the flock directly affects the uniformity of the flock and improves the abandonment rate and sporadic mortality of the flock. In this paper, the etiology and characteristics of chicken leg disease are summarized as follows. Chicken leg

  • How do breeding friends judge chicken infectious synovitis?

    How do breeding friends judge chicken infectious synovitis?

    How about the prevention of chicken infectious synovitis? 2017-12-14 Avian doctor Little Prince Chicken Infectious synovitis, also known as synovial cyst mycoplasma, is infected by Mycoplasma synovium.

  • Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    In the modern chicken industry, the incidence of chicken leg and foot disease has increased, which has become a difficult problem that can not be ignored. At present, some chicken farms (households) lack sufficient understanding and understanding of chicken leg foot disease, and often do not pay attention to it, which can easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. According to the author's clinical practice for many years and the clinical experience of many colleagues, the causes and similar symptoms of common leg and foot diseases in chicken production are summarized as follows. 1 nutrition-related leg and foot disease 1.1 vitamins

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of swollen wind

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of swollen wind

    Rhizoma Scutellariae is a rare traditional Chinese medicine. It is the dried whole plant of Chloropodiaceae, alias Jiujie flower, bamboo tea, elderberry and elderberry. It has the effects of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing and detoxification, and is often used in the treatment of rheumatic joint pain.

    2020-11-10 Latest swollen section wind of planting technology method tutorial swollen joint
  • Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

  • Prevention and treatment of joint abscess of pigeon

    Prevention and treatment of joint abscess of pigeon

    The main reason for the occurrence of pigeon joint abscess is that it is caused by leg skin injury and infection caused by long-term feeding in rugged pigeon houses or rough pigeon cages with sharp thorns. It is common in ankle and elbow joints, and the incidence of adult pigeons is high. Symptoms: at the beginning of the disease, the pigeon can not walk well and even limp, the affected joints show red, swollen, hot, painful and inflammatory symptoms, and gradually increase and protrude, and touch it from hard swelling to soft swelling, there is a feeling of fluctuation, and there is pus outflow after incision. Abscess with long course of disease, local skin thickening, hard touch

  • Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Snake venom poisoning is caused by acute toxic diseases characterized by hemolysis, sensory nerve peripheral paralysis and shock when the venom is bitten by poisonous snakes. It can occur in all kinds of animals and is common in grazing animals and dogs. 1. Most of the animals with clinical symptoms were bitten by poisonous snakes in the lips, nose, face and lower limbs. Horses, cattle and sheep are bitten by snakes in the vicinity of the tarsal joint or ball joint, while pigs and dogs are mostly in the extremities and nasal ends. The closer the bite site is to the rich central nervous system and blood vessels, the more likely the bite site is.

  • Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of joint sprain in pigs

    1. The cause of the disease is that the joint is twisted by external force, which leads to the incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. two。 Symptoms suddenly occur claudication or walking on three limbs, the affected area is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. 3. Avoid strong action during prevention and capture and avoid jumping out of vehicle during transportation. The following prescriptions can be applied at the initial stage: (1) external application: 2 parts of ① vinegar and 1 part of quicklime, mix well, 1-2 times a day. ② leek 50-100g plus

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar

  • Gout in chickens and poultry

    Gout in chickens and poultry

    The main results are as follows: (1) etiology: poultry gout is mainly a metabolic disease caused by protein metabolism disorder. High dietary protein concentration is the main cause of the disease. In addition, sodium bicarbonate poisoning, vitamin A deficiency, sulfonamides poisoning, aspergillus toxin poisoning, damp henhouse, lack of exercise can induce the disease. (2) symptoms and changes of autopsy: due to the different sites of urate deposition in the body, gout can be divided into two types: visceral gout and joint gout. In the flock of chickens

  • Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Treatment of joint sprain and rheumatism in pigs

    Due to the action of external force, the joint is twisted, resulting in incomplete or complete rupture of the joint capsule and the corresponding joint lateral ligament. Symptoms: sudden claudication or walking with three limbs, the affected part is warm, swollen and painful, and the pain is more obvious during exercise. Treatment: 2 parts of ① vinegar, 1 part of quicklime, mix well, once or twice a day. ② leek 50-100g plus soju 100-50g, mash external application. 75 grams of ③ frankincense, 75 grams of myrrh, 100 grams of gardenia, 25 grams of safflower, mix well with vinegar, wrap the affected part

  • Duck arthritis syndrome

    Duck arthritis syndrome

    1) The main symptoms. The joint swelling of sick ducks was mainly seen in hock joints, followed by knee joints, hip joints and toe joints. Swelling of joints, purplish red, hot sensation on palpation, local softness at the beginning of the disease, then gradually hardening, severe limp or inability to walk, reduced feed intake, gradual emaciation and increased mortality. 2. Preventive measures. The disease is associated with a variety of bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Riemerella anatipestifer and so on. We should insist on "all-in" in feeding system

  • Questions and answers on fertilization technology of oil wheat

    Questions and answers on fertilization technology of oil wheat

    What are the symptoms of boron deficiency in rape? How to apply boron fertilizer? A: boron is one of the indispensable trace elements for the normal growth and development of rape. Rape needs more boron and its reaction is more sensitive. Boron deficiency in seedling stage, poor root development, few fine roots, branch roots and root hairs, swollen root neck, lack of chlorophyll in young leaves, brown and even scorched and shedding. At bud bolting stage, boron deficiency, leaf color dark green, wrinkled, leaf vein and its surrounding tissue turned yellow, purple plaque appeared and fell off early. During flowering, the apical buds of the inflorescence fade to yellow, wither until withered, fall off, petals shrink, and fruit clips.

  • Prevention and treatment of staphylococcal disease in farmed pheasant

    Prevention and treatment of staphylococcal disease in farmed pheasant

    First, the clinical symptoms of diseased chickens are lethargic, dieting, loose feathers, enlarged joints of some diseased chickens, especially metatarsal joints and toe joints, pain in squeeze, difficulty in standing and walking, and lameness. Some sick chickens have diarrhea and discharge yellow-green dilute feces. II. Sectional examination of changes

    2020-11-08 Breeding pheasant staphylococci disease prevention methods one
  • Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Avian Cholera

  • The cause of sudden paralysis and collapse of pigs

    The cause of sudden paralysis and collapse of pigs

    The cause of sudden paralysis and collapse of pigs

  • Porcine epidemic encephalitis B

    Porcine epidemic encephalitis B

    An acute zoonotic disease caused by a virus. Pigs suffering from this disease mainly cause abortion in sows and acute orchitis in breeding boars. The pathogen is Japanese encephalitis virus, which is very small and exists in the brain, spleen, blood and swollen testicles of diseased animals. In addition, blood-sucking Aedes mosquitoes and Culex pipiens mosquitoes are the storage hosts of the virus. The virus is so weak that general disinfectants can kill it quickly. [popular] (l) it is often popular in late summer and early autumn, with obvious seasons

  • Questions and answers on aquaculture knowledge

    Questions and answers on aquaculture knowledge

    Is the chicken poisoned? Netizens asked: my chick used sulfonamides for five days. In the past two days, the food intake of large groups decreased, and the liver blackened and enlarged after dissection.
