
gold iron lock Learn more about gold iron lock

  • Gold-iron lock planting technique

    Gold-iron lock planting technique

    Gold iron lock is a rare plant endemic to China. It grows in gravel slopes or calcareous rock fissures along the Jinsha River and Brahmaputra River at an altitude of 2000-3800 meters. The root of gold iron lock is used as medicine to treat injuries caused by falls and stomachaches. Poisonous, internal administration should be careful. So gold and iron

    2020-11-08 Gold iron lock gold iron lock planting technology yes
  • How to choose the golden iron lock seed? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose the golden iron lock seed? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    I do not know if you know the gold iron lock, it is a unique plant in China, has important medicinal efficacy, high economic value, is a good planting project. Then how to choose the golden iron lock seed? What are the methods of raising seedlings? Friends who want to know finish reading it.

    2020-11-27 Gold iron lock gold iron lock seed how selection seedling raising method have
  • The selection method of fighting crickets

    The selection method of fighting crickets

    The selection method of fighting crickets

  • The super king trained by 1 ton of gold has no more than 20 people all over the country.

    The super king trained by 1 ton of gold has no more than 20 people all over the country.

    There is such a mysterious team, the country in order to train them, almost everyone spent a ton of gold price! No one knows about them in the outside world, and the intelligence agencies of various countries cannot get specific information about them, so they can only guess.

  • You'll know if a man loves you to have a baby.

    You'll know if a man loves you to have a baby.

    Chapter 1 is charming and charming, and your heart is only allowed in the middle of the night. It's raining like crazy. The room was strong enough to withstand the roar of wind and rain, and gradually stopped. But the man's ear still seems to echo the sobbing sound of the woman who has just choked for pain. His eyes were locked and dizzy.

  • The garden in ancient poetry is full of spring colors, and the garden in reality is full of meat

    The garden in ancient poetry is full of spring colors, and the garden in reality is full of meat

    Pay close attention to encyclopedia·meet beautiful (micro signal: duoroubaike) text start: thank the author [Liu Li] original contribution sharing editing: encyclopedia Jun coordinates: Zhejiang Province Jinhua City mistakenly into the dust, glass garden meat color peach egg...

  • The planting method of ginger lotus prefer yin or yang

    The planting method of ginger lotus prefer yin or yang

    Ginger lotus, this is a kind of plant, this ginger lotus blossoms is still quite good-looking, what is the planting method of this ginger lotus? Whether the turmeric lotus likes yin or yang: it belongs to the genus Curcuma of Zingiberaceae and is a perennial herbaceous tropical bulbous flower. Because the pink bracts resemble the lotus and belong to Zingiberaceae

  • The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The leaf shape of the yellow vein jazz bed is correct, although the adult plant can be up to 2 meters high, but some friends still like to say that the yellow vein jazz bed is made into a large potted plant to be placed in the hall to improve the environment. It is also very beautiful to have yellow flowers at the top of the bed in summer.

  • The main points of planting gold marbles

    The main points of planting gold marbles

    Gold marbles are also called bottle orchids. Because of their beautiful branches and iron-colored flowers, they bloom pale yellow flowers in April and bear fruits in May, and the fruits turn orange and marble-shaped in October, it can be said that gold marbles integrate fruit, leaves and flowers, and have high economic and garden value.

  • Pest control of reticulate grass, five common pest control skills / prevention points

    Pest control of reticulate grass, five common pest control skills / prevention points

    The leaves of reticulate grass are luxuriant, if the breeding environment is relatively bad, there may be diseases and insect pests, it is even more terrible than not careful conservation, because diseases and insect pests may take the life of reticulate grass, then how to do when reticulate grass grows insects? Let's take a look at the common prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests.

  • What are the key points of antler fern cultivation?

    What are the key points of antler fern cultivation?

    It is called a bat fern. It is a perennial epiphytic herb of Polypodiaceae. The leaves diverge at the top and resemble antlers. They like warm, humid and semi-shady environments. It is a typical epiphytic fern. (1)Usually planted in special pots (i.e., holes drilled in the walls of pots)

  • How to trim the reticulated grass? the reticulated grass is too tall. Pruning methods / coring and shortening

    How to trim the reticulated grass? the reticulated grass is too tall. Pruning methods / coring and shortening

    As long as the grass is given a suitable environment, its growth rate is very fast, and this advantage has also become an annoyance to some flower friends, because it grows so crazily that the flowerpots are packed, affecting the beauty of the plant shape to a certain extent and reducing the ornamental value. Pruning is needed to solve this problem.

  • Learn how to grow daisies and keep pocket flowers blooming on the windowsill

    Learn how to grow daisies and keep pocket flowers blooming on the windowsill

    Daisies bloom small and exquisite, and many people like them very much. Some friends who like to grow flowers always try to keep daisies in their own homes and fail. Today we're going to talk about the right way to plant daisies. I hope it will help you.

  • Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Is Red-backed Cinnamomum poisonous? grafting breeding method

    Red back cinnamon, as its name implies, its leaf back is red, is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, but how many people know about it? Is the total plant poisonous and so on a series of questions, we do not know we are going to find out. Is the red back cinnamon poisonous? Red back cinnamon is poisonous.

  • Longevity flowers do not grow leaves do not bloom? Let's see if you overlook these points.

    Longevity flowers do not grow leaves do not bloom? Let's see if you overlook these points.

    Longevity flowers do not grow leaves and do not blossom, but what to do. The editor tells you that you may not have paid attention to these points for longevity flower culture.

  • A poem about plum blossoms

    A poem about plum blossoms

    A poem about plum blossoms

  • Why is crystal orchid called the flower of death poisonous?

    Why is crystal orchid called the flower of death poisonous?

    The flower of death sounds like a scary feeling, but it is actually a rare flower called crystal orchid, so let's take a look at it.

  • Is the propagation method of watermelon pepper grass poisonous?

    Is the propagation method of watermelon pepper grass poisonous?

    Watermelon peel pepper grass is similar to watermelon peel, so it has the title of watermelon peel pepper grass. What is the breeding way of watermelon pepper grass? Is it poisonous? Propagation method of watermelon and pepper grass: ramets are generally carried out in spring and autumn, and the temperature of about 20 degrees is the most suitable, combined with changing pots and soil, anyway, they have to be pulled up.

  • Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Evening incense is a special ornamental flower. Flower friends who like it all know that it has a certain ornamental value and medicinal value. If some flower lovers want to breed their own nocturnal incense, they might as well consider the method of cutting propagation.

  • Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    Softwood Cuttage Propagation techniques of North American Holly

    At present, there is no big breakthrough in hardwood cuttage of American holly, and the effect is not good when the seedling rate reaches 50%. Softwood cutting is the main means of propagation of most garden plants, and it is also the main way to breed seedlings in foreign countries. Next, let's introduce the propagation techniques of softwood cuttings of North American holly.
