
The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

Tiannanxing is the dry tuber of Araceae plant Artemisia angustifolia, Artemisia angustifolia or Pinellia ternata, which has the effect of dispersing knot and reducing swelling. Pinellia ternata is the dry tuber of Pinellia ternata. It has the effect of drying and dampening phlegm, reducing adverse and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffles and dispersing knots. Let's take a look at the difference between Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata.

The difference of families and genera between Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata

1. Artemisia angustifolia: Artemisia is a perennial herb of the genus Araceae, which belongs to the plant kingdom, angiosperm, Monocotyledon, Araceae, Araceae, Araceae.

2. Pinellia ternata: Pinellia ternata belongs to plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, Monocotyledon class, Araceae, Araceae, Pinellia ternata perennial herbs.

Morphological difference between Pinellia ternata and Pinellia ternata

1. Tiannanxing: the plant is 40-90 cm high, the tuber is oblate, the bark is yellow-brown, the leaf is often simple, the petiole is cylindrical, the leaf is divided in foot, the inflorescence stalk is 30-55 cm long, the inflorescence is bisexual and male, the berries are yellow-red, cylindrical, about 5 mm long, with 1 clavate seed, 2-3 sterile ovules, yellow seeds with red spots, flowering from April to May. The fruit period is from July to September.

2. Pinellia ternata: the tuber of Pinellia ternata is globose, 1 cm in diameter, with whisker roots, 2 leaves, sometimes 1, petiole 15-20 cm long, seedling leaf ovate-cordate to hastate-shaped, inflorescence stalk 25-30 cm long, longer than petiole, flame bract green or green-white, tube narrowly cylindrical, fleshy spike inflorescence, berry ovoid, yellowish green, apex attenuate into obvious style, florescence from May to July, fruit mature in August.

The difference between Tiannanxing and Pinellia ternata

1. Tiannanxing: Tiannanxing is also known as Nanxing, Pinellia ternata, Taro, Pinellia ternata, one-legged umbrella, sweet potato, tiger paw, snake head garlic, lock throat lotus, snake grass head, one-legged lotus, snake bag valley, single-leaf gun, green pole single-leaf gun, snake six grain, Tianliang umbrella, snake stick head, Shuanglong taro, etc., except northwest, Xizang, it is distributed in most provinces and regions.

2. Pinellia ternata: Pinellia ternata, three-step jump, taro fruit, field heart, arenaria, crow eye, taro taro, swallow tail, saffron, ball Pinellia ternata, pointed leaf Pinellia ternata, old Huangzui, old monk buckle, wild taro, old crow head, earth star, three-step soul, hemp taro, small heavenly star, herbal medicine dog Dan, clover, trigonum, foreign plow, small Tiannanxing, buckle lotus, raw Pinellia ternata, soil Pinellia ternata, wild Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata, Pinellia ternata Three leaves, three blossoms, triangular grass, Sanxing grass, Diwen, Hegu, Shou Tian, Dizhu Pinellia ternata, etc. It is widely distributed in the Yangtze River Basin, Northeast China, North China and other regions.

The difference of efficacy between Rhizoma Corydalis and Pinellia ternata

1. Tiannanxing: it tastes bitter, pungent and warm, and belongs to the meridians of the lung, liver and spleen, which has the effect of dispersing swelling, treating carbuncle swelling and snakebite. Tiannanxing has the effects of dryness and dampness, expelling wind and relieving spasm, dispersing phlegm and detumescence, for stubborn phlegm cough, wind phlegm vertigo, stroke phlegm obstruction, mouth and eyes? Oblique, hemiplegia, epilepsy, typhoid, tetanus and other diseases, external use to treat carbuncle swelling, snakebite.

2. Pinellia ternata: Pinellia ternata tastes pungent, warm in nature, belongs to spleen, stomach and lung meridian, has the effect of dryness and dampness, reducing reverse and stopping vomiting, eliminating ruffle and dispersing knot, for dampness, cold phlegm, cough and asthma, phlegm dizziness, phlegm dizziness, phlegm syncope, vomiting and nausea, epigastrium tightness, plum kernel qi and other diseases, external treatment of carbuncle and phlegm nucleus.