
lepidoptera Learn more about lepidoptera

  • What are the commonly used pesticides? What is the function of each?

    What are the commonly used pesticides? What is the function of each?

    Pesticides, now known as pesticide in English, are killing agents, but in fact, pesticides are used to control pests (pests, harmful mites, nematodes, pathogens, weeds and rats) that endanger the production of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. Later, through the longer-term

    2020-11-09 Commonly used commonly used pesticides have what function
  • Living habits, harmful characteristics and control methods of corn borer, a Lepidoptera pest

    Living habits, harmful characteristics and control methods of corn borer, a Lepidoptera pest

    Corn borer belongs to Lepidoptera, Pyralidae. Distributed in Europe, North America and Northwest Africa, the dominant species in China is Ostrinia furnacalis. European corn borer is mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Hebei. These provinces are mixed areas of European corn borer and Asian corn borer, Changji.

    2020-11-09 Lepidoptera order pest corn borer life habit harm
  • What are the control methods of carambola diseases and insect pests?

    What are the control methods of carambola diseases and insect pests?

    Lepidoptera is a pest that harms carambola, so how can we control the pest? What are the ecological habits of Lepidoptera and what are the harmful diseases? Ecological habits: Lepidoptera: Lepidoptera

    2019-01-19 Carambola plant diseases and insect pests flower leaf roll moth flower roll leaf moth
  • What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

  • What are the uses of tebufenozide? What are the precautions in use?

    What are the uses of tebufenozide? What are the precautions in use?

    Tebufenozide is a new type of non-steroidal insect growth regulator and a newly developed insect hormone insecticide. What are the uses of tebufenozide? What are the precautions in use? What are the uses of tebufenozide? Tebufenozide has the characteristics of broad spectrum, high efficacy and low toxicity.

    2020-11-08 Tebufenoyl hydrazide use usage precautions echinoyl
  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in corn

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in corn

    The common diseases and insect pests in corn are corn borer, armyworm, cotton bollworm, aphid, corn leaf mite and so on. Control methods: spraying plants with 2.5% cyhalothrin 2000-2500 times solution can control Lepidoptera pests such as corn borer, armyworm, cotton bollworm, etc.

    2020-11-08 Corn common diseases and insect pests which summary corn
  • Control of insects in plum fruit

    Control of insects in plum fruit

    This insect is a small Lepidoptera pest of the family Lepidoptera, and it is the most serious pest that harms plum fruit, often with a damage rate of 80% to 90%. Teardrop-shaped pectin flowed from the wormhole, and the injured fruit could not continue to develop and gradually turned purplish red and fell off. The path of the killed fruit insect was covered with red insect dung, and the fellow-townsman called it "bean paste stuffing & quot...".

  • Control methods of Populus tomentosa in ornamental trees in Garden

    Control methods of Populus tomentosa in ornamental trees in Garden

    Distribution and damage of Populus tomentosa PryeriasinicaMoore, also known as Populus tomentosa and Euonymus holly. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera. Distributed in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Lianyungang and Hefei. Damage to Euonymus tomentosa, Euonymus tomentosa, Golden Heart holly spear, Dahuawei spear, Fufang vine and silk cotton wood and so on. The larvae feed on the host leaves, and when the occurrence is serious, the leaves are eaten light, which affects the normal growth of plants. Morphological characteristics of adults oblate, black back, chest back

  • What are the control measures of tea caterpillar? What's the pattern of occurrence?

    What are the control measures of tea caterpillar? What's the pattern of occurrence?

    Tea caterpillar is an important pest in Chinese tea area. it is an insect of the genus Lepidoptera of the family Lepidoptera, also known as tea yellow moth, swinging head worm and so on. Tea caterpillars are distributed in all tea-producing provinces in China, mainly to harm tea, but also to Camellia oleifera, citrus and so on.

    2020-11-11 Tea caterpillars control measures what occurrence regularity
  • Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Morphological characteristics and harmfulness of jujube bark moth

    Jujube bark moth belongs to Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera. Also known as truncated bugs. The adult is 18-22 mm long, with white head, gray-white chest and abdomen, filiform antennae, 6 blue spots on the chest and back, 2 rows in the vertical row, irregular blue spots on the forewings, narrow stripes of black and blue in front of the sub-middle fold of the hindwing, and deep spots on the edge of the wings. There are three black longitudinal spots on the back of each segment of the abdomen, and there is a round spot on each side. Ovoid, light yellow in the first birth, densely reticulated. The larva is 30-40 mm long, the head is yellowish brown, the carcass is purplish red, and the forechest

  • Occurrence regularity and control of jujube inchworm

    Occurrence regularity and control of jujube inchworm

    Jujube inchworm, also known as Jujube Buqu, Dingmen eating, Toxoplasma gondii, Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, is one of the main pests in jujube leaves. 1. The occurrence regularity of larvae harms the tender buds, leaves and flower buds of jujube. One generation occurs every year. The pupa overwinters in the soil 10-15 cm deep around the canopy. In the first ten days of the next year, the pupae are feathered into adults. After mating, the female adults do not have wings. They must climb onto the trunk to lay eggs. After about 22 days of egg period, the larvae hatch from late March to early April to do harm to the trees. The 1st and 3rd instar larvae have a small food intake, which mainly harms young leaves.

  • How to raise silkworm moths

    How to raise silkworm moths

    Silkworm is an insect of lepidoptera, the main raw material source of silk, which occupies an important position in human economic life and cultural history. Now there are more and more people raising silkworms, so do you know how to raise silkworms? 1. How to raise silkworm moths? Silkworms don't need feeding. it

    2020-11-11 silkworm moth how to raise silkworm is lepidoptera purpose insect silk
  • Action characteristics of ethyl spinosad

    Action characteristics of ethyl spinosad

    Ethyl spinosad is mainly used to control Lepidoptera larvae, thrips and leafminers, and has a good control effect on Plutella xylostella, beet armyworm, leafminer, thrips, Spodoptera litura and pod borer. Low toxicity to birds, fish, earthworms and aquatic plants; in practical application

    2020-11-09 B Quito fungicides action characteristics
  • The difference between a butterfly and a moth

    The difference between a butterfly and a moth

    The difference between a butterfly and a moth

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests of onions and garlic? How to prevent and cure it? What are the technologies?

    What are the common diseases and insect pests of onions and garlic? How to prevent and cure it? What are the technologies?

    Onion and garlic vegetables are a kind of vegetables with special smell. It is rich in sugar, vitamin c, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, and contains bactericidal substances (propylene sulfide), which can promote appetite, seasoning, deodorization and medical treatment. What are the diseases and insect pests of onions and garlic? How

    2020-11-09 Commonly used commonly used onions and garlic diseases and insect pests there are what how
  • How to raise moths

    How to raise moths

    Moths belong to Lepidoptera, most of which are active at night. Its larvae and adults are also one of the main food sources of insectivorous animals such as birds, reptiles and amphibians, forming an important food chain in nature. So, how to raise flying moths? First, how do moths

    2020-11-11 Moths how raise moths genera Lepidoptera orders insects most
  • Does carbaryl salt control aphids?

    Does carbaryl salt control aphids?

    Aphids are a kind of pest that many farmers hate and do great harm to many crops. So does carbaryl salt control aphids? Let's take a look at it next. 1. Carbaryl salt to control aphids? carbaryl salt can control aphids, which is derived from fermented products.

    2020-11-08 Jiawei salt control aphids moths yes many farmers all
  • Can Jiawei salt remove rice?

    Can Jiawei salt remove rice?

    Methamectin is a new type of highly efficient semisynthetic antibiotic insecticide synthesized from the fermentation product avermectin B1. It has the characteristics of ultra-high efficiency, low toxicity (preparation is nearly non-toxic), no residue, no pollution and other biological pesticides. Compared with avermectin, its insecticidal activity is increased by 1-3 orders of magnitude, and it has extremely high activity against Lepidoptera larvae and many other pests and mites. It has both stomach toxicity and contact toxicity. It has a good effect at very low dose (0.084~2g/ha) and is beneficial in the process of pest control.

  • What pesticides are commonly used in Feizixiao litchi?

    What pesticides are commonly used in Feizixiao litchi?

    What pesticides are commonly used in Feizixiao litchi? Which pesticides can be hit by which insect pests? Feizixiao litchi commonly used pesticides are: insecticide spray insecticidal pesticides trichlorfon broad-spectrum, high efficiency and low toxicity organophosphorus pesticides. It has strong stomach toxicity and contact killing effect, which is the most common and effective way to control litchi bug.

  • What pesticides are often used in bananas?

    What pesticides are often used in bananas?

    What pesticides are often used in bananas? The following varieties of commonly used insecticides for bananas are introduced: (1) 5% wettable powder is a new type of insecticide with high efficiency and low toxicity, which can significantly prevent crop pests such as aphids and thrips.
