
rockery Learn more about rockery

  • The influence of indoor rockery bonsai placement on feng shui

    The influence of indoor rockery bonsai placement on feng shui

    Rockery is a landscape design, that is, in the garden for the purpose of landscaping, with soil, stone and other materials artificially constructed mountains, is one of the characteristics of China's natural landscape garden. Rockery has many landscaping functions, such as constituting the main scenery or terrain skeleton of the garden, dividing and organizing the garden space

  • How to raise the rockery

    How to raise the rockery

    Now many people will put some rockery bonsai at home, which can make the living room and study more elegant. But although the rockery bonsai is beautiful, most people don't know how to keep it. Let's take a look at how to raise the rockery. The type of rockery is now on the market

    2020-11-08 Rockery how raise now many people in at home will be put on display.
  • How to make rockery bonsai? Steps and methods

    How to make rockery bonsai? Steps and methods

    The method of making rockery bonsai? Rockery bonsai production needs to prepare the following tools, materials: tools: saws, chisels, pliers, hammers, panels, brushes and so on. Materials: rockery such as shallow mouth basin, rock, cement, sand and other rockery is the main body of mountain and stone bonsai, and only the rockery has been made.

  • Bonsai rockery Kaixian farmers want to push the tortoise stone to the world (photo)

    Bonsai rockery Kaixian farmers want to push the tortoise stone to the world (photo)

    Bonsai rockery Kaixian farmers want to push the tortoise stone to the world (photo)

  • Where is the best place for rockery bonsai? fengshui

    Where is the best place for rockery bonsai? fengshui

    If the indoor area of your home is small, rockery is not recommended on fengshui. Rockery and ponds should be placed in a good position at home in order to play the role of people and prosperity. If the indoor area is not enough and the rockery pond is placed in the vicious position, it will bring bad luck to the family.

  • [bonsai production] the method of making rockery bonsai

    [bonsai production] the method of making rockery bonsai

    [bonsai production] the method of making rockery bonsai

  • How to plant rockery seeds

    How to plant rockery seeds

    Now many people will put rockery potted plants in their families, which can decorate their living room and study more effectively. Some grass should be planted on the potted rockery so that it will look better. So how to grow rockery seeds? First, how to plant rockery seeds. Planted in water and stone

    2020-11-08 Rockery grass seeds how plant now there are many people will in
  • The latest method of making miniature rockery bonsai

    The latest method of making miniature rockery bonsai

    Rockery bonsai is a kind of three-dimensional painting, which is processed by the author to reproduce the natural beauty in the form of mountains, plants and accessories, creating an art that originates from nature and is higher than nature.

    2020-11-10 The latest small rockery bonsai production method is
  • The method of making miniature rockery bonsai

    The method of making miniature rockery bonsai

    The method of making miniature rockery bonsai

  • Skills of bonsai arrangement of water-absorbing rock rockery

    Skills of bonsai arrangement of water-absorbing rock rockery

    Absorbent stone is not only loose in texture and easy to process, but also has a strong ability to absorb water, and it can also breed moss over a long period of time. In addition, we can also plant bonsai trees or other plants on it to make water-absorbing rockery bonsai, which has high ornamental value. therefore

  • Rockery bonsai can not be placed casually and correctly will bring good luck.

    Rockery bonsai can not be placed casually and correctly will bring good luck.

    When Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty built the Imperial Palace in Beijing (now the Imperial Palace), due to the need of fengshui layout, he made a mountain behind the palace-Jingshan. It is said that it is made by hand, and it took eight years to make it, and the place where the soil was taken became Beihai and Zhonghai.

  • The method of making rockery bonsai

    The method of making rockery bonsai

    Bonsai is a kind of three-dimensional painting. After the artistic processing of the author, it carries on the magical treatment of moving the sky and shrinking the earth, and reproduces the natural beauty in the form of mountains, plants and accessories. The rockery is the main body of the rock bonsai, and only the rockery has been made.

  • The production method of beautiful mountain and stone bonsai

    The production method of beautiful mountain and stone bonsai

    Bonsai is a kind of three-dimensional painting. After the artistic processing of the author, it carries on the magical treatment of moving the sky and shrinking the earth, and reproduces the natural beauty in the form of mountains, plants and accessories. The rockery is the main body of the rock bonsai, and only the rockery has been made.

  • 12 cases of waterscape design of rockery fish ponds in gardens to build such a fish pond.

    12 cases of waterscape design of rockery fish ponds in gardens to build such a fish pond.

    There are 12 cases of waterscape design of "Garden Fish Pond". With the rapid development of society, people pay more and more attention to spiritual civilization. Of course, the requirements for the environment are getting higher and higher. At this time, our new favorite came out-rockery fish pond. Build one like this.

  • The method of making cement rockery bonsai

    The method of making cement rockery bonsai

    Cement-plastic rockery refers to the artificial rockery made of modern materials such as concrete, FRP, organic resin and non-stone materials such as lime, brick and cement. Plastic hill and plastic stone can save the working procedure of quarrying and transporting stone, the shape is not limited by stone, and the volume can be large or small.

  • The latest production method of beautiful mountain and stone bonsai

    The latest production method of beautiful mountain and stone bonsai

    Bonsai is a kind of three-dimensional painting. After the artistic processing of the author, it carries on the magical treatment of moving the sky and shrinking the earth, and reproduces the natural beauty in the form of mountains, plants and accessories. The rockery is the main body of the bonsai.

    2020-11-10 The latest beautiful rock bonsai production method is
  • Production technology of rockery bonsai

    Production technology of rockery bonsai

    Indoor rockery bonsai is an art display that miniatures the natural landscape and brings it into the room. The indoor rockery is rich in changing scenery, which can add natural interest and integrate the landscape environment into the building room. Indoor rockery bonsai is indispensable in the decorations of some friends' homes.

  • The method of making bonsai can get twice the result with half the effort by mastering three tips.

    The method of making bonsai can get twice the result with half the effort by mastering three tips.

    A variety of bonsai can be seen in many offices or homes. It is not only a delightful decoration, but also a rare work of art. In fact, the method of making bonsai is not difficult, as long as you get the hang of it, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

  • What is the method of making indoor bonsai to put feng shui?

    What is the method of making indoor bonsai to put feng shui?

    Indoor bonsai, this is a lot of people are in breeding, there is a shape of plants is so good-looking, indoor bonsai production method is what? What is the fengshui of indoor bonsai: how to make indoor bonsai: (1) prepare evergreen plants, fish tanks, stones and soil that need to be planted.

  • Maintenance skills of asparagus bonsai on rockery

    Maintenance skills of asparagus bonsai on rockery

    Maintenance skills of asparagus bonsai on rockery
