
micro-fertilizer Learn more about micro-fertilizer

  • Attention to the Application of photosynthetic Micro-Fertilizer to Walnut trees

    Attention to the Application of photosynthetic Micro-Fertilizer to Walnut trees

    The picture shows that the photosynthetic micro-fertilizer of walnut is a kind of nutritious foliar fertilizer, which contains not only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium essential for plants and many trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, aluminum and copper, but also photorespiration inhibitors (i.e. photosynthetic fertilizer). Has improved

    2020-11-27 Walnut tree application photosynthesis micro-fertilizer attention picture walnut
  • Peanut planting technology: what is the effect of micro-fertilizer on peanuts?

    Peanut planting technology: what is the effect of micro-fertilizer on peanuts?

    What effect does micro-fertilizer have on peanuts? Please introduce that micro-fertilizer plays a very important role in the growth and development of peanut. Reasonable application of micro-fertilizer has the effect of low input and high output. Although farmers have some understanding of this, they are very blind in application and often fail to achieve the goal of increasing production. Therefore, in production practice, according to the needs of peanuts for micro-fertilizer.

  • Key points of foliar spraying of micro-fertilizer on vegetables

    Key points of foliar spraying of micro-fertilizer on vegetables

    Micro-fertilizer is an indispensable nutrient element in the growth and development of vegetables. spraying foliar fertilizer after diluting micro-fertilizer has the advantages of low cost, quick effect and high benefit. The main technical points are as follows: 1. Spraying concentration. Good results can only be achieved if the concentration is appropriate, especially if the concentration is not too high, otherwise it is not only useless, but harmful. ...

  • Attention to the Application of rare Earth Fertilizer in Walnut Orchard

    Attention to the Application of rare Earth Fertilizer in Walnut Orchard

    The content of rare earth elements in plants is very low, and the contents of different organs vary greatly, generally distributed as follows: roots, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds, and about 80% of the rare earth elements absorbed by plants are concentrated in the roots. The application of rare earth fertilizer to walnut trees can promote the response of roots to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and

    2020-11-27 Stone peach orchard application rare earth micro-fertilizer attention plant body
  • What is micro-fertilizer? How should I use it?

    What is micro-fertilizer? How should I use it?

    Micro-fertilizer refers to the fertilizer for plant trace elements, such as copper fertilizer, boron fertilizer, molybdenum fertilizer, manganese fertilizer, iron fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and so on, mainly some inorganic salts and oxides. Microfertilizers are used in a wide range of areas, from food crops to oil crops, cash crops, fruits,

    2020-11-08 Micro-fertilizer what is it how to use it refers to the supply of plants.
  • Soaking wheat seeds with micro-fertilizer can increase the yield.

    Soaking wheat seeds with micro-fertilizer can increase the yield.

    Soaking wheat seeds with micro-fertilizer can increase the yield.

  • Three main points of rational application of micro-fertilizer

    Three main points of rational application of micro-fertilizer

    Three main points of rational application of micro-fertilizer

  • Supplement micro-fertilizer to Chinese chestnut after production

    Supplement micro-fertilizer to Chinese chestnut after production

    The main reason for the low yield and high empty bract rate of chestnut orchard is that it is not applied or sprayed with boron fertilizer in the process of management. When the content of available boron in soil is less than 0.5 parts per million, it will affect the normal fertilization process of Castanea mollissima, resulting in the early stagnation of embryonic development, thus forming the empty bud of Castanea mollissima. It can be grasped in production.

  • How to apply micro-fertilizer to grow sesame?

    How to apply micro-fertilizer to grow sesame?

    How to apply micro-fertilizer to grow sesame? Please give guidance to the main trace elements needed in the process of sesame growth and development, such as boron, zinc, manganese, iron and so on, but the absorption amount is different in different growth stages, the absorption rate is slow in the seedling stage, and the accumulation quantity is large from flowering to capping stage.

  • How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans?

    How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans?

    How to add micro-fertilizer to soybeans? Please introduce that normal growth of soybean requires some trace elements, of which molybdenum, boron, zinc, manganese and so on are more important. Molybdenum is a component of nitrogenase in soybean nodules and an indispensable component in the normal life activities of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Boron is also very important in the life activities of soybean.

  • Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

  • Misunderstandings and matters needing attention in spring ploughing and fertilization

    Misunderstandings and matters needing attention in spring ploughing and fertilization

    Misunderstandings and matters needing attention in spring ploughing and fertilization

  • Cultivation techniques of grape

    Cultivation techniques of grape

    Cultivation techniques of grape

  • There are different uses of micro-fertilizer.

    There are different uses of micro-fertilizer.

    In recent years, the problems of wheat seed burning and seedling burning occurred frequently in autumn seeds, which caused 20% ~ 30% of the lack of seedlings and broken ridges, and the serious ones had to be sown again and again, and this problem showed an upward trend. In order to pursue high yield and higher yield, some farmers one-sidedly think that they can get high yield as long as they apply more fertilizer, regardless of the abundance and deficiency of nutrients in the land.

  • Principle of mixed application of fertilizer

    Principle of mixed application of fertilizer

    In accordance with ny/t496-2002 regulations. The fertilizers used shall be those that have been registered or exempted from registration with the agricultural administrative department. Limit the use of chlorine-containing compound fertilizers. Types of fertilizers allowed: organic fertilizers include compost, retting manure, barnyard manure, biogas manure, green manure, crop straw fertilizer, peat fertilizer, cake.

  • Fertilization and selection of orchids

    Fertilization and selection of orchids

    There are a variety of ways to apply fertilizer, such as base fertilizer, topdressing, foliar spraying and so on. In the selection of fertilizers are also happy: organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, micro-fertilizer, bacterial fertilizer, hormone fertilizer and so on. ...

  • Strawberry Water and Fertilizer Management Technology

    Strawberry Water and Fertilizer Management Technology

    Strawberry Water and Fertilizer Management Technology

  • What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts?

    What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts?

    What kind of micro-fertilizer can be applied to peanuts? Please introduce that trace elements play an irreplaceable role in the growth and development of peanut (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). Scientific application of trace element fertilizer is an important measure for high quality and high yield of peanut. Iron fertilizer peanuts need to absorb 264 for every 1 ton of dry matter.

  • The latest course of Strawberry Water and Fertilizer Management

    The latest course of Strawberry Water and Fertilizer Management

    Strawberry is a very popular fruit, the fruit is very beautiful, looks very appetitive, followed by fruit aroma is also very fresh, more important drought nutrients are rich, high nutritional value. Strawberry planting is becoming more and more common in our country, but this

    2020-11-10 The latest strawberries water and fertilizer management techniques methods tutorials yes
  • What should be paid attention to in foliar fertilization of crops?

    What should be paid attention to in foliar fertilization of crops?

    What should be paid attention to in foliar fertilization of crops? Please point out that foliar fertilization has the advantages of faster transformation, higher fertilizer use efficiency and better nutrient absorption by root system than soil fertilization. Foliar fertilizer can be divided into a large number of element fertilizers, micro-fertilizers, organic fertilizers, microbial fertilizers, or leaves of photosynthesis enhancers or pesticides.
