
How to raise Manjusri in the north?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wenshu orchid is native to tropical Asia. Because it is not cold-resistant, it is cultivated in pots in the north. Although it can blossom in the north, it is difficult to seed, so it is generally adopted to plant and propagate tillering seedlings at the base of the stem. Like warm and humid climate, salt-resistant soil, avoid hot sun exposure in summer. Wenshulan has extensive management.

Wenshu orchid is native to tropical Asia. Because it is not cold-resistant, it is cultivated in pots in the north. Although it can blossom in the north, it is difficult to seed, so it is generally adopted to plant and propagate tillering seedlings at the base of the stem. Like warm and humid climate, salt-resistant soil, avoid hot sun exposure in summer. The management of Wenshu orchid is extensive, and the seedlings grow very fast at the beginning of the potted plant. A larger flowerpot should be changed in about four months to meet the needs of growth. One large plant per pot, but you don't have to change the basin for many years.

In the north, May to October is the peak period of its growth, so it should be watered once a day and fertilized once a week. Hot summer is the time when flowers are scarce, and June to September is its flowering period, which is also one of the reasons why people like Wenshulan. Reduce watering after entering autumn, and stop applying fertilizer and water when the bulb enters the dormant period. Keep it indoors in sunshine in winter to prevent frost damage. Water less in winter to prevent rotting roots. Wenshu orchids are not as delicate as foliage flowers in the south. If they are well managed, they can blossom three times a year. How to raise Manjushri in the north? the maintenance of Wenshu orchids should pay attention to the following aspects:

(1) Illumination: Wenshulan likes warm and abundant sunlight, grows luxuriantly and blossoms well under sufficient sunlight. If the light is insufficient or too strong, it will affect its growth and flowering. Avoid the scorching sun in summer, people should move the potted flowers under the shade shed after summer, and should often sprinkle water to the ground to cool down.

(2) Water and fertilizer management: Wenshu orchid has a strong root system and a strong ability to absorb water and fertilizer, so it needs to be fully watered after planting, keep the soil moist and apply thin fertilizer frequently during the growing period. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in spring, liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium is applied before flowering, and rotten cake fertilizer is applied in autumn, which can make it grow vigorously and bloom luxuriantly. Be careful not to pour the liquid fertilizer into the leaves when fertilizing. Cut off the pedicel after the flower fade to promote the development of the bulb. In summer, you can spray water around the plant regularly to maintain a large air humidity, but it is necessary to prevent waterlogging after rain, because stagnant water will cause the bulb to rot. The winter dormant period should be watered once on the left side of the month to keep the basin soil dry.

(3) Heat preservation: Manjusri is not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for growth is 13-21 ℃. The northern region needs to move into the sunny part of the room in the first and middle of October, and the room temperature is kept at 8: 10 ℃ to pass the dormancy period safely. If the room temperature is above 15 ℃ in winter, it can continue to blossom. Sowing and ramet propagation are commonly used. It is better to sow in spring, with large seeds and on demand in a shallow basin. Sprouting 2 weeks after sowing, sowing and propagation need to be maintained for 3-4 years before flowering. Ramet propagation is carried out from March to April combined with changing pots, and the bulbs around the mother plant are peeled off and planted, and the planting depth is better without bulbs. the above is the introduction of how to raise Manjusri in the north.

Crinum asiaticum Wenshu Orchid Guide: how to raise Wenshu Orchid / how to reproduce Wenshu Orchid Business Card Wenshu Orchid Crinum asiaticum Wenshu Orchid introduction of Wenshu Orchid is a stout perennial herb, bulbous. Leaves 20-30, banded, 0.9-1.2m long. Margin undulate, light green. Scape erect, with 10-20 flowers forming umbels, fragrant in the evening. Perianth lobes white, linear, stamens reddish, anthers linear, apex acuminate, ovary fusiform. Fruit subglobose, 3-5 cm in diam., usually with 1 seed. Mostly distributed in South China, often born in coastal areas or riverside sandy land. Leaves and roots are used medicinally, with the effect of removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and can treat falling injury, mad heat headache, heat toxin swelling and other diseases. Morphological characteristics of Wenshu orchid perennial bulbous herbaceous flowers. The leaves are broad and thick, dark green all the year round, up to more than 1 meter long, and the front end is sharp, like a giant's green sword; the scape is erect all the year round, and its height is about the same as that of the leaf, but most of them only bloom in summer and autumn, with 10-24 flowers, gathering at the top of the scape in umbrella shape. Each flower has six slender petals, purplish red in the middle and pink on both sides, stretching around and even bending backward when it is in full bloom, as if trying its best to show people its beauty and charm, and the fragrance of the flower is full-bodied and scattered far away, so it has always been loved by people. Perianth linear, white, fragrant, full bloom in July. Capsule, seed large, green. Stout perennial herbs. Bulbs long columnar. Leaves 20-30, multiseriate, banded-lanceolate, up to 1 m long, 7-12 cm wide, apex acuminate, with 1 acute tip, margin undulate, dark green. Flower stems erect, several as long as leaves, umbels with 10-24 flowers, involucral bracts lanceolate, 6-10 cm long, membranous, bracteoles narrowly linear, 3-7 cm long; pedicels 0.5-2.5 cm long; flowers tall, discoid, fragrant. Perianth tube slender, straight, 10 cm long, 1.5-2 mm in diam., green-white, perianth lobes linear, 4.5-9 cm long and 6-9 mm wide, attenuate toward tip, white; stamens reddish, filaments 4-5 cm long, anthers linear, apex acuminate, 1.5 cm long or longer; ovary fusiform, less than 2 cm long. Capsule subglobose, 3-5 cm in diam.; usually 1 seed. Flowering in summer. The sex likes to be warm, moist and slightly resistant to yin. Resistant to salt and alkali. It is not cold-resistant, and it is necessary to spend the winter indoors at no less than 5 ℃ in winter. The suitable temperature for the growth of Wenshu orchid was 15 ~ 20 ℃. Not resistant to hot sun exposure, but slightly resistant to shade. It needs to be placed under the shade in summer, and it needs plenty of fertilizer and water during the growing period, especially before and after flowering and during the flowering period. The ecological habits of Wenshu orchid prefer warm, moist, sunny and fertile sandy loam environment, not cold-tolerant and saline-alkali-tolerant, but avoid strong direct light at seedling stage, the suitable temperature for growth is 1520 ℃, and the suitable storage temperature is about 8 ℃ in winter bulb dormancy period. Manjushri orchids are native to Indonesia and Sumatra. Manjushri is cultivated in tropical and subtropical provinces in southern China, but it is especially cultivated in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. because the Dai people in this area believe in the Sutra Buddhism, almost every village has Buddhist monasteries. Wenshulan is designated as "five trees and six flowers" by Buddhist monasteries (that is, five kinds of trees that must be planted in monasteries. One of the six kinds of flowers, so it is widely planted. Wild in rivers, villages, low-lying grass, or planted in gardens. Distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and other places. Distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions. Often found in coastal areas or riverside sandy land; now cultivated for ornamental use. The type specimen may have been collected from Hong Kong. The role of Manjusri orchid leaves and beauty, has a high ornamental value, not only can be used as garden scenic spots, campus, organ green space, residential district lawn embellishment, but also as courtyard decorative flowers, can also be used as a hedge around the house; if potted, it can be placed in the solemn conference hall, magnificent hotel, banquet hall door, elegant and generous, full of incense, pleasing to the eye. It can be used as medicine. Leaves and bulbs are used medicinally, with the effect of promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, treating injury caused by falling, wind-heat headache, heat-toxin swelling and so on. Accidental consumption of Manjusri may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. The cultivation techniques of Wenshu orchid have sufficient water supply in summer, keep the basin soil moist, apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a week, and apply calcium superphosphate once before scape extraction. The pedicel should be cut off in time after flowering. The potted flowers were moved indoors in early September or late October and placed in a dry place with a temperature of about 10 ℃. No watering was needed and fertilization was terminated. Like the soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, good drainage, more tolerant to saline-alkali soil. From March to April, the bulb should be planted in a basin of 20cm to 25cm, not too shallow, and the bulb should not be seen. After planting, the bulb should be fully watered and placed in the shade. Wenshu orchid planted in the ground should be planted every 2 ~ 3 years to keep the plant strong and bloom luxuriantly, otherwise the growth is not prosperous and the flowering is rare. Maintenance points 1. Big pot and deep planting. In order to meet the nutrients needed during the growth period of Wenshu orchid, larger flowerpots should be selected for deep planting in order to conserve water and soil and supply root development. 2. Water and fertilizer management. During the normal growth period of Wenshu orchid, appropriate amount of water was watered every day from May to September, dry and wet. The fertilizer and water made by retting with cruller residue and black alum (ferrous sulfate) should be applied every 7 to 10 days, and its concentration should be light at first and then concentrated, and stop applying in winter. 3. Erase the evil bud. Wenshu orchid in the vigorous growth period, always from the rhizome around the sprouts, in order to ensure that the plant shape upright, rhizome neat, the normal growth of the whole plant, should be timely erased buds. 4. Sunshine and shade. In order to make the leaves green, beautiful and tidy without affecting the light, Wenshu orchids should be properly shaded in hot summer, receive full sunshine from 7 a.m. to 12:00, and shade from 12:00 to 15:00. There are about 100 species of plants of the same genus. Often cultivated are safflower Wensu orchids: purplish red flowers, native to Sumatra. Wenshulan of North America: White flowers, narrow leaves, native to tropical Asia, wild in Guangdong and Hainan, China. Like warm, not cold-resistant, slightly shade-resistant, wet, waterlogging, saline-alkali resistance, should be drained good fertile soil. [Manjushri alias] Luo skirt, water banana, magnolia leaf, sea banana, white flower Lycoris [source] is Crinum asiaticum L. Var. Sinicum Bak was used in medicine with leaves and bulbs. Can be picked all year round, use more fresh products or wash and dry. [source form] perennial stout herbs. Bulb stout, Terete. Stem thick, fleshy, up to 1 m high, base diameter ca. 10-15 cm. Leaves multiple, fleshy, ligulate-lanceolate or ribbon-lanceolate, retrorsely drooping, up to 1 meter long, 7cm wide or wider, with a fishy smell. In summer, there are erect fleshy scape from the axils of leaves, and umbels terminal. The fruit is nearly spherical. [nature and taste is classics] it is pungent and cool. There's a little poison. [functional indications] to remove blood stasis, reduce swelling and relieve pain. For pharyngitis, fall injury, carbuncle swelling and poison, snake bite. [usage] 5g to 15g; appropriate amount for external use, smash fresh products and apply to the affected area. Warning the whole plant is poisonous, the bulb is the most poisonous, internal administration should be careful. Therefore, as medicine, we must strictly follow the doctor's advice, and strictly prevent children and animals from eating by mistake. Poisoning symptoms: abdominal pain, constipation, followed by severe diarrhea, pulse growth, dyspnea, rising body temperature. Rescue: early gastric lavage, take strong tea or tannic acid, should pay special attention to shock. You can also use 4 taels of white rice vinegar and 2 taels of ginger juice. [excerpt from] National Collection of Chinese Herbal Medicine [Dai Medicine] Lilu (Xidai): the whole herb is used for pharyngitis, injury, carbuncle, swelling and pain, snakebite "Banna Dai Medicine", "Yunnan Medicine record", "Dai Medicine", "Yunnan Provincial Chronicles". Liluo deafness: treat sores and furuncle swelling, fall injury "Dai medicine". [Zhuang medicine] plantain: bulbs and leaves are used for scabies, nameless swelling and toxin, urinary retention, falling swelling and pain, fractures, joint sprain, dislocation, crane knee wind, hyperthyroidism. [Mao difficult medicine] Fama: the function is the same as the Zhuang nationality's "Gui Medicine Edition". [Miao Medicine] Yang Li Meng: the function is the same as the Zhuang nationality's "Gui Medicine Edition". [Yao medicine] Dong Huan, elder sister sclerotic stick, public administration: the function is the same as that of the Zhuang nationality. [Hani medicine] I Burma: leaves, bark, radical cure of hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, stomachache "Hani medicine". [Dong medicine] cursing dragon, Mal liongc: the whole grass mainly treats the north knife (fall wound) "Dong medicine". Kino medicine: leaves and bulbs treat pharyngitis, fall injuries, fractures, boils, swelling and pain, snakes bite "Jinuo medicine". The mode of propagation of Wenshu orchid often uses ramet and sowing propagation. 1. Ramet propagation: ramet can be carried out in spring and autumn, in combination with changing pots in spring. Pour the mother plant out of the basin, peel off the bulbs around it, and plant them separately. 2. Sowing and propagation: it is suitable for March to April. Artificial pollination is needed in the north, otherwise it is not easy to bear fruit. The water content of seeds is high, so it is suitable to sow immediately after harvest. Can be sowed in a shallow basin, covering soil about 2 cm thick, watered thoroughly, keep moderately moist at 16-22 ℃, not too wet, and sprout after about 2 weeks. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they can be transplanted in a small pot. It can blossom after 3 or 4 years of cultivation. The disease control of Wenshu orchid is easy to occur leaf spot and leaf blight at the leaf and leaf base under high temperature and humidity. Management should be strengthened, diseased leaves should be removed in time and ventilation should be maintained. Chemical methods can be used to prevent and cure the disease at the initial stage. Leaf spot disease Wenshu orchid leaf spot disease becomes yellow or withered when the disease is serious. The pathogen occurs on the leaves, the disease spot is brown at first, there are faded halo circles around it, the expansion is round, oval or irregular, the edge is dark brown, the middle is yellow-white to grayish brown, and in the later stage, black particles appear in the disease spot, that is, the conidium of the pathogen. When the disease is serious, the disease spots are often linked together, and the leaves wilt and wither to death. The pathogen is Macrophmina phaseoli Ashby, which belongs to the genus Coleophora. The conidia are elliptic to clavate, slightly curved, with a size of 16-32um × 5-10um. The occurrence increased warmly in the following spring, the pathogen overwintered on the diseased remains of the plant, and the conidia germinated and began to infect. Usually invade and do harm from the wound. Plant growth is weak, temperature is too high, humidity is high, ventilation is poor, which is conducive to the occurrence of diseases. Control methods ① should strengthen maintenance and management, remove disease residues, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, pay attention to reasonable watering, avoid dampness, and pay attention to ventilation and light transmission in the greenhouse, so as to promote the healthy growth of plants and improve the ability of disease resistance. At the initial stage of ②, 75% chlorothalonil or 75% mancozeb was sprayed. After entering the cellar, 0.5% Bordeaux solution or 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution was sprayed. The culture method of Wenshu orchid and how to raise it well.

Wenshulan prefers warm, moist, sufficient light and fertile sandy soil environment, but it is not cold-tolerant and saline-alkali-tolerant, but it avoids strong direct light at the seedling stage, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15: 20 ℃. The suitable storage temperature is about 8 ℃ during the dormant period of bulbs in winter. Pot culture is suitable for sandy soil with high humus content, loose and fertile soil and strong permeability. Manjusri is of great ornamental value. It can watch not only leaves but also flowers. It is deeply loved by many people. What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Wenshu orchid? Let's take a look at the contents of cantaloupe.

Culture method of Wenshu orchid

1. Soil: Manjusri does not have strict requirements on soil, is resistant to salt and alkali, and grows better in soils rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage.

2. Watering: Wenshu orchid needs sufficient moisture in the growing season, often keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged, and reduce watering after autumn.

3. Sunshine: in order to make the leaves green, beautiful and tidy without affecting the light, Wenshu orchid should be properly shaded in the heat and heat of summer, from 7 am to 12:00, full sunshine should be accepted, and a shade should be built from 12:00 to 15:00.

4. Temperature: Wenshulan prefers warmth and is not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ 20 ℃. In winter, it is necessary to spend the winter in an indoor space of not less than 5 min.

5. Fertilization: Manjusri likes fertilizer, so manure should be applied 3 times a month, and phosphate fertilizer should be added 2 times before and after flowering, which is beneficial to more flowering and long flowering period.

6. Pruning: after flowering, the pedicel of Wenshu orchid that leaves no seed should be cut off, and the leaves of old yellow should be removed at the same time.

7. Propagation method: Manjusri can be divided or cut, and its propagation is about from spring to autumn. The suitable growth temperature is 22 Mel 28 degrees Celsius, generally more than 10 degrees Celsius should be treated with anti-freezing.

Matters needing attention in the culture of Wenshu orchid

1. Cooling and humidification in summer: Wenshulan is afraid of hot sun exposure in summer, so after entering the summer, the plant should be moved to the shade shed or north balcony for maintenance, and often sprinkle water to the ground to create a cool and humid small environment.

2. Fertilizing frequently during the growing period: thin fertilizer should be applied frequently during the growing period. The thin fertilizer was applied mainly by nitrogen fertilizer in spring, the liquid fertilizer mainly by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in bud stage, and the rotten cake fertilizer in autumn. The interval of fertilization is 2 weeks.

3. Watering frequently during the growing period: water every 2 days in spring, once every evening in summer, reduce watering in autumn, and strictly control watering in winter (usually watering once every 2 weeks).

4. Do a good job of keeping warm in winter: the plants are moved indoors in the north in early October and placed in the sun in the south in the first ten days of November, and the temperature is kept between 8 Mel and 10 ℃ to survive the winter.