
phenyl ether Learn more about phenyl ether

  • Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole is a low toxic fungicide, which can be used to control powdery mildew, early blight and anthracnose in cereal crops, rice, soybean and other crops. I.

    2020-11-08 Diphenyl ether methyl ring azole and what compound phenyl ether yes
  • Rice diseases and insect pests: what are the rice diseases and insect pests in August?

    Rice diseases and insect pests: what are the rice diseases and insect pests in August?

    What are the diseases and insect pests of rice in August? Please introduce and guide how to control rice diseases and insect pests in August. The key control objects are rice false smut, panicle neck blast and bacterial leaf spot, as well as rice planthopper and rice leaf roller. Can refer to the following methods for prevention and control: 1, a week before the rice break (when packing a big bag),.

  • The efficacy of permethrin

    The efficacy of permethrin

    Permethrin is a kind of insecticide with moderate toxicity to humans and animals and high toxicity to fish, so what is the effect of permethrin? How is permethrin prepared? First, the basic introduction of Lianben pyrethrin pure product is white solid, soluble in C.

    2020-11-08 Lianben chrysanthemum efficacy lianben yes yes.
  • General situation of research and utilization of propolis

    General situation of research and utilization of propolis

    Propolis is a kind of colloidal substance which is collected by bees from buds and bark of plants and mixed with glandular secretions such as tongue glands and wax glands of honeybees. Propolis is an opaque solid, brownish brown, reddish brown or grayish brown, sometimes with turquoise, a few nearly black. Natural fresh propolis has resin flavor, stickiness and plasticity. It begins to soften at 36 ℃, hardens and becomes brittle at 15 ℃, and melts into a viscous liquid at 60-70 ℃. Propolis is a kind of resin, which is easily soluble in ether, chloroform, acetone,

  • The difference between tomorrow's grass and bright moon grass

    The difference between tomorrow's grass and bright moon grass

    There is only an one-word difference between the names of tomorrow's grass and evening grass, but they are two completely different plants. The following editor will introduce the difference between tomorrow grass and bright moon grass. The difference between the leaves of tomorrow grass and evening grass: the leaves of tomorrow grass are like celery.

    2020-11-08 Tomorrow grass and bright moon the difference tomorrow
  • Prevention and treatment of intestinal distension of cultured hedgehog

    Prevention and treatment of intestinal distension of cultured hedgehog

    The main results are as follows: 1) the etiological hedgehog eats a large number of moldy feed, easily bloated feed (bean dregs) and all kinds of rotten, deteriorated, mildewed feed and silage, or due to a sudden change in feed composition, or eating too much palatable feed at one time, you can get bloating disease.

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehogs intestinal distension distension prevention and treatment etiology a large number of
  • An overview of proteins in the nutritional needs of pigs

    An overview of proteins in the nutritional needs of pigs

    (a) carbohydrates are the most widely sourced and account for the largest proportion of nutrients in diets, and are the main source of energy for pigs. In cereal feed, there is little soluble grass sugar and disaccharide, mainly starch, so it is the main energy source of pigs. Starch is converted into glucose by amylase in the digestive tract and then absorbed into the blood to form blood sugar. Biooxidation and energy supply in the body. The digestibility of soluble sugar and starch in livestock is 95% to 100%. In piglets before 3 weeks of age, due to the secretion of pancreas in the digestive tract.

  • What disease can be treated by azolyl ether promethazine?

    What disease can be treated by azolyl ether promethazine?

    Promethazine is a broad-spectrum and quick-acting protective fungicide, which has a special effect on cucumber downy mildew by inhibiting the oxidation of pyruvate in pathogenic bacteria. Pyrazolyl carbendazim is a new broad-spectrum fungicide and mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor. With protection, treatment, leaves

    2020-11-08 Azolyl ether propane zinc energy cure what disease proxen zinc yes a kind of
  • What are the plant growth regulators?

    What are the plant growth regulators?

    What should vegetables pay attention to when using plant growth regulators? Plant growth regulators have been widely used in vegetables, which has brought considerable benefits to vegetable farmers. however, some vegetable farmers rely too much on plant growth regulators, increase the dosage at will, increase the concentration, cause drug damage, and cause unnecessary losses. To avoid.

  • How does growing soybeans prevent weeds?

    How does growing soybeans prevent weeds?

    How does growing soybeans prevent weeds? Please introduce the main weeds for planting soybeans: crabgrass, barnyardgrass, goosegrass, chenopodium, green bristlegrass; broad-leaved weeds: amaranth, snakehead, iron amaranth, Abutilon theophrasti Summer soybeans are usually sown in June, in the season of high temperature and rainy, weeds occur fiercely, densely, and long.

  • Buddhist flower art seems indifferent, but it is ethereal and classical.

    Buddhist flower art seems indifferent, but it is ethereal and classical.

    Speaking of "Buddhist" life, I immediately think of the Chinese-style home, which is light and at peace with the rest of the world. A home full of classical charm is more suitable for self-cultivation. The beauty of Chinese household temperament is pleasing to the eye, among which it is just right.

  • Cold and treatment of dogs

    Cold and treatment of dogs

    [etiology] the main reason is that it is affected by cold, especially when the feeding management is not appropriate, it is more likely to occur. For example, sleeping on a cold night, lying in a cool place for a long time, attacking by thieves, being stimulated by cold water after sweating or tears wading across the river, and long-term feeding in a cold and humid environment can reduce the mucosal resistance of the upper respiratory tract and promote the occurrence of the disease. [diagnostic points] the sick dog was depressed in spirit, indifferent in expression, irregular in skin temperature, cold at the tip of the ear and nose. Conjunctival flushing or mild swelling, tears, elevated body temperature

  • How should herbicide damage be remedied?

    How should herbicide damage be remedied?

    How to weed the rape field? Please advise on the control of weeds in rape fields, and pay close attention to the popularization of chemical weeding techniques on the basis of vigorously implementing crop rotation of oil wheat, oil vegetables, oil beans and strengthening field management. Chemical stubble killing before sowing during the empty stubble period after rice harvest and rape sowing, glyphosate and 100 were used.

  • Progress in the creation of Green Pesticide and main varieties of Green Pesticide in China

    Progress in the creation of Green Pesticide and main varieties of Green Pesticide in China

    Author: the early application of modern pesticides is mostly for the purpose of effective, and the dosage is generally large. With the long-term, excessive and frequent use of pesticides, farmers.

  • Prevention and treatment of gastroenteritis in cultured fruit beaver

    Prevention and treatment of gastroenteritis in cultured fruit beaver

    Gastroenteritis is a severe inflammatory process of gastrointestinal surface mucosa and its deep tissue. Due to the close relationship between the anatomical structure and physiological function of stomach and intestine, the organic injury and dysfunction of stomach and intestine often influence each other, so that the inflammation of stomach and intestine occur simultaneously or successively.

    2020-11-08 Breeding fruit beaver gastroenteritis prevention and treatment yes gastrointestinal
  • How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method brings together the blessings of the universe, "give back as much as you take from the earth."

    How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method brings together the blessings of the universe,

    How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method brings together the blessings of the universe, "give back as much as you take from the earth."

  • How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method gathers the energy of the universe, "return as much as you take from the earth."

    How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method gathers the energy of the universe,

    How to keep the soil from getting sick? The BD farming method gathers the energy of the universe, "return as much as you take from the earth."

  • How about weeding in ginger field?

    How about weeding in ginger field?

    How to weed the ginger field? Please guide the growth of ginger there are a large number of weeds and ginger seedlings for fertilizer, water, sunshine, so that ginger seedlings can not get normal nutrition and poor growth, resulting in reduced production. Therefore, in the seedling stage, timely weeding is an important management measure, but manual weeding is labor-intensive and labor-intensive.

  • Guide to vegetable diseases and insect pests! (updated version recommended)

    Guide to vegetable diseases and insect pests! (updated version recommended)

    Disease names commonly used compounds note downy mildew mancozeb, mancozeb, pyrazolyl ester + enylmorpholine, frost urea cyanide, cyanofrost early stage of root irrigation treatment.

  • Insect growth regulators for the control of Plutella xylostella

    Insect growth regulators for the control of Plutella xylostella

    The emergence of Plutella xylostella has seriously affected the growth of crops. Insect growth regulators and other pesticides are selected to completely eliminate Plutella xylostella. One can be sprayed with 10.8% pyridyl ether EC 800kg 1500 times; second, 5% fluorouracil EC 30g 60ml with 30 jin of water; third, 5% methylvitamin saline dispersible granules can be sprayed with 5g with 30jin of water.
