
The super king trained by 1 ton of gold has no more than 20 people all over the country.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is such a mysterious team, the country in order to train them, almost everyone spent a ton of gold price! No one knows about them in the outside world, and the intelligence agencies of various countries cannot get specific information about them, so they can only guess.

There is such a mysterious team, the country in order to train them, almost everyone spent a ton of gold price! In the outside world, no one knows about them, and the intelligence agencies of various countries cannot get specific information about them, so they can only guess! According to expert estimates, the combat capability of this unit is comparable to that of the most mysterious Blue Spider Special Forces and Red Scorpio Special Forces, or even stronger.

In the early hours of the morning, Liu Ziguang walked out of the railway station in Jiangbei City, the stars were shining on the dark sky, and the dim light bulb above the exit projected his tall and straight figure on the square. He saw passengers pouring out of the exit. Taxi drivers and small hotel attendants gathered around like flies, but no one paid any attention to him, dressed as a migrant worker. Only a few middle-aged men with paper signs greeted him weakly: "X County, Y County long-distance bus, get on the bus and go."

Liu Ziguang strode along the street under the street lamp, with mixed feelings in his heart. After eight years, he finally came back. He didn't know if home was still there, whether his parents were all right, whether their hair was white and how their bodies were. He couldn't help quickening his pace.

When there was still some distance from his home, Liu Ziguang suddenly stopped and looked at a street cleaner, a gray-haired aunt in overalls and sleeves, sweeping the road. I don't know what festival it was last night, and there was rubbish everywhere on the ground. from time to time, she bent down to pick up drink bottles and waste paper and stuffed it into a snakeskin pocket, as if her waist was not very good It's hard to bend over every time.

Suddenly I heard a low cry behind me: "Mom!" As soon as her garbage hand stopped, she shook her head, sighed and continued to be busy, and the voice sounded again. This time the old man no longer doubted his ears and slowly turned around. In the darkness stood a figure of deja vu. The old man was not sure of his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Xiao Guang, is that you?"

"it's me. My son is back." Liu Ziguang rushed in the past, and his long military career has turned the weak young man into a tough man made of iron. Over the past eight years, he has shed blood and sweat, but he has not shed a single tear, but at this moment, hot tears burst into his eyes. the tough man actually cried like a child.

The mother also burst into tears, holding Liu Ziguang in her arms and burst into tears. Her son, who had been missing for eight years, finally came back. The day without hope finally lit up a new light of hope. Eight years later, she was struggling to wait for this moment. The old man held his son tightly and dared not give up, for fear that it was just a dream.

The son is black and thinner, but he is much stronger than before. touching the well-developed muscles on his son's arm, the old man finally smiled with relief: "it's good to come back."

I don't know when the street lamp went out, a red sun broke out, and it was dawn.


Liu Ziguang's home is located in the city's famous "Gaotupo", is a dirty shantytown, due to a variety of historical problems, there has been no demolition. After helping my mother pull the cleaning car back home, I found that the yard had changed a lot, and many families had built two-or even three-story buildings. This is because the area is about to be demolished, and the additional buildings can increase the area and have to pay more compensation. But the family is still the same, two low bungalows, outside an asbestos tile built kitchenette.

Open the door lock, a musty smell came, because the sun is blocked, the home is naturally dark and damp, the furnishings of the home are still the same as they were eight years ago, even their own three-square bedroom is the same, the bed is covered with blue printed sheets, under the bed are their own shoes, shoes clean, obviously often polished.

"Xiaoguang, are you hungry? mom will light a stove to cook for you." Mother said, opening the door of the briquette stove, picking up the tongs and replacing it with a new briquette.

"Mom, I'm not hungry. Don't make peace with me. Where's Dad?" Liu Ziguang asked.

"I haven't come back from the night shift in the nearby Zhicheng Garden. You see, I almost forgot. I quickly called his PHS to let him go home." Mom said.

Mother picked up the phone and dialed for a long time, and finally got through. After several calls, she said, "what can I do if I put down the phone and look back with anxiety all over my face:" your father was beaten in class, and now he is in first aid in the hospital. "

Liu Ziguang said calmly, "Mom, don't panic. Let's take the money to the hospital first. It's important to save people."

My mother took out an artificial leather bag from the bottom of the cupboard and took out a thin stack of money and two passbooks. Her eyes turned red again, and she said nervously, "Don't have an accident. Our family really can't stand the trouble." As he spoke, his legs were a little weak. Over the years, the old couple depended on each other and supported each other for a difficult life. if the old man collapsed, the pillar of the family would collapse.

A pair of strong hands supported the mother.

"with me in everything, nothing will happen." The son's firm voice sounded, like giving his mother a shot in the arm. Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of when the son comes back. No matter how hard it is, he has a son to bear.

The mother packed the necessary items for hospitalization, such as heat preservation buckets, lunch boxes, chopsticks spoons and clothes, and gave them to her son to carry them. The mother and son closed the door and left the lock, and took a taxi to the emergency department of the city's first hospital.

Outside the emergency room, two middle-aged people in black security uniforms were smoking. They saw Liu Ziguang's mother and son coming and hurriedly greeted them: "there you are, sister-in-law."

Mother said hurriedly, "where is Lao Liu in our family?"

"inside, after filming, I just entered the rescue room, and the leader of the company also informed me that I would be here in a minute. Sister-in-law, don't worry." My father's colleague lost his cigarette and walked quickly with his mother to the emergency room without asking Liu Ziguang who he was.

The door of the emergency room was closed, and doctors and nurses wearing masks were busy inside. for fear of delaying the doctor's treatment, my mother stood at the door and dared not go in. My father's colleague took an X-ray and whispered the whole story.

"Lao Liu deserves to be a shift from midnight to dawn. There are two doors in our community. In order to facilitate management, one goes in and out. At more than five o'clock in the morning, a BMW had to go in at the exit. Lao Liu went up to persuade him. He didn't know that guy drank too much, kicked Lao Liu down with one foot, and beat Lao Liu in the face with a steering wheel lock. If we hadn't come in time, it would not have been such a simple thing as a broken arm."

Hearing that his man had been bullied and beaten, his mother burst into tears again: "Lao Zhang, Lao Li, thank you. How much money have you paid? I'll give it to you."

Lao Zhang said, "Sister-in-law, don't say that as an outsider. Lao Liu was injured on duty, and the company can reimburse him. Besides, we have already called the police. This time we have to ask him to pay us tens of thousands of yuan."

"where does the killer live? what's his name?" Liu Ziguang suddenly interrupted and asked.

Lao Zhang looked suspiciously at Liu Ziguang: "what is this?"

"this is my son." Mother introduced.

"Oh," Lao Zhang nodded and sighed, "that man is a big businessman. He drives a champagne gold BMW SUV in and out of the 16th building. He really doesn't know which one. That man is not good at stubble, and the couple can be fierce. We usually see him avoid leaving, that is, Lao Liu is stubborn and has to fight against him. This is not asking for hardship."

Liu Ziguang was furious and clapped with a pair of iron fists. He did not blame Lao Zhang and Li. These two security guards, who are nearly 50 years old, are laid-off workers, just like their fathers. They are nothing more than a bowl of rice. Who has the courage to fight against local ruffians and bullies?

"Mom, you stay here first, and I'll be right back." Liu Ziguang turned around and left.

"Xiaoguang, where are you going? come back quickly." By the time the mother chased her out, her son had already disappeared.


In the sixteen buildings of Zhicheng Garden, there are only a few cars in the parking spaces downstairs, one of which is the champagne golden BMW X5 SUV, which is domineering across two parking spaces.

Liu Ziguang looked through the window of the driver's seat, there was no one in the car, a thick steering wheel was locked on the steering wheel, and there was a huge S sign in the middle of the strange steering wheel, what bullshit BMW off-road vehicle, it was clearly a double-ring SCEO.

Liu Ziguang punched out, and a deep pit appeared on the car door. The shanzhai BMW screamed sharply and the alarm sounded through the community.

Liu Ziguang looked up and looked around. there was no one looking upstairs. He hit it again, the hood changed shape, and the alarm sounded again. This time a window was finally opened upstairs, and a red meat Tuo face appeared. Because of the angle problem, he did not see Liu Ziguang, so he only pressed the remote control key, and the alarm stopped abruptly, and the fat face shrank back.

Liu Ziguang saw the location of the house, went straight upstairs to the eighth floor and rang the doorbell.

For a long time, there was no movement inside. Liu Ziguang patiently rang the doorbell again, and finally there was a roar: "do you still let people sleep?" what do you do? "

Liu Ziguang said in Putonghua, "I am a property company, and my neighbor complains that your car is disturbing the people."... "

The security door suddenly opened, and an angry fat man stood at the door, smelling of alcohol and impatient: "it's over!"

Without saying a word, Liu Ziguang grabbed the fat man's top melon peel and pulled it out and went down the aisle. The fat man's slippers flew into the sky and hit the wall, bleeding all over his face.

Liu Ziguang stepped forward and stepped on the fat man and asked coldly, "did you hurt the security guard at the door of the community?"

"you. Who are you?" Before the fat man had a taste of it, Liu Ziguang stopped asking and stepped on it directly. The bone of the fat man's right ankle cracked with a snap, and the scream like killing a pig spread far away, and the echo could not be quieted down for a long time in Zhicheng Garden.

Liu Ziguang asked again, "which hand did you hit with in the morning?"

Only then did the fat man understand that he came to the door for revenge, and the hero did not suffer immediate losses. He moaned, "stop fighting, how much do you want?" At this time, the fat man no longer looked as he had just now, his pajamas were open, his fat belly was full of flesh, his face was smeared with snot tears and blood, and he spoke with a cry, looking pitiful and pitiful.

"left hand or right hand?" Liu Ziguang asked kindly, as if not to break a person's arm, but to guess a riddle.

"help me, please!" A strong woman rushed out of the room, with a fleshy face and dark eye shadow, and her newly tattooed eyebrows were like two slender black bugs lying on a triangular eye.

The woman waved her teeth and claws and pounced on Liu Ziguang. Liu Ziguang didn't even look at it. She directly kicked the shrew into the room with a back leg and continued to ask the fat man, "if you don't answer, I'll take it as two hands."

"right. No, it's the left hand, neither. Please give me a break." The fat man unexpectedly began to cry, the sparkling snot flowed into his mouth, and a mouthful of smoky yellow teeth were exposed in broad daylight.

Unmoved, Liu Ziguang put his foot on the fat man's right elbow and pinched his forearm's anti-joint force at a 90% discount. With a crisp sound, his arm hung down at an incredible angle.

This time the fat man stopped howling, he went straight into shock.

"in the emergency room of the municipal hospital, take the money to see my father, or it will break your husband's hands and feet on the other side." Liu Ziguang dropped a word to the shrew who was so frightened that she was silent in the room, turned and walked away.

Half a day later, the fat man woke up leisurely, the sound of the ambulance outside was getting closer and closer, and the shrew knelt down and cried, "Honey, call the police."

"it's too cheap for him to call the police. Call Qiangzi. Come on." The fat man said feebly.


Liu Ziguang rushed back to the hospital, ran to the door of the emergency room, but suddenly stopped. Through the glass on the door, he could see his father lying on the hospital bed, his arm was plywood, his head was covered with bandages, his face was pale and haggard, and his gray hair was protruding from the bandages.

When my father is old, he will no longer take his family to the zoo on his 28 permanent bike as he did 20 years ago. He can no longer teach himself to play ball and swim as he did 15 years ago, nor can he help himself repair the tricycle used in the stall as he did eight years ago.

Today, he is just an old man, an old man who needs to be taken care of, but he is still using his thin shoulders to prop up the family for a day to protect him from the wind and rain.

"are you standing here in or out?" The little nurse in the emergency room stood behind Liu Ziguang with a tray and said angrily.

This man is so strange that he wears a grey polyester suit that is out of date and gets rid of the dregs, but he has long hair hanging down to his shoulders. He just stands blankly at the door of the emergency room. No, he seems to be crying. There seems to be something shining in the corner of his eye, and the kind little nurse hurriedly covers her mouth.

As soon as the man suddenly looked up, there were signs of crying on his face, a cold face, a firm and straight nose, wild and unruly eyes, and closed lips, all emitting a strong masculine breath, which made the little nurse's heartbeat for no reason.

The emergency department is the window unit of the hospital, and the nurses are all carefully selected outstanding personnel with high height, good image, good image and excellent skills. This little nurse is no exception. The person who pursues her is graceful and graceful, and the person who pursues her can make up a class. There are many kinds of beautiful men and handsome guys. Frankly speaking, this guy is not so handsome at present, but he makes people look hot and heartbeat. I don't know why in the end.

Liu Ziguang leaned slightly to his side, pushed the door open and asked the nurse to go in first, then followed.

The father had already heard his mother talk about Liu Ziguang's return, but when he saw his son who had been separated for eight years, he could not help but burst into tears and held Liu Ziguang's hand and could not speak.

His father was a strong man, except for the first time that he had shed tears when his grandmother died. Holding his father's hand on the sickbed, Liu Zi-Kuang had a sore nose and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, I'm back."

Mother could not help wiping the corners of her eyes, but still said, "Don't cry. The doctor saw the X-ray just now and said it was not serious. Your father's company leader also came here and gave 200 yuan in condolence money. I paid the expenses in advance. I'll make an invoice for reimbursement when I leave the hospital." With that, he took out a large roll of toilet paper and took off two pieces of toilet paper to wipe his tears for father and son.

The little nurse helped his father change the drip bottle and advised: "Don has a compression fracture in his waist and a linear fracture in his arm, that is, there is a crack in the bone, which is not an open or comminuted fracture. It is already splinted. It's no big deal. Don't worry."

Liu Ziguang nodded to the nurse: "Thank you."

The little nurse's heart was beating wildly for no reason, for fear that others would find out that they generally picked up the stainless steel tray and left in a hurry.

Suddenly, there was a shrill sound of brakes. A sapphire-blue Mazda six-door hatchback coupe was parked in the parking lot at the entrance of the emergency room. The four doors opened at the same time, and four young people jumped out of it. They were wearing a tight V-collar shirt, a tight V-collar shirt, a thick chain of golden light on the neck, Adidas sports shoes, a small bag in his hand, and a tiger tattooed on his arm. At first glance, it is not a good kind.

The emergency room door was kicked open, and a young man in a purple T-shirt shouted arrogantly, "where is the security guard from Zhicheng Garden?"

"what are you yelling about? get out!" The little nurse who had just walked to the door was not afraid of them and shouted harshly.

"it's none of your business. Get out of the way!" The purple T-shirt was chewing gum and his eyes scanned the emergency room hall. There were not many emergency patients in the morning, and soon his eyes were fixed on Liu Ziguang and his family.

"Brother Qiang, your brother-in-law is talking about the boy in the suit." Another young man pointed to Liu Ziguang, who was wearing a gray polyester double-breasted suit.

Purple T-shirt took off his sunglasses, Bah spit chewing gum on the ground: "Mama 13, is not a migrant worker, give me a fight!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the little nurse quickly took out her cell phone and dialed 110.

The second elder understood what was going on. Just now it must have been his son's revenge, but now he came to the door to see that the dress was mixed on the street. How could this be? the mother pushed Liu Ziguang fiercely, and her voice changed his tone: "Xiao Guang, run."

Liu Ziguang stood up unhurriedly and comforted the old man and said, "it's all right. I'll be ready in a minute." With these words, four hooligans came over.

The three hooligans outflanked them without speaking, raised their hands and hit them. Liu Ziguang kicked the front man's calf directly, and fell down with a crisp sound, and then a side kick kicked a man on the left. The man knocked over two emergency beds in a row, and then Liu Ziguang took his left foot as the axis, turned his body, swept his right foot in the face, and was put down on the spot, a big man of 1.8 meters. Even with a hum, he fell on the nearby cart, with hemostatic forceps, gauze, injections, and syringes falling to the ground.

The cry of the little nurse just now attracted several other nurses in the emergency department. I happened to witness this scene. All four nurses were silly. Only in the movie could they use their legs to bring down three people in no more than ten seconds. And the protagonist is a handsome guy with long hair, especially when he spins and kicks, his long hair moves with it. It's really cool!

Not only the nurses' mouths were O-shaped, but the purple T-shirts were also dumbfounded, watching the migrant workers come over and pinched themselves.

"Qiangzi, right? come on, brother, tell you something." Liu Ziguang grabbed Qiangzi by the back of the neck and went to the toilet. Qiangzi's face was so white that he dared not say anything.

When he came to the toilet, Liu Ziguang asked Qiangzi to stand against the wall and asked, "where are you from?"

Qiangzi said, "my younger brother often plays around Tibei. I don't know what my elder brother does."

Liu Ziguang's split face is a slap in the face: "when I ask you a question, you answer, and dare to ask a rhetorical question, fuck!"

Qiangzi covered his face and dared not speak. Liu Ziguang said, "did the fat man ask you to come?"

Qiangzi nodded because he dared not speak.

"OK, the fat man's account will be settled with him later. First of all, let's talk about you. What the fuck are you doing here with three fucking people? you still stab the dragon and draw the tiger. You think you are Hong Xinghao Nan. What are you going to do if you want to scare the old people out of illness? it's a big deal. You have to give me an explanation."

Qiangzi said, "Brother, can't I be wrong?"

"No, hurry up. Give me a million dollars and I'll spare you first." Liu Ziguang said, bending the tap water pipe around Qiangzi. This is not a PVC pipe, but an old galvanized steel pipe. Hadron is very scared, and the secret lion's big mouth is not so fierce, but he doesn't dare to say, "I didn't bring that much." With that, he opened his leather handbag marked with crocodiles and took out a stack of money, which was estimated to be six or seven thousand yuan.

Liu Ziguang grabbed the money and easily took out Ma Liu's car keys: "hold the car first, when to pay the money and when to return the car, get out."

Qiangzi is about to cry: "Brother, this car is not mine."

"nonsense, take the money to redeem the car and get out of here!"

Qiangzi rolled and crawled out of the toilet and saw two uniformed police officers coming, with a full set of police equipment hanging from the black leather belt. The policewoman raised her right hand with white gloves and pointed at Qiangzi: "stop, talking about you, stand still."

Qiangzi hurriedly stopped, and the middle-aged policeman scanned for a week and asked, "who reported the case?"

The little nurse said, "I reported the case. There was a fight just now."

"who fights?"

"the nurse sister was wrong. No one was fighting. They came to deliver the medical expenses." Liu Ziguang appeared, with a polyester double-breasted suit on his shoulder, revealing the Benny Road T-shirt inside, with a belt tied around his waist with long hair, poised and unrestrained. the other three nurses have now completely become fans of Liu Ziguang, whispering together: "so handsome."

"who are you? take out your ID card." Also a woman, the policewoman who accompanied the old policeman on a mission was unmoved and asked Liu Ziguang with a pretty face.

"Officer Wang, this is my son Liu Ziguang, who has just returned from a job." Liu Ziguang's father said in the hospital bed.

Officer Wang, the older male policeman and the film policeman in this area, knew Lao Liu and suddenly realized, "Oh, it's your son who has been gone for eight years. No wonder I have some impression. There are photos in the archives of the institute."

"did you fight just now?" The policewoman continued.

"No, we didn't fight." Qiangzi said casually that there were two crutches on the policewoman's epaulets, which looked like an internship student. If it hadn't been for the old policeman, Qiangzi would have disdained to talk to her.

"what's wrong with these three people?"

"I hit it myself."

"nonsense! bump into one yourself and let me see."

"Xiao Hu, forget it. Since it's all right, let's go back." He is still an old policeman with a lot of experience. I will understand when I see this scene.

"but." The little policewoman is not reconciled to it.

"Let's go." As soon as the old policeman winked, he left with the policewoman, and Qiangzi and others helped each other to leave. They dared not seek medical treatment here, so they had to go to another hospital for emergency treatment.

"Mom and Dad, it's all right. The man is here to deliver money. Look, he brought seven thousand yuan." Liu Ziguang counted the money to the two elders and beckoned the nurse to come over.

"here is five thousand yuan. Please deposit it in the cupboard. Here is one thousand yuan. I thank you." Liu Ziguang said.

The little nurse's face turned red, thinking that this man was really strange. He didn't use the nurse as a domestic servant and gave him a reward. Who did he think he was? if he had changed someone else, the little nurse would have been furious. But in front of him, the little nurse could only blush and whisper, "I'll just save it for you, but I can't take this thousand yuan."

In the hospital parking lot, Officer Wang was educating Xiao Hu: "do you not understand the situation just now? there is a dispute among these people, but it has been resolved by themselves. as 110 police officers, it is to stop the crime, not to add an indifferent burden to themselves, so we don't need to take this case."


"I know that that man named Liu Ziguang was very suspicious. He fled because of a public security case eight years ago. Although the prosecution period is now over, and the parties concerned are no longer investigated, according to my 30 years of experience, this person must have done a lot of big cases in the eight years since he disappeared. That kind of look, that kind of look, can only be seen on the faces of some foreign thieves in the 1980s. It's not easy."

"then arrest him quickly." Xiao Hu Dao.

"Don't panic. I already photographed him on my cell phone just now. I went back to the intranet to check to see if there was this person on the wanted list. Maybe I could lead a big case, and then you would have rendered meritorious service."

"Uncle Wang, you are still good."

"Oh, the students of your Interpol College may not be as useful as us old guys."

In the midst of laughter, the Santana police car painted with 110 left the hospital.

On the outer wall of the hospital, Qiangzi was holding his cell phone to make a phone call: "Hey, Viagra, I Xiaoqiang, my car was impounded, not a traffic policeman, but a …"... I don't know, Viagra, bring someone here. "

Put down the phone, Qiangzi breathed a sigh of breath, and suddenly a familiar face appeared in front of his face. The migrant worker did not know when he came, and was looking at himself with a smile.

"are you done with the phone? the phone is good. Lend it to me for a few days." Liu Ziguang could not help saying that he snatched Qiangzi's Nokia N85 and said, "just now you let that Viagra come over, why didn't you talk about bringing money?"

"I." Qiangzi was tongue-tied, and Liu Ziguang's face changed, "Don't you dare shout! I told you to shout!" He punched Qiangzi in the stomach and beat out his overnight meal. Qiangzi fell to his knees in pain and tears came out of his nose. Liu Ziguang kicked him a few feet again, then tidied up his suit and left like no one else.

Dad's fracture is not very serious, has been transferred from the emergency department to the ward, all this does not have to bother Liu Ziguang, a group of emergency nurses to take care of, see Liu Ziguang back, they rushed up, chirping asked: "handsome, what's your cell phone number, what's the QQ number?"

Liu Ziguang smiled and felt out the N85 of Qiangzi: "the newly bought mobile phone hasn't been numbered yet."

While saying, the mobile phone rang, Liu Ziguang pressed the answer button, and there was a voice from the microphone: "Qiangzi, we'll be right there. Two golden cups, twenty people, all with guys, where to get off?"

"under the parking lot." Liu Ziguang hung up the phone and dialed three numbers 110.

"110, there was a fight at the city's first hospital, driving two golden cup cars, and twenty people with murder weapons. Come quickly." Then hang up and turn off the phone.

The little nurses' mouths were all open. For a long time, the little emergency nurse said, "are they here to block you?"

"Oh, it's here to send me money." Liu Ziguang said.

As soon as the words were over, two gold cups rushed into the hospital. one braked suddenly, the sliding door opened, and twenty men jumped out of it, all naked, wearing jeans and sneakers, with iron bars, chains and watermelon knives in their hands.


When twenty hooligans with murder weapons had not yet entered the gate, Liu Ziguang greeted him and asked, "did Qiangzi ask you to come here?"

"who are you?" A young man in his twenties pointed at Liu Ziguang with a galvanized steel pipe.

Liu Ziguang held up Ma Liu's car keys and said, "Qiangzi came to the hospital to make trouble. I seized the car and took the money to carry it. Do you have the money?"

The hooligans were so angry that one of them shouted, "beat him!" So all kinds of weapons hit him in the face, and according to common sense, the party who was beaten should run away, but Liu Ziguang was motionless, allowing iron pipes and chains to hit him.

"the handsome guy is about to fight back." The emergency nurse said confidently, but half a day later, Liu Ziguang was still beaten, people had been beaten down, and the hooligans were measured, but they were only beaten with a latte bar and did not need a dagger, so no one would be killed.

"stop fighting!" The little nurse shouted anxiously, but the hooligans had no intention to stop at all. The security guards of the hospital dared not move from a distance. Everyone looked at it coldly, and only the kind nurses were about to cry.

Liu Ziguang lay on the ground enjoying the massage, secretly scolding in his heart: why the police haven't come yet.

At the same time, in the alley across the street, a police painted Santana was quietly parked. Lao Wang and Xiao Hu, policemen of the police station, were watching the fight in the hospital parking lot. Because they called the police twice within half an hour, the 110 command center suspected that it was a false alarm, so it only informed the police station and did not send a riot team.

"wait a minute, Liu won't be able to do it." Lao Wang said confidently, "as soon as he starts to hit people, we will go out and arrest them all and take them to the office to ask slowly."

Policewoman Xiao Hu is very worried. The fight has been going on for five minutes, but the man is still holding on. Is Lao Wang's judgment wrong? If it doesn't appear, I'm afraid people will be killed. thinking of this, Xiao Hu resolutely sounded the alarm and drove the police car past. Lao Wang didn't come and dissuaded him, so he could only sigh gently: the child is still too young.

Seeing the police car coming, the hooligans left their weapons and scattered, and the middle-aged man in charge of the golden cup car also threw away his cigarette butts and shouted, "Let's go!"

In the end, the police did not catch a person, and there was only Liu Ziguang lying on the ground in the huge parking lot, covered with bruises. A group of little nurses shouted around and carried him to the stretcher. Policewoman Xiao Hu came up and said, "wait a minute." I'd like to ask the injured a few questions. "

The little nurses glared angrily: "come so late, people are almost killed, but also ask questions, wait until after the critical period."

Xiao Hu was so blocked that he had nothing to say. As he watched people being carried away, Lao Wang came and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it's all filmed. If you want to arrest someone, just transfer the surveillance video of the hospital."

Xiao Hu suddenly realized: I know why he didn't fight back.

In the emergency room, the nurses untied Liu Ziguang's clothes, revealing solid muscles, and the hooligans left only skin wounds after five minutes of beating, which surprised nurses who were used to seeing bloody scenes.

Liu Ziguang suddenly sat up and said, "have the police left?"

The nurses were even more surprised: "aren't you in a coma?"

"they massaged so comfortably. I just took a nap. Thank you." Liu Ziguang came down from the emergency bed with a charming smile and said to the nurses, "Don't tell my family about the fight. I don't want them to worry."

The nurses nodded like tampering with garlic, Liu Ziguang arranged his clothes, said goodbye to them, went out of the emergency room, went to the parking lot, took out the key to open the car door, got into the horse six, first flipped through it, and found the driving license from the passenger's suitcase. I looked at the name: sun Wei. Can not help sneering: "Viagra, you are going to have bad luck."

Despite the fact that Liu Ziguang does not have a driver's license, his driving experience is quite rich. in terms of technology, he does not give way to F1 drivers. After tinkering for a while, he figured out the posture of Ma Liu, starting fire, reverse gear, and stepping on the throttle to the end. the whole car was poured out by lightning, drove straight out of the hospital gate, and adjusted the front of the car in one swing, and the whole process was like a cloud and water. Surprised, the security guard who wanted to direct the reversing car opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

As soon as Liu Ziguang stepped on the accelerator, he suddenly stepped on it again. Ma Liu let out a strange cry and stopped next to the bus stop. Liu Ziguang pressed the glass and asked, "go home?"

The nurse who was waiting for the bus on the platform was the little nurse in the emergency room. She was the one who called the police earlier. The girl had a beautiful figure and changed into casual clothes. When she heard someone chatting up in the car, she turned her head and turned away when she thought it was an apprentice. Suddenly she turned back and said with surprise, "it's you."

"Don't wait. I'll take you home." Liu Ziguang said.

The little nurse hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, pressed the leather chair and said, "this is the punk's car."

Liu Ziguang said, "whoever it is, I will drive it. Where do you live?"

The little nurse reported the name of a community, but fortunately Liu Ziguang knew the place, so he said with a smile, "sit tight." Then, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Ma Liufei darted out and cut directly into the fast lane from the bike lane, startled several cars behind hurriedly slammed on the brakes.

It was a thrilling journey. The head nurse had never been in such a fast car at this age. She was so frightened that she clung to the handle on the passenger door and her face was very white. However, Liu Ziguang's driving skill was excellent. After driving for a while, the little nurse's face regained its red color.

Along the way, Liu Ziguang basically violated all the items that could violate the rules and regulations. The camera did not know that he had photographed him hundreds of times. Anyway, the license plate was not his own, so he just had fun. He ran the original one-hour journey in less than 20 minutes and came to the little nurse's house.

When getting out of the car, the little nurse bit her lip and hesitated and said, "well, you... would you like to come up for a cup of tea?"

Liu Ziguang blinked and promised happily, "good."

The little nurse's house was a big house with three rooms and one living room, which was well decorated. The little nurse was just about to change her slippers when Liu Ziguang walked in very casually. As soon as the little nurse pouted, she had no choice but to give up.

Liu Ziguang was sitting on the sofa while the nurse was making tea and asked, "by the way, I don't know your name yet."

"my name is Liu Ziguang."

"my name is Fang Fei. I just started work last year. By the way, what kind of work do you do?"

"I just got home and I don't have a job for the time being."

Fang Fei brought the teacup. Liu Ziguang smiled and took a sip, frowning slightly.

"Why? isn't it good?"

"nothing, it's fine." Liu Ziguang usually drinks excellent tribute tea. Although Fang Fai's tea is good, it is far from keeping up with other people's tastes. Of course, Liu Ziguang will not say this.

"by the way, my suit is torn. Could you mend it for me?" Liu Ziguang took off the gray polyester double-breasted suit coat for 30 yuan and shook it. It was full of cracks and holes, all caused by the hooligans.

"No problem. Our emergency nurses are the best." Fang Fei was very happy to do something for Liu Ziguang, took out the front and mended it. This dress was in stock in the 1990s. The cloth was already bad, and it was not qualified to be a rag in ordinary people, but Liu Ziguang regarded it as a treasure. Yue Lin wondered that this man was too strange to wear such unclassy clothes, but his temperament was surprisingly good, when he was arrogant. Even Li Yunlong on TV can't compete with him. When he is quiet, even the medical doctor studying in the United States in our hospital is not as elegant as him. In short, this man is really strange.

As soon as Fang Fei looked up, she saw Liu Ziguang looking out of the window at the playground in the residential area. following his eyes, she saw three or four children playing under the guidance of their mother. when she looked at Liu Ziguang, her eyes were so melancholy and full of affection. a pair of eyes are so deep, as if there is a boundless universe.

Fang Fei stayed all over, and at this moment she concluded that there must be an unusual story about this man.

There were too many holes in the clothes, which took a long time to mend. Fang Fei did not give the clothes to Liu Ziguang, but went into the room and took out one of her father's suit coats and said, "your clothes are dirty. I'll wash them for you. Please wear my father's clothes first."

Liu Ziguang frowned and took the suit and put it on.

The big bell on the wall rang. Liu Ziguang looked up and said, "Oh, it's 12:00. Let me treat you to dinner."

Fang Fei said happily, "Yes, yes."

When they went downstairs, Fang Fei said that she wanted to eat at the ramen restaurant at the gate of the community, because she knew that Liu Ziguang's financial situation was very embarrassing, which could be seen from his parents' identity and Liu Ziguang's clothes. but Liu Ziguang insisted on driving to a better restaurant, Fang Fei could not beat him, so she had to guide him to a good restaurant.

In the parking lot of the restaurant, the security guard saw the car coming and hurried forward to help open the door. Liu Ziguang threw out a hundred-yuan bill with a brush. The security guard looked at his wardrobe and looked at the big banknote, and his mouth grew up in surprise. Liu Ziguang stuffed the money into the guard's collar and led Fang Fei with a surprised face into the lobby.

Yue Linxin said that this man was too strange. He didn't have many big boys in his waist, but he was so generous that he even tipped him a hundred when he opened the car door. Dare he was from abroad, and what surprised her was that Liu Zigang asked for an elegant seat and a Tianzhao private room. He was patiently persuaded by the waitress to order a double card seat. When the menu was brought, he refused to let Fang Fei order, brushed ten dishes, and had to make double dishes.

Liu Ziguang ordered all the more expensive signature dishes, and all kinds of tastes were taken into account. After a while, ten dishes were put on the table, and Liu Ziguang started with a greeting. Although the eating appearance was gentle, but the speed was really amazing, ah, the plate was at the bottom, and the waiters all whispered, "this man has never eaten in his eight lives." Some people even suspect that he is here for a bully meal, but he comes by car and is accompanied by a beautiful woman. Except for the shivering point of dressing up, he doesn't look like a bully meal anywhere.

During the meal, the Chinese wanted to say something, but they could not find the opportunity all the time, and they ate a lot of food all their anger. They ate with a dull head, and soon ate well. The hotel also packed another set of dishes asked for by Liu Ziguang. Once the bill was checked out, it was exactly 1800 yuan.

Fang Fei opened her mouth wide with surprise, but for most of her salary, this man dressed as a migrant worker was so generous. Liu Ziguang took out 1,900 yuan to pay the bill and said, "the rest is tips." He picked up the packaged food in his hand and explained, "this is for my parents."

Fang Fei immediately felt happy that this person was definitely a kind-hearted person. With only this money, he spent all his money on his relatives. Two sets of dishes, one set invited me and one set for his parents, didn't mean...

Before the little girl's nymphomaniac dream was finished, she was awakened by Liu Ziguang: "come on, I'll take you home."

At the gate of the community, Fang Fei, who got out of the car, reluctantly looked at Liu Ziguang and wanted to invite him upstairs again, but he had to deliver food, so he had to bite his lip and did not speak. Liu Ziguang didn't even get off the car. He only said goodbye and stepped on the accelerator. He poured out of the community at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, drifting and swinging his tail and driving to the hospital.

When he came to the hospital, the two elders had not eaten yet and were waiting for Liu Ziguang to eat together. Liu Ziguang opened the meal, so the family had their first reunion dinner in the hospital.

After dinner, Liu Ziguang drove out again. This would be to find the owner of Ma Liu. According to the address on the driver's license, he soon found the door of a bar. There was also a golden cup parked in front of the door, which was one of the two cars that went to the hospital to make trouble in the morning.

The bar is half-new, there are two neon characters "candy" on the door, kick the door in, it is dark, the afternoon is not open, the bar is empty, only the monotonous billiards impact and sad blues.

With a bang, the dazzling sun shone in outside the gate, and a tall and straight figure appeared at the door. the young man who was bowing and aiming beside the billiards case slowly straightened up, the billiard pole was in his hand, and the man who drank at the bar also turned his head and squinted at the uninvited guest.

It's him! The boy who was beaten in the hospital in the morning dared to come to the door! Seven or eight young people stood up, slowly surrounded by a ferocious sneer at the corners of their mouths.

Facing the wolves, Liu Ziguang did not frown and said, "I'm looking for Sun Wei."

"did you call the name of Viagra, too?" A long-haired young man suddenly waved the beer bottle and hit it head on. Liu Zi was naked and the beer bottle was grabbed in his hand with a crisp sound. The 500ml blue ribbon beer bottle turned into numerous brown fragments on the long-haired young man's head, and blood flowed down from his forehead. The young man fell without saying a word.

Another guy with a ring on his nose attacked from the side, and the billiard club swept over with an unstoppable thunder with a strong wind, but he was firmly grasped by one hand. The young man with the nose ring was stunned and wanted to pull back, where he could still move. I looked up and saw a smiling face.

The young man with nose ring scolded angrily, "Fuck!" The words fell, and the wreckage of the sharp beer bottle kissed him intimately, and his face blossomed with glass, his flesh was blurred, and the young man with nose ring screamed again and again, stumbled around his head and knocked over several tables.

The young people stopped and looked at the ferocious guy in horror. They were just regular customers of the candy bar, not full-time goons hired by Sun Wei.

"I'm looking for Sun Wei." Liu Ziguang spoke again, his tone still calm as before.

"who wants me?" A door opened on the side of the bar, and a man in his thirties came out, dressed in a slim black shirt, with a thick gold chain in the open neckline and a cigarette in his mouth.

The man looked at the mess all over the ground, without the slightest look of shock. He just glared at Liu Ziguang and said coldly, "talk in my office."

When Liu Ziguang walked into the office, Sun Wei was already sitting behind the Taipan desk, pointing to the chair in the corner and coldly saying, "sit down."

Instead of sitting in the corner according to Sun Wei's instructions, Liu Ziguang pulled a sofa to the center of the office and sat down face to face with Sun Wei.

Sun Wei took out a hard Chinese box and threw a cigarette: "smoke." Then he took out one of his own, lit it with a gilded Napoleon cannon on the platform, and sat on his back in a large boss's chair, looking down at Liu Ziguang.

Liu Ziguang also took out a disposable plastic lighter to light a cigarette, and the two men puffed smoke and looked at each other.

Two minutes later, Sun Wei could not hold up. He tried to overwhelm each other with momentum, but shamefully failed. The man's eyes were as sharp as a razor blade, so that he dared not look at each other.

It is not that the dragon does not cross the river, and the other party dares to come to the door alone, indicating that this person has the strength to sit in the office and look at him boldly, rather than offering any conditions in a hurry, indicating that this person is not a reckless person.

Sun Wei opened the drawer, took out a stack of money and pushed it over. The bank tied up a hundred large red banknotes, a full ten thousand yuan.

Sun Wei is not a benevolent man and girl. Last time a student from a sports school came to make trouble and beat eight of them each. That was a professional player in Sanda. In the end, he was not put down. Sun Wei personally picked his hamstring, not to mention losing money. Sun Wei had to make him pay for the decoration of the bar.

This is different this time, Sun Wei unexpectedly came up with 10,000 yuan for the first time, this is because he smelled something unsettling on the other side.

It's murderous.

"take the money and leave the car." Sun Wei said briefly, trying to make himself look calm, but the slightly trembling cigarette butt in his hand had betrayed him deeply.

Liu Ziguang picked up the money and suddenly threw it on Sun Wei's face: "10,000 yuan, you sent the beggar!"

Sun Wei jumped up subconsciously, and the blood vessels at the sun acupoint jumped, staring straight at Liu Ziguang. After a while, he was still out of breath, and sat back and whispered, "there's only so much in the store."

Liu Ziguang stared at him for a while, and the sweat on Sun Wei's forehead came down and could not hold on any longer. "Brother, this is really the only money left," he said. "there is no money left in the shop."

Liu Ziguang snorted, stuffed the ten thousand yuan into his pocket, took another hard Zhonghua on the table, turned and left: "I'll play the car for two days, and I'll give it back to you when I've had enough."

"Brother, if you have something to say, the car." Sun Wei stood up.

Liu Ziguang looked back and said, "not happy?"


"I'm not happy to find Qiangzi. He caused it." With that, Liu Ziguang walked away.

As soon as he left the office door, several young people around the door retreated subconsciously, not daring to look at Liu Ziguang.

When the evil god left in a horse six, the young people poured into the office.

"Viagra, why not do him?"

"No matter how good he is, he is alone and afraid of a bird."

The young people shouted and regained their former demeanour.

Sun Wei lit a cigarette, took a sharp puff, and said, "you don't understand, this man is special."

"what's so special about it? isn't it just two-handed kung fu?"

Sun Wei shook his head and let out a puff of smoke: "you don't understand." Lying on his back in the boss's chair, he fell into memories.

Knowing that Viagra had something to say, the young people quieted down.

"that year, I was assigned by the prison to accompany the prisoners on death row. In fact, I talked with them to prevent the prisoners from thinking about it the day before the execution. The man was indeed a tough guy, across six provinces and one city, with seven lives under his hands. Two of them were policemen. They should eat and drink the day before leaving, just like no one else, the five bodies that we younger generations admire."

The young people stared and waited for the following.

Sun Wei pinched out his cigarette butts: "Today, this man is the same kind of person as he is."

There was no sound in the office, and the thugs who opened the bar could not be compared with the robbers. Everyone was afraid, and today they all walked at the door of the devil.


Liu Ziguang drove back and stopped in the shopping mall to buy some supplements such as pilose antler. Although it looked like unclassy goods, now he could not buy the top grade even though he had the money, so he had to make do with these. In addition, he found a cooperative network of mobile companies, bought a Shenzhou travel card that did not need an ID card, and put it in N85.

After all this, when I returned to the hospital, the family was talking in the ward. The bed doctor came and said that it was only a compression fracture that was not serious. After a week of observation in the hospital, the family was happy.

I want to leave someone to accompany the bed at night. My mother said that she had already asked for leave in the cleaning company, and that she could accompany her here in the evening. Liu Ziguang could go home and have a rest. Liu Ziguang said that I could stay here if he wanted to. Mom, go back to bed. Mom can't beat him. I have to go home first.

When Liu Ziguang sent his mother home, a group of people had just entered the elevator when a little girl came running behind her, with a slim figure and a very beautiful face, which made Liu Ziguang so accustomed to seeing beautiful women.

The girl was carrying a plastic bag and a ponytail, and her clothes were very simple, and there were even two inconspicuous patches. Although there was room in the elevator, the stout women standing at the door had no intention of giving way. The girl bit her lips and stood aside silently, the elevator door closed, and her mother nagged again. Liu Ziguang withdrew her mind and stopped thinking about the girl.

When Liu Ziguang sent his mother home, Liu Ziguang went to the hospital again and bought some food on the way. Father and son had dinner at the hospital, and the old man went to sleep after dinner. Liu Ziguang sat by the bedside, which was not boring, because the orthopedic nurse looked for an excuse every once in a while. In fact, he wanted to talk to him.

The next morning, Fang Fei, who had just got off the night shift, came again and told Liu Ziguang that he could be discharged from the hospital, that the compression fracture was not serious, and that there was no particularly effective treatment to stay in the hospital. He might as well go home and rest. After all, the hospitalization fee was there. Liu Ziguang originally meant to observe again, but he could not bear the meaning of the old man, so he went through the discharge formalities.

Out of the gate of the inpatient department, when my father saw the blue horse in front of him, he opened his mouth wide in surprise and asked Liu Ziguang where the car came from. Liu Ziguang vaguely said that he had borrowed it, and the old man was worried and said, "I dare not steal the car."

Fang Ficai grinned and helped Liu Ziguang say, "it is indeed borrowed. I can testify."

The old man was relieved. When the Liu Ziguang family got into the car, Fang Fei waved and said, "good-bye, boo-boo, the hospital is not happy to say goodbye, wish your whole family good health."

Liu Ziguang said thank you, stepped on the throttle and left, leaving the angry Fang Fei, stomping his foot hard, this heartless, unexpectedly did not even leave a phone number.

When she got home, my mother gathered seven or eight dishes. For a while, the food in the small yard was full of fragrance, and the old neighbors also came to congratulate Liu Ziguang, who had been missing for eight years. Liu Ziguang pulled out a pack of Chinese cigarettes and spread them around. The neighbors all said that the boy of the old Liu family had made a difference. It took a while to laugh.

When the food was ready, my father opened a bottle of Yanghe Daqu. As soon as the family sat down at the dinner table, they heard a faint knock on the door. There seemed to be no sound, but even Liu Ziguang, who was so sensitive in hearing, thought it was a hallucination. But after a while, Liu Ziguang suddenly opened the door.

At the door stood a girl with a familiar face. It was the girl she saw in the hospital yesterday. The girl subconsciously stepped back, held the corner of her clothes in her hand, and said in a mosquito-like voice, "Hello, uncle."

As soon as Liu Ziguang was about to correct the name of a young girl, her mother came over and said, "has Lesser Snow eaten? come and have some."

The girl said timidly, "Yes, I've come to borrow a thermos. I just made soup and want to send it to my father. I'm afraid it's cold on the road." After saying this, the snow-white face has become red, obviously an extremely introverted girl.

As if in order to prove that she was lying, there was a sudden mumbling voice in the girl's belly, which was obviously before eating. Her mother could not help but pull the girl in: "you're welcome. There are a lot of dishes at home today, and Grandma will serve you a lot of rice." Then he pressed the girl on the seat and filled her with a large bowl of rice.

Liu Ziguang also returned to his seat and looked at the girl curiously. While picking up food for the girl, her mother introduced: "this is the neighbor who moved here the year before last. The girl is in the third year of high school and has three good students every year. That is a key high school in our province. It is a pity that her father is sick and lives in the hospital all the year round, dragging down a good home. The child has not bought clothes for several years. It is really pitiful."

Seeing the girl's red eyes about to cry, Liu Ziguang chimed in, "Mom, don't say a few words and let others eat."

My mother stopped and put down her chopsticks to prepare a thermos flask. The girl ate rice shyly with chopsticks. Except for the dishes in the bowl, she didn't pick up the dishes on the plate at all. I saw the look of pity, which made Liu Ziguang sad.

After a while, Lesser Snow finished his meal, stood up and said, "Thank you, Grandma and Uncle. It's time for me to deliver the meal."

Mother brought two stainless steel lunch boxes and a thermal insulation bucket and said, "there are vegetables in it. It's made by Grandma. Bring it to your father to taste."

Lesser Snow took the lunch box and the insulation bucket, and there were already some crystal things twinkling in her eyes. she tried to hold back her tears and dared not speak, for fear that she might cry with one mouth, so her mother hurriedly sent Lesser Snow out. Before leaving, she took out two coins and gave her: "Lesser Snow, don't walk, it's so convenient to take the bus."

When she came back, my mother sighed a long sigh: "I feel sorry for the family. I don't know how many meals of meat I can eat all the year round. I've worked in the factory all my life, and what's the use of being a model worker for decades? in the end, it's not just a few thousand yuan to buy out and be laid off. Seeing that the house is about to be demolished, the family still knows where to settle down."

My father snorted, "how much better can our family be?" now Xiaoguang is back, and he is also a 30-year-old man, so he can no longer take the wrong path. Let me tell the leader of the company that you will take over my shift and work as a security guard in the property company. "

Liu Ziguang was speechless and could only nod and agree.

In the evening, my father made more than a dozen phone calls and used a lot of connections, and finally settled the matter. The property company asked Liu Ziguang to go for an interview tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Liu Ziguang came to the property company and said it was an interview. In fact, it was very simple, just a manager asking a few questions casually.

"how old are you?"


"what have you done before? have you ever been a soldier?"

"this. He has done everything, but the people's Liberation Army has never been a soldier."

"Oh, let me see how to do ten push-ups."

So Liu Ziguang lay down on the ground and did ten standard push-ups. When the manager saw that he was neither short-sighted nor fat, he nodded and said, "well, in order to save Lao Liu's face, I will accept you and pay 500 yuan for clothing." bring a copy of your ID card to the comprehensive office to register it, and go to work in the afternoon. By the way, shave your long hair, what does it look like? "


When I got home and told the good news, my parents were so overjoyed that there was no time to cook at noon. For the first time, my mother went out to buy cooked vegetables such as roast chicken and stewed beef. My father took out Jiannanchun, which had been treasured for many years, and took two more cups to fill his son with a glass of wine.

Liu Ziguang was startled. Although he was no longer young, he was still a child in the eyes of his parents. He took the initiative to pour wine to himself for the first time since he grew up.

He quickly took the bottle and said, "Dad, I got it."

The father picked up the glass and said, "son, you are almost 30 years old in the twinkling of an eye. You have wasted eight years of youth, but you can no longer work properly. There is nothing shameful about being a security guard in 360. You have to work hard. Your parents are old. I can't take care of you anymore."

Liu Ziguang's nose was sore, and he raised his glass and said, "Dad, don't worry, I will work hard and be a good person! even if you are a security guard, you have to be successful!" With that, he raised his neck and stuffed himself with wine.

Dad nodded with relief and dried up the wine. Mom stood at the door with a plate and tears were in her eyes when she saw this.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, the security guard Liu Ziguang officially took up his post. he shaved his head very short and looked refreshed a lot. The gray security uniform was worn on his body, and somehow he was much more energetic than others, especially the big-brimmed hat, pressing his eyebrows on his head, looking extremely cool and handsome, black leather armed belt strangled on his body, a pair of pure white gloves, the whole person looked not like a security guard, but like a German SS member.

"handsome, are you new here? what's your name?" At the exit of the district, a middle-aged woman driving a BMW 320 stopped her car to block the gate and was unwilling to move. She rolled down the window and constantly accosted Liu Ziguang, causing bursts of whistles behind. It took a long time for a long time to pass a fragrant business card to Liu Ziguang, "handsome, call me." The beautiful woman winked before she left.

"Dude, you've got a lot of sex." Wang Zhijun, a security guard who is also on duty at the gate, said with envy that this young man was born as a veteran, fed pigs in the army for three years, and only joined the property company at the end of last year.

"I'm not interested. Why don't you try it?" Without looking at it, Liu Zijun threw his business card to Wang Zhijun. Wang Zhijun sniffed it on his nose and became intoxicated: "it smells good, but it's a pity that people don't like me."

"Let's smoke." When Liu Ziguang threw out a piece of China, Wang Zhijun hurriedly caught it, lit it for Liu Ziguang first, then lit it himself, and exclaimed, "it's the real thing!" did that bitch give it to you? "

"my ass, I bought it myself." Liu Ziguang said with disdain.

"you two! no smoking during office hours!" The security chief who patrolled here exclaimed that Wang Zhijun hurriedly extinguished his cigarette and put it in his pocket, but Liu Ziguang turned a deaf ear and continued to smoke.

"what else do you want, the new one?" The captain rushed over angrily, just at this time, a Santana police car drove over, and the security chief had no time to take care of Liu Ziguang, so he hurriedly went to greet the police car.

"Officer Wang, Officer Hu, patrol." The captain greeted him warmly.

"Yes, Lao Li, come and have a look and give us some information. Recently, several rogue robbers have come to our city to commit crimes, and all units should be more vigilant." Officer Wang introduced the situation, but Xiao Hu, a policewoman over there, opened the car door and walked towards Liu Ziguang.

"it's you. I haven't found a job in two days. I'll tell you, don't look at those people lying in the hospital and dare not sue you. As long as you get into trouble again, I'll take you back!" Xiao Hu said with a cold face.

"Officer Hu, the uniform doesn't fit. It's almost stretched out." Liu Ziguang stared at Xiao Hu's full chest and said that Xiao Hu's face turned white with anger. "you! rascal!"

"what? what did I say, this is a rascal?" Liu Ziguang laughed, and as soon as Wang Zhijun followed him, he dared not laugh any more, because the majestic Lao Wang had already come.

"Boy, I don't care what you've done before, but you have to do your job in my jurisdiction! I don't think your parents want to see you go to jail again." Lao Wang left behind a cold word and left with Xiao Hu.

"what? did you come down the mountain?" The head of the security guard looked at Liu Ziguang's eyes had changed, and regardless of his smoking, he turned around and left. "No, I have to find manager Gao. The weasel will watch the chicken."


As soon as the white commander of the security team went to Manager Gao to tell him about the situation, Manager Gao was also worried and said, "I'm afraid it's not good that he was dismissed on the first day of his arrival. Besides, these released prisoners are not easy to mess with. What if they retaliate against us?"

Captain Bai said: "but let him work here, sooner or later make trouble, you do not see him talking to Officer Hu's attitude, it is …" He patted the table indignantly as if Liu Ziguang had bullied the female relatives of his family.

Manager Gao bowed his head in contemplation and said for a while, "well, first observe for a period of time and find some minor faults to deduct his salary until he resigns, so as not to intensify the contradiction."

Captain Bai praised: "the level of the manager is still high."


At the gate of the community, Wang Zhijun said with regret: "alas, I can't smoke your cigarette in the future. Now Manager Gao will definitely have to fire you."

Liu Ziguang stared: "dare!"

Wang Zhijun leaned over and asked, "dude, did you really come down the mountain?"

Liu Ziguang pretended to be harmless and said, "do you think I look like one?"

"Elephant! it's so similar, that pie is different from ordinary people."

"well, it's going to be all right. I'll go out and hold it for me." Liu Ziguang threw the remaining half bag of Zhonghua to Wang Zhijun, felt out the remote control key of Ma Liu and pressed it, and the car in the distance responded clearly. he didn't even change his security uniform, and he just drove away, leaving Wang Zhijun Tut-tut and exclaim: "Damn it, the manager just drives Elantra. He drives Ma Liu. This guy is really awesome."

Away from home for too long, Jiangbei City has undergone earth-shaking changes. High-rise buildings have sprung up, roads are wide and clean, square fountains are Ding Dong, and green trees are hidden. Eight years ago, the area where Liu Ziguang pushed his trolley to sell baked sausages had become a bustling commercial street. Red men and green women passed by in a hurry, which really made Liu Ziguang feel like another world.

Eight years later, I still have nothing. How to make my parents spend their twilight years peacefully and how to improve their living conditions have become the biggest problem at present.

Inextricably linked, there was no way to start. The restless Liu Ziguang drove his car left and right in the street. A police motorcycle on the side of the road found the car which was seriously speeding and violated traffic regulations and sounded its siren to catch up.

With the police chasing, Liu Ziguang became more excited. The throttle clutch brake gear was constantly changing, speeding forward like a swimming fish in the traffic flow.

Unconsciously got rid of the police motorcycle, in front of an open highway, Liu Ziguang suddenly woke up, hit the brakes, the car across the road.

Instead of trying to figure out how to develop, it's better to start with the most things. As the old saying goes, if you don't sweep a house, you can't sweep the world. If you can't even be a good security guard, don't talk about getting ahead!

Only when we first integrate into this society, can we find a way that suits us, give full play to our strengths and come to the fore.


After making up his mind, Liu Ziguang hit the steering wheel and went back to work in Zhicheng Garden.

When I came to the gate of the neighborhood, I saw a long line of cars blocked, several of which were still honking their horns impatiently. Liu Ziguang parked his car by the side of the road and went to the gate. A black Honda Feido was sitting in the front of the gate, and the door was locked. The driver doesn't know where to go.

You should know that this is the entrance to the community, and you can only get in and out. This car flies across the doorway, and a dozen cars outside can't get in and enjoy it. It's rush hour again. Seeing that the number of vehicles is still increasing, Wang Zhijun is worried bad.

"Brother Liu, you're here. It's a bad thing." Seeing Liu Ziguang coming back, Wang Zhijun, sweating all over his head, ran up and down to complain to him.

"what's going on?" Liu Ziguang asked.

"Honda was about to go out retrograde, and it just happened that a car came in, and both sides were hard stubble, so they didn't want to return, so it was useless for me to persuade them for a long time. The Honda owner simply got out of the car and left. This is too bad, and our bonus has fallen through."

Liu Ziguang said: "it is not right to go out retrograde, but also dare to play this game, against him! call the police to tow his car."

Wang Zhijun said: "I called, and the traffic police said that they did not control the roads in the community."

Liu Ziguang said, "did you report to the manager?"

Wang Zhijun said with a bitter face, "just stop talking, when it comes to the manager, our bonus will be over."

"that's right." Liu Ziguang held up his cheek and thought for a moment. At this time, there were more car jams outside, honks sounded one after another, and residents in and out of the city stared at it. Liu Ziguang showed his eyebrows and grabbed the walkie-talkie in Wang Zhijun's hand. press the phone button and say, "the man from the garage, the man at the exit, come and help."

After a while, two security guards trotted over and were surprised to see the scene. Liu Ziguang said, "do me a favor, guys, take this car aside."

Wang Zhijun said: "the boy who drives a Honda doesn't seem to be easy to mess with. Before he leaves, he says that whoever dares to touch his car will make him look bad."

Liu Ziguang scoffed: "Bird hair, violation of social morality and courtesy, lift!" if something goes wrong, it's on me. "

Since Liu Ziguang did everything, everyone worked together to lift the Honda, thanks to the severe reduction of the Japanese car, the four people easily carried it to one side, and the traffic jam outside slowly drove into the residential area. each driver who passed by the security guards honored each other, and the four security guards looked at each other, creating a sense of professional honor.

Just then, an angry scold sounded: "Damn 13, who moved my car?" A red-haired young man in hanging crotch pants came angrily from outside the community and went straight to these security guards.

Liu Ziguang's eyebrows stood up, so he was about to go up and beat people up, but he was grabbed by Wang Zhijun.

"Brother Liu, don't be impulsive. If you beat the owner, you will definitely be laid off. Let me do it."

With that, Wang Zhijun greeted him with a smiling face, saluted first, then apologized, and explained in a slow whisper, but the red hair became even more arrogant, rolling up his sleeves, revealing the thin arms of the dragon and the tiger, and lifting off Wang Zhijun's big eaves hat. "it's just a watchdog," he yelled at him by the collar: "Don't you dare to move my car? you can't kill your 13 kids."

The tall and sturdy Wang Zhijun was thus pushed and abused by the 1.6-meter-tall young man, with a smile on his honest face, and even the onlookers could no longer watch it, but in view of the tattoos on the red hair, everyone only dared to whisper.

At this time, Liu Ziguang stopped fighting and watched the hug. He wanted to see how long Wang Zhijun could put up with it.

They were all young men of twenty years old, and no one was born to be bullied. Sure enough, Wang Zhijun's patience reached a tipping point. He pushed away the red hair, pointed to the things on the ground and drank hard and said, "pick it up for me!"

The thin red hair was pushed and staggered and almost fell. In exasperation, he not only did not pick it up, but also stepped on something on the ground. Wang Zhijun's eyes turned red and grabbed Red Mao's arm. With a beautiful grab, he put it to the ground. Hongmao was stunned. It took him a long time to get up and limped away.

There was a crackling round of applause, and when the residents saw it, they scattered away. Liu Ziguang smiled at the corners of his mouth and asked, "Zhijun, are you really a soldier feeding pigs?"

Wang Zhijun picked up a small badge from the ground, carefully wiped the dust off it, proudly wore it on his left chest and said, "that's right. I've been feeding the sow for three years."

A golden umbrella wing badge shone in his heart in the setting sun.