
re-application Learn more about re-application

  • A New method of fertilization for Hybrid Maize seed production

    A New method of fertilization for Hybrid Maize seed production

    A New method of fertilization for Hybrid Maize seed production

  • Re-application of Boron in rape with High quality, High yield and stable yield

    Re-application of Boron in rape with High quality, High yield and stable yield

    Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a boron-demanding crop, especially high-yield and high-quality Brassica napus "double-low" hybrid rape is particularly sensitive to boron deficiency, slow rooting at seedling stage, dark green, wrinkled leaves and hindered growth; boron deficiency at bud stage, rhizome expansion, leaf color turning purple to blue-purple, abnormal flower bud development; boron deficiency at flowering stage, plant dwarfing, pollen.

  • Sesame planting: how to fertilize summer sesame?

    Sesame planting: how to fertilize summer sesame?

    How to fertilize summer sesame seeds? Please introduce fertilization methods for planting summer sesame in order to achieve high yield, it is necessary to re-apply basic fertilizer, shallow basic fertilizer, appropriate amount of seed fertilizer, re-application of flower bud fertilizer, and supplementary spraying of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; mainly organic fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potash fertilizer, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer as far as possible to improve.

  • There are ways to protect papaya from cold.

    There are ways to protect papaya from cold.

    Papaya is a tropical crop, like hot climate, avoid low-temperature frost. Freezing injury occurs when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃. It is very important to take the following measures to prevent freezing: re-application of overwintering fertilizer. Each tree is treated with 10kg of organic fertilizer mixed with mature human and animal manure and plant ash, and 1.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer. At 80cm and 100cm from the trunk, dig 2.

  • Protective measures of cold resistance and anti-freezing in papaya cultivation

    Protective measures of cold resistance and anti-freezing in papaya cultivation

    Papaya is a tropical crop, like hot climate, avoid low-temperature frost. Freezing injury occurs when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃. It is very important to take the following measures to prevent freezing: re-application of overwintering fertilizer. Each tree is treated with 10kg of organic fertilizer mixed with mature human and animal manure and plant ash, and 1.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer. At 80cm and 100cm from the trunk, dig 2.

  • ⅱ you 156 (Rice)

    ⅱ you 156 (Rice)

    The plant type is moderate, the tillering ability is strong, the whole growth period is 138 days, the plant height is 125 cm, the total grain number per ear is 150-170, the seed setting rate is 85%, the rice quality is excellent, the yield per mu is about 600 kg, timely early sowing, reasonable close planting, and pay attention to the re-application of base fertilizer. Resistant to rice blast and moderately resistant to rice bacterial blight.

  • D you 156 (rice)

    D you 156 (rice)

    The plant type is moderate, the tillering ability is strong, the whole growth period is 140 days, the plant height is 110 cm, the total grain number per ear is 155-165, the seed setting rate is 80%, the rice quality is medium, the yield per mu is 670 kg, the character of this variety is stable, sowing early in time, reasonable close planting, and pay attention to re-application of base fertilizer. Resistance to rice blast, resistance to bacterial blight.

  • Pumpkin planting: how to fertilize pumpkins?

    Pumpkin planting: how to fertilize pumpkins?

    How to fertilize pumpkins? Please give a detailed description of pumpkin cultivation can refer to the following methods of fertilization: re-application of base fertilizer, timely planting: pumpkin well-developed root system, strong fertilizer absorption capacity, turn 30cm deep before winter, turn two ploughs in the next spring. Apply 75000 kg of rotten high-quality organic fertilizer per hectare before ploughing or before ploughing.

  • How to manage planting towel gourd in summer

    How to manage planting towel gourd in summer

    How to manage planting towel gourd in summer? Please guide towel gourd is very popular because of its crisp taste and sweetness. Summer towel gourd was planted from late April to early July and was on the market from June to October. The management techniques are as follows: fertilizer and water management summer towel gourd seedling stage dung water 2 times, early flowering stage re-application of topdressing, 50 kg compound fertilizer or 50 kg per mu.

  • Fertilization methods of wax gourd

    Fertilization methods of wax gourd

    Fertilization methods of wax gourd

  • A New Cotton Variety-E Kangmian 7

    A New Cotton Variety-E Kangmian 7

    Brief description of the variety: this variety (formerly known as Jing 96273) belongs to the type of mid-early maturity with a growth period of 140days. Neat, the seedling is weak, the growth is strong in the middle and later stage. The plant is tall, the plant type is loose, the stem is stout, and the leaf is larger. The boll weighs 6.1 grams, oval and concentrated. The clothing percentage is 41.3%. High resistance to wilt and yellow wilt. The fiber is of good quality. Key points of cultivation techniques: (1) re-application of farm manure or organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, (2) seedling transplanting in nutrient bowl, early cotton cultivation with plastic film and direct seeding in spring, suitable sowing date from late March to May.

  • Spring field management techniques of weak gluten wheat in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

    Spring field management techniques of weak gluten wheat in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

    Spring field management techniques of weak gluten wheat in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

  • The latest fertilization method of wax gourd

    The latest fertilization method of wax gourd

    Wax gourd is an annual plant of Cucurbitaceae, which is planted all over China, and there are wild wax gourd in some areas. Wax gourd is a common vegetable on our table, and it can also be processed into candy, that is, the traditional Chinese food wax gourd, followed by

    2020-11-10 The latest wax gourd fertilization methods yes cucurbitaceae
  • How to fertilize rape in winter

    How to fertilize rape in winter

    Rape is "flowering but unfruitful", also known as shrinking unfruitful. That is, from the onset of the plant to maturity, it still blossoms one after another, but it can not bear fruit normally. It is a physiological disease caused by planting rape in boron-deficient soil, which mainly occurs in Brassica napus varieties, but it has also been found in Brassica napus in recent years. After the attack.

  • Watermelon Warrior and New soil Rootstock varieties, Watermelon Warrior Variety characteristics, cultivation points and points for attention

    Watermelon Warrior and New soil Rootstock varieties, Watermelon Warrior Variety characteristics, cultivation points and points for attention

    Common Warriors and New Tucca rootstock varieties of watermelon

  • Management Techniques of Strawberry Forcing Culture

    Management Techniques of Strawberry Forcing Culture

    1. Change flat ridge cultivation to high ridge cultivation. Flat ridge cultivation, field humidity, poor ventilation, serious diseases and insect pests, easy to cause fruit rot, quality and yield reduction. High ridge cultivation can overcome these weaknesses and is more suitable for protected cultivation. The specific practice of high ridge cultivation is: choose flat terrain, wind...

  • Measures for the Management of Cotton flowering and Boll stage

    Measures for the Management of Cotton flowering and Boll stage

    The main goal of cotton flowering and boll stage management is to protect peach, gain weight and prevent premature senility. 1. Re-application of flower and boll fertilizer: the flower and boll stage is the period when cotton needs the most fertilizer in the whole growth period. For the cotton field with high soil fertility, good rain and soil moisture and prosperous cotton plant growth, topdressing can be applied at the full flowering stage; for the cotton field with general soil fertility, poor soil moisture in drought and weak cotton plant growth, it should be applied early and re-applied, and fertilizer can be applied at the early flowering stage. Generally, 15 kilograms of nitrogen and potassium compound fertilizer per mu. And continue to do a good job in ploughing and loosening the soil, and master the principle that it should be shallow rather than deep. 2. watering in case of drought and drainage in case of flood

  • Cotton planting technology: how to manage cotton flowering and boll period?

    Cotton planting technology: how to manage cotton flowering and boll period?

    How to manage the cotton flowering and boll period? Please introduce the management methods of cotton flower and boll stage can refer to the following methods: 1. Fertilization: a large number of cotton peaches are formed in the flower and boll stage, which is the period in which cotton needs the most nutrients in its life. Re-application of flower and boll fertilizer is the key measure to protect summer peach, compete for autumn peach and prevent premature senility. The amount of topdressing should generally account for the amount of topdressing.

  • Zhong Pu, an expert in Color Wheat breeding

    Zhong Pu, an expert in Color Wheat breeding

    Zhong Pu, an expert in Color Wheat breeding

  • How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato

    How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato

    How to apply fertilizer with formula for sweet potato
