
Flowers, how do you represent romance and love?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The fox stopped and sniffed."It looks like some flowers are blooming." Something I haven't smelled before." Rabbit also wrinkled its nose." I didn't smell anything." "It should be over there." The fox pointed in one direction,"Do you want to see...


The beaver stopped and sniffled: "it seems that some flowers are blooming." Something I've never smelled before. "

The rabbit also wrinkled his nose: "I don't smell it."

"it should be over there." The fox pointed in one direction. "would you like to have a look?"

"go, go, go." The rabbit has already started to run. "Beaver, don't be slow!"

The beaver agreed vaguely, shuffling behind the rabbit, chewing the bark.

"Don't eat it if you don't know what it is yet!" The fox commanded and began to trot.


The beaver really has a good sense of smell. After walking not far, the rabbit saw a lush shrub, with big flowers on its long stems, swaying gently in the wind.

"Wow." The rabbit opened his mouth wide, sat at the foot of the bush and looked up at the flowers. "how beautiful!"

The petals are layered, and the outermost layers have bloomed, folded slightly, and turned into translucent pink by the sun. Under the big flowers is the thin stem, a few green thick leaves sticking out from the stem, like small ears in a happy mood.

The fox took a deep breath and sneezed a little: "it's very beautiful." Did you grow up here before? "

The beaver shook his head. "I haven't seen it before." Ah, speaking of which, we don't seem to have been here yet. "

"I wonder if Dr. Badger planted it again." The rabbit scratched his ear. "what kind of medicine is this?"

"it's not like that. Besides, Dr. Badger's medicine garden is still a long way from here. " The beaver got close and sniffed it carefully. "I think this may be a hybrid tea fragrant rose."

"what's the name?" The rabbit skimmed his lips. "it's tea, rose, or hybrid."

"I read about it in one of the Mole's books." The beaver scratched his nose a little sheepishly. "it is said that this is a flower hybridized with all kinds of rose, and its fragrance is tea, so it is called this name."

"Hybrid? Why do you want to cross? " Asked the rabbit.

"maybe it's to look better and smell better." The beaver replied, "after all, the original rose is not so beautiful."

"Hmm." The rabbit continued to look up at the flowers. "it's really beautiful."


The book also says that this kind of flower represents romance and love. "

"A flower represents romance and love?" The rabbit opened his eyes wide. "how do you represent it?"

The beaver froze for a moment and then scratched its ear. "how do you represent it. Maybe when you see this flower, you feel romantic and loving? It doesn't seem right, either. "

"probably just the impression?" The fox said, "is it like seeing a beaver and thinking of gnawing trees and dams?"

"well," nodded the rabbit, "but it's understandable after all, because beavers have been gnawing trees and building dams. But a flower does nothing but blooms on its own, how can it leave the impression of romance and love? "

The fox shook his ears, blinked, and turned to look at the big flowers that were quietly blooming.

"so it doesn't make any sense." The rabbit whispered to himself, "how can a flower represent romance and love?" Hey, beaver, you're not wrong, are you? "

"I don't think so." The beaver hesitated. "there are many other flowers in that book. What does each flower represent?"

"it can't be negotiated by the flowers themselves, is it?" The rabbit thought, "A group of flowers will have a meeting and say what you represent and what I represent. Everyone should not rob and have representatives." That doesn't sound right. "

"maybe it has happened before." The fox laughed. "then the flowers write another book and write it all down."

"I think the scene you're talking about is a little weird." The rabbit laughed, too.


What's going on? The flowers themselves can't talk, so there must be someone to regulate it. " Said the beaver.

"it must be so. Without asking for the advice of the flowers, I let them represent them. " The rabbit shook his ears. "I don't know if the flowers themselves agree."

"you might as well ask." The fox smiled and said, "I used to talk to plants, lily of the valley, monkey face, and I talked to them for a long time."

"so are beavers!" The rabbit said, "when the beaver was a child, he liked to talk to a Flower Fritillaria!" So, did the plants answer you? "

The fox smiled and shook his head. "of course not. But after talking to them, I always feel a little more relaxed. "

"Yes." Said the beaver, "Mother Flower didn't answer me either."

"try it." The rabbit said, "maybe this flower will answer?" He is so good-looking and smells so good that he may really answer you. "

"well, you ask." The fox smiled. "We've all talked to plants to see if you're luckier than us."

"good!" The rabbit took several deep breaths and said, "Hybrid." Tea. Oh, forget it. Beautiful flowers, do you represent romance and love? "

The fox pricked up his ears and held his breath. The bushes were still quiet, except for the sound of the wind sweeping through the leaves.

The fox sighed. That's how it's supposed to be. However, why do you feel a little disappointed?

"try again." The rabbit said, "Beautiful flowers, do you represent romance and love?"

"you see, there is no response." The rabbit turned to the fox and the beaver, "so."


A small voice interrupted the rabbit. "Yes-- ah--"

The rabbit jumped up and bumped into the fox: "who is it?"

The little voice continued: "it's me-- ah, the flower in front of you--"

The rabbit stepped back and said, "you." Flowers? "

The fox wagged his tail, turned his eyes again, and a smile appeared on his face. He glanced at the beaver. The beaver winked at him with a clear expression on his face.

"Yes--" the little voice continued, "it's me--"

The rabbit turned to the fox for help and saw that the fox looked serious. The rabbit looked at the beaver again. The beaver was feeling out a piece of bark.

"Flower. Flower, "the rabbit's voice trembled a little." Why are you talking …... "

"We-- we are supposed to talk--" said the flower, "just-- we don't talk much--"

"well," said the fox, "you see, flowers can talk. Ask him how he stands for romance and love. "

The rabbit nodded and his voice was still a little shaky: "Flower, you are …"... How do you represent romance and love? "

"because we had a meeting--" there was a strange vibrato in the little voice, "everyone assigned it."

"well." The rabbit thought, "I have a lot of questions." For example, where do you have a meeting, who speaks, who takes notes, and so on. But there is a more pressing question for you. "

"go ahead and ask -"

"that's it," the rabbit's voice began to vibrato. "where are you stinking mole hiding?"

"Oh, what are you talking about--" there was an uncontrollable laugh in that voice. "I don't understand at all."

"all right." The rabbit said, "Don't pretend. I know it's you."


There was a mound rising under the bushes, and the Mole poked his head out of it with a smile. "it's been found."

"it's still loaded!" The rabbit jumped over to fight, "when did you follow me?"

"I smell it, too." The Mole resumed his voice. "I happen to hear you saying that hybrid tea-scented rose represents romance and love."

"so, how do the flowers represent something? they didn't really have a meeting, did they?" Asked the rabbit.

"of course not." Said the Mole. "these are just the statements handed down from the past, and everyone took them seriously. It's like an infection, and in the end, that's what everyone thinks. After all, flowers are flowers, and they don't care about that. "

"that's right." The rabbit wrinkled its nose. "I told you." The flowers just bloom and bloom, and they don't figure out what they want to represent. "

"A lot of things spread in this way." The Mole pushed the big glasses. "it's basically like a rumor." But there's no harm in it. Let it go. "

"well, you say," said the rabbit, "if I say that the fox represents loyalty and diligence, and the rabbit represents justice and bravery, can it spread?"

"I think this." The Mole paused. "it may be difficult."

"Why?" The rabbit puffed up his cheeks and said, "I don't care, I will represent justice and courage!"

"well, just and brave is just and brave." "then it may take you a lot of time," said the Mole. When you go on a trip, you have to tell him dozens of times when you meet everyone, and then you have to do something just and brave in front of everyone. Basically, after a few generations, people may say that rabbits represent justice and bravery. "

"it's so troublesome." The rabbit's ears drooped. "then forget it."... "

To be continued