
intermittent Learn more about intermittent

  • The method of intermittent irrigation in agricultural experimental station has been successful in saving water and increasing yield of rice.

    The method of intermittent irrigation in agricultural experimental station has been successful in saving water and increasing yield of rice.

    The intermittent irrigation method of planting rice in the agricultural experimental station has a serious water situation, and the rice farming industry, which relies heavily on water resources, is the first to suffer. Hualien organic small farmers use intermittent irrigation to make rice dry and dry alternately, saving 30% of cultivation water and increasing rice.

    2021-05-26 Agricultural laboratory intermittent irrigation law saving rice water increasing production and success
  • Intermittent rainfall in Henan Province to harvest wheat overnight

    Intermittent rainfall in Henan Province to harvest wheat overnight

    Intermittent rainfall in Henan Province to harvest wheat overnight

  • Abnormal estrus in dogs

    Abnormal estrus in dogs

    First, the estrus period of short estrus dogs is very short, it is not easy to observe, and the opportunity for mating is often missing. the reason may be that the follicles mature and ovulate quickly, which shortens the estrus period, or it may be that the follicles suddenly stop developing and atrophy, and stop secreting estrogen. the exact reason for short estrus is not clear. Second, intermittent estrus is common in malnourished bitches, estrus is intermittent, and the process of estrus lasts for a long time. Most of the reasons are that the follicles develop alternately due to the insufficient secretion of luteinizing hormone.

  • Where is the origin of crane grass?

    Where is the origin of crane grass?

    Where is the origin of crane grass?

  • Where is the latest origin of crane grass?

    Where is the latest origin of crane grass?

    Ampelopsis grossedentata is a perennial herb of Rosaceae. The dry aboveground part of the plant can remove residual roots and impurities, wash and dry and can be used as medicine. With convergence to stop bleeding, malaria, dysentery, detoxification, tonifying deficiency

    2020-11-10 The latest crane grass origin where alias Tuoli
  • Treatment of dehydrated orchid seedlings

    Treatment of dehydrated orchid seedlings

    Whether it's going up the mountain to pick back the orchid seedlings. It is still the last leftover seedling bought from the stall. Orchid seedlings, or mail-ordered orchid seedlings, may have the dangerous phenomenon of dehydration and wrinkling. Among them, the dehydration of orchid seedlings is mostly caused by improper mailing and packaging, or due to the delay for too long. The treatment of orchid seedlings like this can be carried out in the following ways.

  • The birth process of dogs

    The birth process of dogs

    Dogs are multifetal animals, because of their different breeds, the number of litters per litter is not the same. Generally, small dogs have 1-4 fetuses, and more than 6 fetuses. The number of medium and large dogs is generally 6-9, less than 1-2, more than 1 - 2 -13, and 25 are recorded. The delivery of dogs is by means of uterine and abdominal muscle, diaphragm contraction, the fetus and its appendages out. The contraction of the uterus is intermittent and intermittent, so it is usually called "contraction". The contraction of abdominal muscle and diaphragm is called "nufu". nu

  • Field Management of Rice at heading and fruiting stage

    Field Management of Rice at heading and fruiting stage

    Field Management of Rice at heading and fruiting stage

  • Main technological parameters of instant scented tea

    Main technological parameters of instant scented tea

    The main results are as follows: (1) countercurrent extraction: green tea and deionized water extract 15min according to the ratio of green tea to deionized water at 1:15, and the temperature of water is 90 ℃. In the commonly used instant tea production process, the extraction operation is carried out intermittently, so it is difficult to complete the discharge and the separation of tea soup and tea residue in 15min, which leads to the retention time of tea in high temperature tea soup for too long, the loss of aroma, the bitter taste of tea soup and the strong taste of stuffy soup, which greatly reduces the quality of instant tea. The horizontal continuous countercurrent extractor is developed to reduce leaching.

  • Field Management of the latest Rice heading and fruiting stage

    Field Management of the latest Rice heading and fruiting stage

    The heading and fruiting stage of rice refers to the period from heading to grain maturity. It takes about 25 days for early-maturing varieties, 30-35 days for middle-maturing varieties and 40-45 days for late-maturing varieties. Growth characteristics and appearance at heading and fruiting stage: 1. Growth characteristics of leaves during this period

    2020-11-10 Latest rice heading fruiting stage field management
  • Garlic has a viral disease.

    Garlic has a viral disease.

    Dai Hongming, Baimi Town, Jiangyan City, called on December 1 to say that his 2 mu of garlic was in the 5-6 leaf stage. Recently, 50% of the plants in the field had yellow and distorted leaves, their roots were white, and herbicides had not been used in the early stage. He asked what was wrong with garlic and how to prevent it. On December 3, Agricultural Technology 001 Studio received the sick garlic seedlings he sent by express mail. Careful examination of the diseased seedlings showed that the diseased seedlings were roughly at the stage of 3-5 leaves, and there were intermittent short yellow-green stripes on 1-2 leaves at the base, and some of the leaf tips were already

  • Sorghum planting: what is sorghum bacterial red streak?

    Sorghum planting: what is sorghum bacterial red streak?

    What is sorghum bacterial red streak? Please introduce the main damage to leaves caused by bacterial red streak of red sorghum. At first, the leaf spot showed a small, narrow, watery spot, and after expansion, it became light reddish brown. Some plaques turn brown in the center and red on the edges, and wide long oval spots appear intermittently on the stripes. Sometimes the plaque can be covered.

  • Sorghum bacterial red streak

    Sorghum bacterial red streak

    The main symptoms are damage to leaves. At first, the leaf spot showed a small, narrow, watery spot, and after expansion, it became light reddish brown. Some plaques turn brown in the center and red on the edges, and wide long oval spots appear intermittently on the stripes. Sometimes the disease spot can cover most of the leaf area. When the humidity is high, the pus of the small granular bacterial vaccine can be seen to overflow and dry.

  • Cultivation techniques of Super High yield of single cropping Rice in North China

    Cultivation techniques of Super High yield of single cropping Rice in North China

    The main results are as follows: (1) the dry-raised seedlings are covered with plastic film and special non-woven cloth, and the sowing amount is controlled within 200 grams per square meter. (2) Honda transplanting specifications 30 cm × 16.7 cm ~ 20.0 cm sparse planting or (40 cm + 20 cm) × 16.7 cm large ridge double row sparse planting. (3) 60,70kg of standard nitrogen, 10kg of diammonium phosphate and 10kg of potassium sulfate per mu. (4) Honda shallow wet and dry intermittent water-saving irrigation. (5)

  • Canine urethral infection

    Canine urethral infection

    It is caused by urethral membrane injury and infection. Anti-inflammatory. [prescription 1] (1) 0.1% rivanol solution can be seen in clinical symptoms such as painful urination, intermittent urination and so on. Appropriate amount of antibacterial usage: flush urethra, (2) Velan steep usage: oral administration, [prescription 2] urotropine chloride money usage: mixed with water, [prescription 3] with nephritis prescription 3. Once or twice a day for 2-3 days. 50-IOO

  • Postpartum epilepsy in dogs

    Postpartum epilepsy in dogs

    It is caused by the decrease of blood calcium concentration of bitches after delivery. Clinical symptoms such as muscle ankylosis or intermittent spasm and elevated body temperature can be seen. The main treatment is to supplement blood calcium. [prescription 1] 10% calcium gluconate injection 10-30 ml Mel 5% glucose saline 250-SOOml usage: a slow intravenous injection. [prescription 2] Vitamin calcium injection 1-3ml usage: once intramuscular injection or Pi Shu acupoint injection

  • Black berries mature in months

    Black berries mature in months

    Black wolfberry generally ripens from late June to mid-July. The fruit of Lycium barbarum L. is intermittent ripening. It can be divided into spring fruit Lycium barbarum L., summer fruit Lycium barbarum L. and autumn fruit Lycium barbarum L. The fruit ripening from June to early July, namely the fruit of the old eye branch, is

    2020-11-09 black medlar months mature general june late
  • There is a simple way to castrate a rooster.

    There is a simple way to castrate a rooster.

    One is broiling castrated chicken. First, Baoding, pull out the feathers around the glandular fat hole, cut the protruding parts of adenyl ester flat with scissors, and then apply thermal stimulation to the quasi-adenyl ester point with ignited incense or red-hot round wire, the stimulation method is rhythmic intermittent stimulation, that is, stimulation, immediately leave, and then leave, so repeated, until the abdominal fat hole does not bleed, there is scorched skin. The other is castration with traditional Chinese medicine. Feed the rooster with Schisandra chinensis and white pepper. Weight 5

  • Prevention and control of fruit shrinkage disease of jujube

    Prevention and control of fruit shrinkage disease of jujube

    The occurrence of jujube fruit shrinkage disease is positively correlated with the density of piercing sucking insects, and the disease is often prevalent due to high atmospheric humidity, especially in intermittent rainfall or continuous overcast days. Control methods: if the susceptibility index of ① is relatively high last year, we should first clean up the fallen leaves and fruits in the jujube orchard and concentrate on treatment so as to cut off the source of transmission. ② strengthens the fertilizer and water management of jujube orchard and improves the resistance of trees. For older trees, scrape and burn the old bark before sprouting, and spray stone-sulfur mixture on the whole tree. Chemical control of ③: using fungus No. 1

  • Varieties and varieties of Panax notoginseng

    Varieties and varieties of Panax notoginseng

    Panax notoginseng: slightly spindle-shaped or cone-like, long 1~6cm, diameter l~4cm. The surface is grayish yellow (commonly known as "iron") or grayish brown (commonly known as "copper skin"), with intermittent longitudinal wrinkles and a few lenticels, with stem marks at the top and tumor-like protuberances around (commonly known as "lion's head"). There are branch root broken marks on the side. The quality is solid, and the leather is often separated from the wood after crushing. The cross section is grayish green, yellowish green or grayish white (commonly known as "iron bone"), with small brown resin spots on the skin. The breath is slight, the taste is bitter and then slightly sweet. Spring
