
mole Learn more about mole

  • What food does the common insect mole cricket (native dog son) like to eat in the countryside? Is it a pest? Is it edible? How to breed it?

    What food does the common insect mole cricket (native dog son) like to eat in the countryside? Is it a pest? Is it edible? How to breed it?

    Mole cricket is a very common insect, also known as local dog son, generally called it la la cricket, Di la cricket. The body is long, the belly is very soft, and it often haunts at night. What kind of food does mole cricket like to eat? Is it edible? How to breed it? Cymbal

    2020-11-11 Rural common insect mole cricket soil dog son like eat what
  • Culture techniques of mole cricket

    Culture techniques of mole cricket

    Culture techniques of mole cricket

  • When are mole crickets the fattest? How?

    When are mole crickets the fattest? How?

    Mole cricket shrimp looks like lobster, but different from lobster, because its meat is relatively thin, but the taste is crispy, and wine can have a different flavor, but because mole cricket shrimp is not easy to catch in large quantities, so it is rare on the market, only by the coast can see, that

    2020-11-11 mole cricket shrimp when the fattest how eat mole cricket
  • Breeding techniques of mole cricket (native dog puppies)

    Breeding techniques of mole cricket (native dog puppies)

    Mole cricket, also known as Lala Oratosquilla, local dog puppies, water dogs and so on, is an underground insect and a pest, but it has high medicinal value, so it is artificially farmed. So, what are the breeding techniques of mole cricket? Let's get to know it together. 1. Construction of breeding ponds such as

    2020-11-11 Mole cricket native dog cub breeding technique mole cricket also called lesbian cricket
  • It's a heinous pest. The old man said he went into the house. Don't kill him. It's a special delicacy of 40 jin.

    It's a heinous pest. The old man said he went into the house. Don't kill him. It's a special delicacy of 40 jin.

    When I was a child in the countryside, there were no toys at that time. As long as we had time, we would go to the yard and find some small insects in the soil to play with, look at their daily life, and see how they catch food. This is me.

  • Is mole cricket an insect?

    Is mole cricket an insect?

    Mole cricket, also known as Lala Oratosquilla, Dilatosquilla, soil Dog, ground Gog, Water Dog, du Monkey and Grass Dog, can be seen in most parts of our country. Is it an insect? What are the habits of life? Is mole cricket an insect? Mole cricket is an insect, belonging to Orthoptera, Gryllidae.

    2020-11-11 Mole cricket yes insect mole cricket also known as Lara Oratosquilla Dila
  • What is left behind is splendid and gorgeous.

    What is left behind is splendid and gorgeous.

    By the time the fox arrived at the mole's house, the rabbit and the beaver were already seated, with a small wooden box in front of them. The Mole was still lying in the recliner with the envelope in his hand. "this time the sea otter sent another small box." The beaver and.

  • Hon Hai caught the mole and gave out a bonus of 150 million.

    Hon Hai caught the mole and gave out a bonus of 150 million.

    The Hon Hai Group is actively "catching the mole." based on the three recent incidents of "catching the mole" exposed in the media, it is estimated that Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou has issued a whistle-blower bonus of about NT $150 million, hoping that the high bonus will thoroughly eliminate corruption. ...

  • Disease symptoms and treatment of mole cricket in North China of Oxalis purpurea

    Disease symptoms and treatment of mole cricket in North China of Oxalis purpurea

    1. Morphological characteristics of mole cricket in North China belongs to Orthoptera (Gryllotalpidea), also known as Orthoptera. The adult is 36-55mm long and yellowish brown. The wing is short, the forefoot is flat and strong, and there is a thorn on the inner edge of the tibial segment of the hindfoot.

  • Then I. Let's have the baby right here.

    Then I. Let's have the baby right here.

    The rabbit rubbed his eyes and walked out of the house and stretched himself. Flapping his ears, moving his legs and feet, he jumped twice. "it's another sunny day--" the rabbit stretched out and yawned and reached for the shovel by the door, but.

  • Control of mole cricket of Chinese rose

    Control of mole cricket of Chinese rose

    Symptoms: the disease mainly harms the branches of the rose, in the branches and the emergence of ulcer spots, at first a small red spot, and then expand and become deep, but the heart is brown. In the later stage, the lesion was sunken and cracked longitudinally, black spots appeared in the heart of the disease, and black spores emerged when it was wet. In severe cases, the disease spot ring cut the stem, and the branches below the disease shrank and withered.

  • Ganoderma lucidum pest: Oriental mole cricket

    Ganoderma lucidum pest: Oriental mole cricket

    Oriental mole cricket (GryllotalpaorientalisBurmeister) is commonly known as local dog, ground dog. It belongs to Orthoptera, Gryllidae. 1. Morphological and individual adults are 29-31 mm long. The head is conical, dark brown. The dorsal plate of the anterior chest is oval. The forewings are yellowish brown, which can be extended to the middle of the abdomen, the abdomen is fusiform, the abdomen back is dark brown, the ventral surface is dark yellow, and there is a pair of long tail whiskers at the end. The forefoot is specialized as an excavated foot, and there are 3-4 spines on the dorsal medial edge of the hindfoot intestinal segment. The body shape of nymph is similar to that of adult.

  • What are the underground pests?

    What are the underground pests?

    What are the underground pests? What are the symptoms of harm? Please also ask netizens to help introduce that the commonly referred to underground pests live in the soil all their lives or at some stage in their lives, mainly nibbling on the underground parts of crops, seeds, seedlings or near-soil surface main stems, causing crop damage, wilting and growth retardation.

  • Fangcao Ziliantian Chaoyang Mountain

    Fangcao Ziliantian Chaoyang Mountain

    The fox stood on the hillside, looking out at the woods. It was only dawn, and the sun had not yet risen. The woods were still sleeping, the leaves were motionless, and no sound could be heard. The fox felt in a trance that the woods were leaving him.

  • There's a lot of strength when we get together.

    There's a lot of strength when we get together.

    "so you're leaving?" Asked the rabbit. The mother guinea pig nodded. Several little guinea pigs were scrubbed and squeezed at her feet. "these babies won't have a problem here." The rabbit patted the chest. "We'll take care of it."

  • Maybe you're actually a mole.

    Maybe you're actually a mole.

    "so summer is the best!" The rabbit bounced in front of it. The fox and the beaver looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads together. "yesterday, when you were eating fruit, you said autumn was the best." Said the beaver. "because I'm always there.

  • Flowers, how do you represent romance and love?

    Flowers, how do you represent romance and love?

    The fox stopped and sniffed."It looks like some flowers are blooming." Something I haven't smelled before." Rabbit also wrinkled its nose." I didn't smell anything." "It should be over there." The fox pointed in one direction,"Do you want to see...

  • Key points of Pest Control of Pepper in greenhouse

    Key points of Pest Control of Pepper in greenhouse

    Key points of Pest Control of Pepper in greenhouse

  • Early Control of main Underground damage of Potato

    Early Control of main Underground damage of Potato

    First, the main pests 1. Mole cricket is also called Lala Oratosquilla, country Dog son. The adults of mole cricket (fully winged) and nymphs (unwinged) are harmful to potatoes. It uses mouthparts and front claws (front feet) to tear the underground stems or roots of potatoes into disordered filaments, wilting or dying the aboveground parts, and sometimes biting buds so that the buds can not grow, resulting in lack of seedlings. It digs tunnels in the soil, separates the young roots from the soil, breathes air, causes water loss, affects the growth of seedlings, and even dies. It bites tubers in autumn to make holes or make them

  • How does sweet corn control underground pests?

    How does sweet corn control underground pests?

    How does sweet corn control underground pests? Please guide that the main underground pests that harm sweet corn are mole cricket, grub, golden needle worm and ground tiger, etc. these pests harm sweet corn with larvae, which mainly occur in the seedling stage of sweet corn, resulting in dead seedlings and lack of seedlings. In order to ensure that the seedlings are whole and strong, comprehensive control should be carried out. ...
