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  • How to mix pesticides to prevent flower diseases?

    How to mix pesticides to prevent flower diseases?

    How to mix pesticides to prevent flower diseases?

  • A rare stone flower in the sun after a thunderstorm

    A rare stone flower in the sun after a thunderstorm

    More than half a month of cloudy and rainy days, the thick moisture so that the skin has been unable to dry, except for the early completion of the task c36b … A sudden thunderstorm brought short and rare sunshine, and it didn't turn cloudy for an hour. Anyway, this.

  • How long does it take to soak rice seeds?

    How long does it take to soak rice seeds?

    It takes 48-72 hours to soak seeds below 20 ℃, 30-48 hours when seed soaking temperature is 20-25 ℃, and only 24-30 hours when seed soaking temperature is above 25 ℃. For rice seeds sown in the first and middle of May, the soaking time can be slightly longer, but not more than 60 hours.

    2020-11-09 Rice soaking seeds much long time below need
  • The essentials of mastering the best mating time for sows

    The essentials of mastering the best mating time for sows

    The essentials of mastering the best mating time for sows

  • Sweet and sour mushrooms

    Sweet and sour mushrooms

    Pickling: according to the proportion of 100 kg washed fresh mushrooms and 10 kg salt, one layer of mushroom salt is laid flat and pickled into the bucket layer by layer, sprinkle with 1Mel 2kg salt (antiseptic), cover the bamboo grate and press the stone, remove and drain the salt after 24 hours, and then re-marinate according to the proportion of 100kg mushroom to 8kg salt. 24 hours later, it is a semi-finished product. Vinegar soaking: soak the semi-finished product in water for 12 hours, remove and drain the juice (about 8 hours), put it into a tank, pour in vinegar with half the weight of the semi-finished product, soak for 12 hours, remove and drain the vinegar (about 3 small.

  • Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an important chemical raw material, which can produce a variety of organic reagents and solvents, as well as dyes, paints, medicines, spices, synthetic materials, detergents and so on. 1. Technological process: koji-making mother-cooking gelatinization-saccharification fermentation-distillation 2. Key points of technological operation: ① koji making: most of the saccharifying agents used in this process are cultured in solid medium. 5%-10% grain bran or fine rice husk was added to wheat bran as medium, and Aspergillus Niger or Aspergillus flavus was cultured as saccharifying agent.

  • Production Technology of preserved Straw Mushroom

    Production Technology of preserved Straw Mushroom

    1. Material selection and treatment. Select straw mushroom with full body, no umbrella and no mechanical damage, immediately after harvest, put it into 0.03% sodium pyrosulfite solution to deal with 6Murray for 8 hours (hours), then rinse with clean water. 2. Blanching and hardening. Blanch the treated volvariella volvacea in boiling water for 2--3min (minutes) to kill the enzyme activity, remove immediately after blanching, cool in cold water, remove after cooling, and soak in 0.5% murmur1% calcium chloride solution for 10 hours (hours).

  • Processing of candied garlic

    Processing of candied garlic

    Garlic is an indispensable condiment in people's daily life. it is rich in nutrition and can help digestion, remove cold phlegm, invigorate yang qi, detoxify and so on. The processing technology of garlic candied fruit is as follows: first, selection of materials: selection of mature, dry, moth-free, mildew-free garlic with complete garlic skin. Second, distinguish and remove underwear: divide the selected garlic into pieces and remove the outer skin and garlic column. Third, rinse: pour the garlic cloves into the vat, soak and bleach with clean water, the rinsing time is 6

  • How to disinfect rice seeds

    How to disinfect rice seeds

    Rice seedling raising is about to begin, and seed disinfection is the key to raising rice seedlings. Ten methods of seed disinfection were introduced. First, soak rice seeds in 500 times solution of 50% carbendazim, 50% thiram methyl or 50% thiram for 48 hours (200 grams of solution mixed with water 100 kilograms can soak rice seeds 60-70 kilograms), then remove and accelerate germination and sow seeds.

  • Rapid preparation of Flower Pesticide

    Rapid preparation of Flower Pesticide

    Rapid preparation of Flower Pesticide

  • The method of making Green harmless Flower Pesticide

    The method of making Green harmless Flower Pesticide

    The method of making Green harmless Flower Pesticide

  • Earthwork to make flowers and pesticides is actually very simple.

    Earthwork to make flowers and pesticides is actually very simple.

    Earthwork to make flowers and pesticides is actually very simple.

  • Although grapes are delicious, do not touch these three foods within one hour after eating. Remember

    Although grapes are delicious, do not touch these three foods within one hour after eating. Remember

    Although grapes are delicious, do not touch these three kinds of food within 1 hour after eating, remember oh! Now, it is summer, it is the season of grape production, in this hot day, pull a bunch of grapes, eat in the mouth, that is sweet...

  • What are the disinfection methods of rice seeds?

    What are the disinfection methods of rice seeds?

    What are the disinfection methods of rice seeds? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce ten methods of disinfection of rice seeds arranged by the farming network, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. Method 1, to prevent rice evil seedling disease, rice blast, rice flax spot, rice seedling blight, you can use more than 50% bacteria.

  • Management experience of Open Chicken House Lighting

    Management experience of Open Chicken House Lighting

    The main results are as follows: 1. the light during the rearing period mainly stimulates the feed intake of chickens, and the effect of light on chicks is mainly shown in two aspects: light time and light intensity. At this time, it is easy to have problems with the lighting time. Some farmers do not consider gaining weight and are raising their chicks

    2020-11-08 Open chicken coop lighting management experience one brooding
  • Witness the "cliff village" children's hard way to school: a six-hour walk in the wilderness

    Witness the

    Witness the "cliff village" children's hard way to school: a six-hour walk in the wilderness

  • Delta saves electricity for 4 years and saves 11.9 billion kilowatt-hours

    Delta saves electricity for 4 years and saves 11.9 billion kilowatt-hours

    Delta Group announced the latest products and solutions, operating strongholds, green building energy-saving achievements, in which products and solutions saved a total of 11.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in four years, equivalent to a reduction of 6.38 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Delta Group is a global power management and cooling solution.

  • Dried Lentinus edodes

    Dried Lentinus edodes

    The drying technology of Lentinus edodes is very important, which plays a key role in the shape, color and flavor of Lentinus edodes. The drying equipment must be dried with a dryer to ensure the quality, and the local drying should be completely eliminated. When drying, the size and thickness should be separated, the dry and wet should be separated, the mushroom stalk should be placed flat on the drying screen, the mushrooms with small and thick water content should be placed on the bottom layer, and the mushrooms with large water content, thin and small should be placed on the upper layer. Fresh mushrooms with high water content can be dried in the drying room after drying in the sun for 1-2 hours. The initial drying period of ①: the drying temperature should not be too high or

  • Method for processing preserved fruit by edible fungi

    Method for processing preserved fruit by edible fungi

    Edible fungi are rich in nutrition and delicious in taste. Besides fresh food, processed into dry products, salted and canned, they can also be deeply processed and utilized to make various preserved fruits, condiments, sweets and wines with unique flavor and rich nutrition, which is beneficial to further improve the economic benefits of edible fungi. Here are a few ways to process mushrooms into preserves. 1. Preserved white mushroom 1. Formula: 80 kg of fresh white mushroom, 45 kg of white granulated sugar, 0.15 kg of citric acid. 2. Selection of materials: choose 8

  • Recommendation of 18 free parks that must be visited in Beijing

    Recommendation of 18 free parks that must be visited in Beijing

    It is very pleasant to take a stroll in the park near your home in the evening or on weekends. It would be even more enjoyable if these parks were free. Today, the editor will introduce the free park of Jingmei in Beijing.
