
pyracantha Learn more about pyracantha

  • The latest planting method of Pyracantha

    The latest planting method of Pyracantha

    Pyracantha is a crop belonging to evergreen shrubs. Pyracantha has a strong dust filtering effect and can absorb harmful gases of sulfur dioxide. It is the first plant in desert tree planting in China. In fact, it not only has the effect of protective forest, its leaf and fruit root also has a very high medicinal use.

    2020-11-10 The latest pyracantha fruit planting method firethorn belong to
  • The planting method of Pyracantha

    The planting method of Pyracantha

    The planting method of Pyracantha

  • Firethorn bonsai, the essence of horticulture, watching bonsai, for the master, firethorn bonsai

    Firethorn bonsai, the essence of horticulture, watching bonsai, for the master, firethorn bonsai

    ​​ Hippophae rhamnoides alias torch fruit, life-saving grain, Chiyangzi, bean gold Niang, water rubbing son, also known as Taiwan red fruit, red bead, auspicious fruit, number one red, dialect abacus bead. ...

  • Bonsai teaching: how to model the newly boiled firethorn bonsai? Beginners must learn

    Bonsai teaching: how to model the newly boiled firethorn bonsai? Beginners must learn

    How to manage the new bonsai of firethorn bonsai? generally, if the nursing mode is in place, you can do this work when the new branch is about 70~80cm. When the shape works. ...

  • Maintenance methods of Pyracantha

    Maintenance methods of Pyracantha

    Hippophae rhamnoides is a common evergreen bonsai plant of the four seasons, with luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers and leaves, but also fruit, which is favored by the majority of bonsai lovers. The maintenance of Pyracantha has also become an issue of great concern. Next, the editor will show you the maintenance methods of Pyracantha.

  • How to propagate the latest Pyracantha

    How to propagate the latest Pyracantha

    Hippophae rhamnoides is a small evergreen tree with beautiful shape and excellent ornamentality. it has good dust filtering effect and strong resistance and absorption to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide. it is often planted by the roadside and can also be planted in the courtyard. Its roots, leaves and fruits are accessible.

    2020-11-10 The latest Firethorn how breeding is a kind evergreen small
  • "Save the army food" how to grow firethorn?

    Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as torch fruit, red thorn, auspicious fruit, etc., is an excellent spring flowers and winter fruit plants. Pyracantha fruit can be eaten fresh or processed into a variety of non-staple foods, it is rich in organic acids, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of mineral elements, but also

    2020-11-09 "Save the army food " Firethorn how plant firethorn also known as torch
  • Is it easy to grow pyracantha?

    Is it easy to grow pyracantha?

    Firethorn tree shape is beautiful, evergreen, branches and leaves are soft and small, summer flowers, autumn red fruit, fruit retained for a long time, in the courtyard to do hedges and garden landscape materials, in the roadside can be used as hedges, beautification, green environment.

  • The difference between Fructus Lycii and Pyracantha

    The difference between Fructus Lycii and Pyracantha

    Leaf: the leaf of unthorn medlar is oval, entire. On the other hand, Pyracantha is Obovate or Obovate-shaped, with serrated edges. Flowers: unarmed medlar bones are umbels, beige. And Pyracantha is compound corymbose inflorescence, white. Fruit: the ripe color of thornless wolfberry is red, while the fruit of Hippophae rhamnoides is orange or deep red.

  • How to plant pyracantha seeds

    How to plant pyracantha seeds

    How to plant pyracantha seeds

  • How to plant pyracantha seeds

    How to plant pyracantha seeds

    Hippophae rhamnoides can blossom in spring and bear very beautiful fruit. The value of watching is relatively high. So how to plant firethorn seeds? Let's take a look. The fruits of selected species of Hippophae rhamnoides mature every autumn, and the seeds of mature fruits can be used to enter.

    2020-11-08 Hippophae rhamnoides seeds how plant pyracantha in spring can bloom
  • The cultivation of Pyracantha and the method of making bonsai

    The cultivation of Pyracantha and the method of making bonsai

    The cultivation of Pyracantha and the method of making bonsai

  • What are the common types of fire? What kind of fruit is the reddest?

    What are the common types of fire? What kind of fruit is the reddest?

    Pyracantha is an evergreen shrub or small tree, with many varieties, beautiful tree shape, flowers in summer, red fruits in autumn, fruit branches for a long time, hedgerows in the courtyard and landscape materials, and hedgerows on the roadside to beautify and green the environment. The fruit of fire contains

    2020-11-27 Fire thorn have what common breed product kind fruit most
  • How to plant the latest Pyracantha seed

    How to plant the latest Pyracantha seed

    Firethorn mainly grows in Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, and Yunnan-Guizhou-Sichuan region, mainly growing red fruit, also known as red fruit, edible, once eaten wild fruit on the Red Army marching road, also known as rescue army grain. But the fruit doesn't taste very good.

    2020-11-10 The latest firethorn seed how plant mainly raw grow in
  • Propagation Management of Pyracantha

    Propagation Management of Pyracantha

    Generally speaking, we adopt sowing propagation or cutting propagation for the propagation of Pyracantha, but the cutting propagation is simple and successful. Cuttage propagation uses annual healthy branches, cutting cuttings of 15 cm, the lower end is best cut out horseear shape, the cutting time can be carried out from November to March, and the success rate of cutting is very high.

  • How to propagate Hippophae rhamnoides, the method of propagation / sowing propagation / cutting propagation

    How to propagate Hippophae rhamnoides, the method of propagation / sowing propagation / cutting propagation

    Hippophae rhamnoides is a very common flower plant in the world, which is highly ornamental, and there are many people who breed it in our country. With more people raising it, people are more concerned about its reproduction. So how do firethorns reproduce? What are the breeding methods of Pyracantha?

  • Cultivation method of Pyracantha bonsai

    Cultivation method of Pyracantha bonsai

    1. Water management of Pyracantha is very important. If it is not well managed, it will affect the flowering and fruiting of Pyracantha. The flowering period reduces watering, the soil partial dry can, this is beneficial to the result. Note that watering at ordinary times follows the principle of seeing dry watering and watering thoroughly. 2. Sunshine Pyracantha likes sunny environment.

  • How to cultivate Firethorn in potted plants the methods and matters needing attention in bonsai culture

    How to cultivate Firethorn in potted plants the methods and matters needing attention in bonsai culture

    As can be seen from the name of Hippophae rhamnoides, Hippophae rhamnoides should be a kind of prosperous plant. Chinese people have always liked these prosperous and festive plants very much. Chinese people are often happy to do this kind of festive plant species at home.

    2020-11-08 Potted plants firethorns how raise bonsai culture methods and from
  • The efficacy and function of Pyracantha

    The efficacy and function of Pyracantha

    Its petiole is relatively short, the flowers are usually white, and they grow from March to May. The fruit is usually red and globular, bearing fruit from August to November. Fruit, root and leaf can all be used as traditional Chinese medicine, in which fruit can be used to stop bleeding, eliminate accumulated food, and can also be used to treat enteritis or digestive problems; roots can remove heat and help cool blood; leaves can clear heat and detoxify. It can also be used as a medicine for external application to help treat hemorrhoids. However, although it is not toxic, we should also pay attention to the dose when using it.

  • Hippophae rhamnoides can be called that.

    Hippophae rhamnoides can be called that.

    Firethorn tree shape is beautiful, evergreen, branches and leaves are soft and small, summer flowers, autumn red fruit, fruit retained for a long time, in the courtyard to do hedges and garden landscape materials, in the roadside can be used as hedges, beautification, green environment.
