
overgrowth Learn more about overgrowth

  • The reason and solution of overgrowth of Begonia angustifolia

    The reason and solution of overgrowth of Begonia angustifolia

    The reason and solution of overgrowth of Begonia angustifolia

  • The latest reasons for the overgrowth of chili and its control measures

    The latest reasons for the overgrowth of chili and its control measures

    Pepper is the most common vegetable in our life, which is planted all over the country, but the growers all know that chili peppers are prone to overgrowth. After the overgrown pepper, the stem is thin, the leaf is hypertrophic, and then the flower is thin and weak, which seriously affects the yield and

    2020-11-10 The latest chili only long cause and control measures is
  • The latest reasons for the overgrowth of Begonia and its solution

    The latest reasons for the overgrowth of Begonia and its solution

    Begonia is a highly ornamental succulent plant, native to South Africa, its leaves are opposite, the leaf color is pink-green, and it can be seen to have white or pink flowers in winter, which is very beautiful. But many of them are futile due to improper maintenance.

    2020-11-10 The latest antlers begonia overgrowth causes and solutions
  • How to avoid the overgrowth and overgrowth of succulent plants

    How to avoid the overgrowth and overgrowth of succulent plants

    No matter it is the growing period or the dormant period, as long as the light is insufficient or too much watering, succulent plants are very easy to grow. Overgrowth will lose its original sturdy shape, the stems and leaves will elongate crazily, at the same time, the color of the leaves will become lighter and the mesophyll will become thinner, which makes the plant.

  • Control techniques of overgrowth of Cotton

    Control techniques of overgrowth of Cotton

    At present, cotton has entered the budding stage, the prevention and control of cotton overgrowth must start from now on. The so-called overgrowth means that cotton loses the function of normal growth, that is, it only blossoms but does not bear peaches, or blossoms more than peaches. First of all, the reason is caused by climate factors, the second is the blind introduction of cotton varieties, and the second is that the cultivation means do not adapt to climate change. According to records, when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, the pollen development is abnormal and can not pollinate normally, while the persistent drought aggravates the shedding of buds and bolls. In addition, some cotton areas appeared in the middle of August.

  • What about the overgrowth of greenhouse tomatoes?

    What about the overgrowth of greenhouse tomatoes?

    What about the overgrowth of greenhouse tomatoes? Please give guidance to the phenomenon of growing seedlings and stiff seedlings in greenhouse tomato planting is mainly due to lack of light, too high temperature and too much moisture. There is more harm after the seedlings grow or are stiff. The flower bud differentiation of only growing seedlings is late, there are many fallen flowers, and the survival rate is low, which will greatly reduce the yield, but can not be realized.

  • How to cut the Yulu to prevent the disease of breeding method

    How to cut the Yulu to prevent the disease of breeding method

    Yulu likes the growth environment with sufficient scattered light, if the maintenance environment is lack of light, the plant can not normally carry out photosynthesis to produce metabolism, and in the case of sufficient water, it is easy to appear. The normal growth of jade dew, its leaves

  • What if the white peony grows?

    What if the white peony grows?

    What if the white peony grows?

  • Causes of overgrowth of chili and its control measures

    Causes of overgrowth of chili and its control measures

    Causes of overgrowth of chili and its control measures

  • The latest aubergine excessive growth causes and prevention measures

    The latest aubergine excessive growth causes and prevention measures

    When eggplant is planted, seedlings need to be raised first, and the phenomenon of excessive growth of eggplant is easy to occur in the process of seedling raising, which is not conducive to the formation of strong seedlings of eggplant, resulting in unsuccessful later cultivation and directly affecting the yield. So what is the cause of eggplant overgrowth? How to prevent

    2020-11-10 latest eggplant excessive growth causes and prevention measures in planting
  • Causes of excessive growth of cotton and its control

    Causes of excessive growth of cotton and its control

    The phenomenon of excessive growth of vegetative organs such as stems, branches and leaves of cotton plants, which makes vegetative growth and reproductive growth out of balance, is called overgrowth, commonly known as "crazy growth". The vegetative growth and reproductive growth of cotton are carried out synchronously after budding. If the vegetative growth is too fast and the reproductive growth is inhibited, it will cause bud and boll shedding, and in serious cases, there will be no boll formation. The reason for overgrowth: mainly due to the application of too much fertilizer and water. The period from budding to the early stage of flowering is the fastest vegetative growth period in cotton life. If the supply of nitrogen fertilizer is too much, it will result in the proportion of carbon and nitrogen metabolism.

  • The reasons for the excessive growth of beans and its control methods

    The reasons for the excessive growth of beans and its control methods

    The reasons for the excessive growth of beans and its control methods

  • Techniques for preventing overgrowth of Tomato in greenhouse

    Techniques for preventing overgrowth of Tomato in greenhouse

    The main reasons for the phenomenon of growing seedlings and stiff seedlings in greenhouse tomato planting are lack of light, too high temperature and too much moisture. There is more harm after the seedlings grow or are stiff. The flower bud differentiation of growing seedlings is late, there are many fallen flowers, and the survival rate is low, which will greatly reduce the yield, but can not achieve precocious maturity. Measures to prevent seedlings from growing, Lord.

  • How to water succulent plants

    How to water succulent plants

    Many flower lovers think that too much watering will lead to futile growth. In fact, watering is not the direct cause of overgrowth, but the lack of light is the direct cause of overgrowth if the amount of water is still large. Because of the apprentice.

  • Reasons for the excessive growth of eggplant and its preventive measures

    Reasons for the excessive growth of eggplant and its preventive measures

    Reasons for the excessive growth of eggplant and its preventive measures

  • How to propagate succulent plants the watering method of succulent plants

    How to propagate succulent plants the watering method of succulent plants

    Many flower lovers think that too much watering will lead to futile growth. In fact, watering is not the direct cause of overgrowth, but the lack of light is the direct cause of overgrowth if the amount of water is still large. Because of the apprentice.

  • The causes of the latest excessive growth of beans and its control methods

    The causes of the latest excessive growth of beans and its control methods

    Beans are one of the common vegetables on our table. In the process of growing beans, many vegetable farmers know that they are difficult to manage and often have a lot of problems. However, it is a very common phenomenon that beans grow too long to sit on pods, and even flowers fall.

    2020-11-10 The latest beans apprentice long cause and control methods
  • Control of Overgrowth of Solanum Seedlings by Local Method

    Control of Overgrowth of Solanum Seedlings by Local Method

    Look at the "crazy growth" plants, count down from the top of the seedling branch, gently pinch with two fingers at the internode below the third leaf, let it put "sound" water, so that the conducting tissue is temporarily damaged, unable to transport nutrients upward and "squatting seedlings" stop growing. 3-5 Days, pinch off the wound partially healed into a "pimple", began to resume normal growth. At this time, the weak seedlings, seedlings, weak branches and twigs that were not "pinched" around were growing, and most of them caught up with the original "crazy growth" seedlings that were "squatting" into strong seedlings, so that the vegetable seedlings of the whole garden were born.

  • How to control the overgrowth of potatoes in greenhouse

    How to control the overgrowth of potatoes in greenhouse

    Spraying 60-120 mg / L zhuangsu on the leaves of potato from bud stage to flowering stage (the concentration at bud stage is the lowest) can inhibit the growth of aboveground part of plant, increase yield and increase the proportion of large and medium potato. From budding stage to early flowering stage, dwarf-sturdy 2000-2500 mg / L was used.

  • He went into the pit and raised the disabled succulent for a year, but he was pleasantly surprised, but the neighbor shook his head.

    He went into the pit and raised the disabled succulent for a year, but he was pleasantly surprised, but the neighbor shook his head.

    Friends who pay attention to the delicate life should read the article "Flower cultivation knowledge: why my succulent plants become thin, tender and long?" Teach you to deal with the overgrowth of succulent plants, which explains the reasons for overgrowth and overgrowth.
