
leaf swelling disease Learn more about leaf swelling disease

  • Scientific control methods of rape root swelling disease

    Scientific control methods of rape root swelling disease

    Rape, also known as rape, sowthistle, Latin name: Brassica campestris L. Cruciferae, Brassica plants, rape tender stems and leaves, native to China, its stem color dark green, such as Chinese cabbage, belongs to the cruciferous cabbage variety, the flowers are yellow. General planting in agronomy

    2020-11-08 Oil vegetable root swelling disease science prevention methods rape also known as
  • Rhododendron leaf swelling disease

    Rhododendron leaf swelling disease

    Symptoms: rhododendron leaf swelling disease is also called cake disease. The young tissues of rhododendron can be damaged, mainly for flower buds, tender leaves and new shoots. The front of the leaf is a light yellow translucent round spot at first, then yellow, sunken; the back of the leaf is reddish, hypertrophic and swollen, followed by a gall tumor, and there is a thick gray-white powder layer on the surface of the gall tumor, such as biscuit-like, withered, yellow and early fallen leaves. In severe cases, the petiole disease is patchy and deformed and hypertrophy. When the tender shoot is sick, the top produces a fleshy lotus-shaped leaf, or a tumor-like leaf, and then shrinks into a sac. After the petals are infected, they are abnormally thick and show irregular galls.

  • The latest pest control of rhododendron amurense

    The latest pest control of rhododendron amurense

    Leaf swelling disease Because rhododendron is also a kind of rhododendron, so it is easy to suffer from leaf swelling disease or relatively large, spots may appear on the front or back, serious times stem and leaf will swell, serious times, looks like a biscuit. This disease is

    2020-11-10 latest sheep rhododendron disease pest control leaf swelling disease due to
  • How to prevent and cure rape root swelling disease

    How to prevent and cure rape root swelling disease

    How to prevent and cure rape root swelling disease? Please introduce that rape root swelling disease occurs in the root, the bacteria usually invade from the root hair or young root, and form a tumor on the main root or lateral root. It is commonly known as "brain shell disease". The initial surface is smooth and white, and then the color becomes brown, rough and cracked. It is easy to be infected by other germs and rot.

  • The method of cultivation of cymbidium, cymbidium pictures

    The method of cultivation of cymbidium, cymbidium pictures

    The method of cultivation of cymbidium, cymbidium pictures

  • The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

    The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

    The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

  • How to raise Manjusri in the north?

    How to raise Manjusri in the north?

    Wenshu orchid is native to tropical Asia. Because it is not cold-resistant, it is cultivated in pots in the north. Although it can blossom in the north, it is difficult to seed, so it is generally adopted to plant and propagate tillering seedlings at the base of the stem. Like warm and humid climate, salt-resistant soil, avoid hot sun exposure in summer. Wenshulan has extensive management.

  • Causes and solutions of rape seedling weak growth and low height

    Causes and solutions of rape seedling weak growth and low height

    Causes and solutions of rape seedling weak growth and low height

  • Symptoms and treatment of leaf spot disease of Oxalis purpurea

    Symptoms and treatment of leaf spot disease of Oxalis purpurea

    1. Symptoms of leaf spot disease harm purple leaf sorrel leaves. When the disease occurs, irregular spots of lavender water stains are produced on the leaves, some with obvious edges and clear boundaries with healthy parts; some are not clear. The spots gradually expand after turning yellow brown, turning gray in the center and brown at the edges.

  • Common diseases of rhododendron

    Common diseases of rhododendron

    1. Leaf swelling disease. Before the disease, especially during the tapping and leaf spreading, Bordeaux solution of 1purl 200 can be sprayed, and the diseased leaves can be removed in time. Before germination, 0.3-0.5 Bordeaux solution or Bordeaux solution of 1 handkerb 200 can be sprayed 2-3 times, usually once every 7-10 days. After the disease, 65-80% mancozeb 500 times or 0.3-0.5 Baomesulphur mixture can be sprayed 3-4 times, once every 7-10 days. 2. Leaf spot and brown spot. Spray 7 from May to August

  • The reasons and solving measures for the weak growth and low growth of the latest rape seedlings

    The reasons and solving measures for the weak growth and low growth of the latest rape seedlings

    Now it is about to enter the spring ploughing, rape has also entered the bolting and flowering period one after another, at this time the main thing to do is to prevent low temperature chilling injury, but some farmers found that their rape is malnourished and does not grow high. What is the cause of this? How to solve the problem?

    2020-11-10 The latest oil vegetable seedlings weak long no high causes and solutions
  • Where is the latest origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the latest origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Angelica dahurica, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain Symptoms such as red leucorrhea, pain, furuncle, swelling and toxin, etc.

    2020-11-10 The latest Radix angelicae dahuricae
  • Distribution of producing areas of heavy buildings

    Distribution of producing areas of heavy buildings

    Distribution of producing areas of heavy buildings

  • How to prevent sunflower wilt?

    How to prevent sunflower wilt?

    How to prevent sunflower wilt? Please introduce the method of damage to sunflower Verticillium wilt: it usually starts from the lower leaves of the plant. Early leaf tip or leaf edge local tissue swelling disorder, green wilt, also occurred in the middle of the leaf tissue, irregular shape, but the edge was infiltrated, yellowing, green leaf tissue...

  • The efficacy and function of the Top Ten achievements

    The efficacy and function of the Top Ten achievements

    The efficacy and function of the Top Ten achievements

  • Radix angelicae dahuricae and mulberry leaves

    Radix angelicae dahuricae and mulberry leaves

    Angelica dahurica is the root of Angelica dahurica. The original medicinal materials are sun-dried and sliced for raw use; Radix angelicae dahuricae is warm and tastes pungent, returning to the lung, stomach and large intestine meridians. Its main functions are:.

  • Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

    Where is the origin of Angelica dahurica?

  • Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Snake venom poisoning is caused by acute toxic diseases characterized by hemolysis, sensory nerve peripheral paralysis and shock when the venom is bitten by poisonous snakes. It can occur in all kinds of animals and is common in grazing animals and dogs. 1. Most of the animals with clinical symptoms were bitten by poisonous snakes in the lips, nose, face and lower limbs. Horses, cattle and sheep are bitten by snakes in the vicinity of the tarsal joint or ball joint, while pigs and dogs are mostly in the extremities and nasal ends. The closer the bite site is to the rich central nervous system and blood vessels, the more likely the bite site is.

  • Culture methods and efficacy of seven-leaf lotus

    Culture methods and efficacy of seven-leaf lotus

    Culture methods and efficacy of seven-leaf lotus

  • Which three kinds of flowers belong to the same genus as impatiens?

    Which three kinds of flowers belong to the same genus as impatiens?

    1. Bafu Impatiens (LbalfouriHook.): perennial herb, 90 cm tall, much branched. The leaf margin has small curved teeth and the petiole is glandular. The flowers are large, with 6-8 clusters forming racemes. Capsule erect, 2.5-4 cm long, smooth. Native to the western Himalayas
