
scalar Learn more about scalar

  • Species classification of freshwater fairy fish

    Species classification of freshwater fairy fish

    1, the common immortal scientific name: pterophyllumscalare English name: Angelfish originated in the waters from the center of the Amazon to Peru and Ecuador. It is the original fish of the general artificial improved species of fairy fish. The pterophyllum in its scientific name means "as gentle as a feather", while scalare describes its body pattern as a price ladder. There are no obvious external sexual characteristics except reproduction; the external genitalia of male fish are pointed, while those of female fish are

  • Application of Feilong in Rice Formula fertilization

    Application of Feilong in Rice Formula fertilization

    1. The long-term synergistic effect of ①, which has the advantages of Feilong, can prolong the effective period of nitrogen fertilizer by one time, and there is no de-fertilization in the whole growth period of rice. ② increased nitrogen use efficiency, and deep fertilization overcame fertilizer loss due to water leakage in the field, and reduced fertilizer loss. ③ enhances the resistance of rice to low temperature, drought and disease erosion. ④ changed from multiple fertilization in the traditional surface layer to one-time fertilization in the deep layer, which saved the labor and cost of fertilization. ⑤ reduces the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, and the pure nutrient content of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced by 15% to 25% according to the plots with different fertility. two。 Fat long

  • The number of registered trademarks of agricultural products has doubled in 5 years, and the brand influence is insufficient.

    The number of registered trademarks of agricultural products has doubled in 5 years, and the brand influence is insufficient.

    Branding is the core competitiveness and important symbol of agricultural modernization. As of 2013, the number of registered trademarks of agricultural products in China has reached 1.25 million, which has doubled in five years, but there are still not many product brands with obvious competitiveness, and the cultivation and protection mechanism of brand agriculture needs to be further improved.

    2016-03-20 Agricultural products registration merchant scalar 5 years double brand influence
  • New cultivation technique of Film mulching of Potato with High Ridge and double Row

    New cultivation technique of Film mulching of Potato with High Ridge and double Row

    1. Rational crop rotation in order to make economical and effective use of soil fertility and prevent soil-borne diseases, pests and weeds, it is necessary to avoid potato cropping or planting on other root and tuber stubble, and do not rotate with other eggplant crops such as eggplant and tomato, otherwise the yield will be reduced by 15% and 20%. Potato can be rotated with cereal and legume crops for more than 3 years. two。 Soil preparation and ridging potatoes are suitable for planting in deep and loose soil, and deep ploughing and fine soil preparation. Cut down the stubble in time after the previous crop harvest, ploughing 25 cm deep.

  • Intelligent Monitoring system of Water quality Environment in Modern Aquaculture

    Intelligent Monitoring system of Water quality Environment in Modern Aquaculture

    The continuous deepening of scientific research and technology of agricultural and aquatic products in China and the continuous improvement of environmental protection awareness have put forward higher requirements for continuous real-time monitoring of water quality parameters.

  • The elegant Little Princess "Fairy Fish" Culture Collection of Tropical Fish

    The elegant Little Princess

    Fairy fish, also known as swallow fish, angel, small fairy fish, small fin sailing fish, etc., Riceae fish, native to South America Guiana, Brazil. The fairy fish grows 12-15 centimeters.
