
Misunderstandings and matters needing attention in spring ploughing and fertilization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Misunderstandings and matters needing attention in spring ploughing and fertilization

After March, it is the busy period for farmers. At this time, spring ploughing is fully carried out and the temperature rises. It is also the critical period for crop fertilization. However, many farmers often fall into the wrong way of fertilization at this time, which not only does not improve the yield, but also causes the yield to decrease. Let's take a look at the common mistakes and precautions of spring ploughing and fertilization together with Xiaobian.

1, can not apply undecomposed farm manure

After the spring, many farmers adopt greenhouse technology to start planting crops, and before planting, they must first apply base fertilizer. Farm manure is a kind that farmers prefer, which is economical, low in cost and high in fertilizer efficiency. However, when using farm manure as base fertilizer, we must not use undecomposed farm manure, which will cause farm manure to continue to decompose in the field, and it is easy to burn roots and die seedlings, and harmful gases will be produced in the process of decomposition and decomposition. In addition, farm manure contains a lot of germs and eggs, which will cause serious diseases and insect pests after application without decomposition, so farm manure must be decomposed before application.

2. Do not apply too much high-concentration fertilizer at one time

Many farmers think that crop growth is not good, think that the reason for fertilizer, as long as the amount of fertilizer is increased, then it will definitely yield, which is also beneficial to promote crop growth. But I don't know, this has fallen into a misunderstanding, no matter what fertilizer, as long as the one-time application of excessive, will cause damage to the root system of the crop, and then affect the vitality and absorption capacity of the root system, causing the growth of the above-ground plants to slow down, serious dead plants. The consequences of doing so will not only increase production, but also reduce production, so do not apply too much fertilizer at one time.

3, can not only apply micro-fertilizer

In the past, farmers blindly applied a fertilizer, resulting in serious crop element deficiency. With the progress of agricultural technology, many farmers also realized this point and attached importance to the application of micro-fertilizer. However, if only simple application of micro-fertilizer, while ignoring the use of other fertilizers, it will also cause poor crop growth, so can not only see this point of micro-fertilizer, blind application of micro-fertilizer, must be based on the growth needs of plants and reasonable matching fertilizer formula, targeted supplement micro-fertilizer can be.

4. Water cannot be watered immediately after urea application

Many farmers have the habit of watering after fertilization, but after urea is applied, it is absolutely impossible to water, because urea will be converted into amide immediately after it is applied to the soil. At this time, watering immediately will easily lead to nutrient loss with watering, greatly reducing fertilizer utilization rate, time-consuming and laborious, and not getting the desired effect. Therefore, after applying pajamas, it is recommended to cover the soil in time and not to water directly.

The above is the introduction of spring ploughing fertilization errors and precautions, I hope to help you, want to know more about the relevant knowledge, please pay attention to us.