
fuchsin Learn more about fuchsin

  • Spring rain rainbow Jian Lan

    Spring rain rainbow Jian Lan

    New fuchsin, the flower is very beautiful, this grass leaves are bright, the flower is stable, it is another bright color flower in Emei Mountain in recent years, the number is small.

  • Red lotus fairy Jian lan

    Red lotus fairy Jian lan

    Jian Lan Xin fuchsin Hong Hexian had two strokes for its first flower bud in 2011, which was the same length as the leaf bud. The flower stem was not high, but the flower products were very stable.

  • Cymbidium grandiflorum

    Cymbidium grandiflorum

    The new product, Safflower Lotus, is the Gold Medal of Ningbo Zhenhai Lanbo Exhibition. Spring orchid new lotus petals--medium gorgeous lotus! He has won the Gold Medal of the Four Cities Joint Exhibition in Suining in 2010, the Gold Medal of the First Xishu Orchid Expo in 2010, and the Special Gold Medal of the Third Xishu (Ya 'an) Orchid Expo in 2012!

  • Diagnosis and treatment of anal bursitis and perianal fistula in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of anal bursitis and perianal fistula in dogs

    Like weasels (weasels) and skunks, dogs have a pair of anal sacs that open on both sides of the anus and emit foul-smelling secretory glands that are excreted at the same time when defecating. Around the anus is often contaminated by feces and soil, and it is easy to get sick. Anal bursitis is due to some reason leading to anal sac catheter occlusion, so that the anal sac glandular secretion stored in the capsule, stimulation of mucous membrane caused by inflammation, and then the suppurative focus spread around the anus. Hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands are distributed around the anus, which produce superficial and deep suppurative lesions.

  • Prevention and treatment of Canine Infectious Hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of Canine Infectious Hepatitis

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute infectious disease caused by canine adenovirus infection, which mainly affects puppies under 1 year old, often causes acute necrotizing hepatitis, and is often mixed with canine distemper in clinic. The disease occurs almost all over the world, and it is a common canine infectious disease, but it is often ignored or misdiagnosed by breeders. Therefore, it is very important to take comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for the healthy development of the dog industry. 1 the incidence of the disease a dog farmer in Zhaoyuan County bought back meat from other places for breeding on July 16.

  • Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs

    Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute infectious disease caused by canine adenovirus infection, which mainly affects puppies under 1 year old, often causes acute necrotizing hepatitis, and is often mixed with canine distemper in clinic. The disease occurs almost all over the world, and it is a common canine infectious disease, but it is often ignored or misdiagnosed by breeders. Therefore, it is very important to take comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for the healthy development of the dog industry. 1 the incidence rate of a dog owner in Zhaoyuan county was 200

  • Is the latest poinsettia poisonous?

    Is the latest poinsettia poisonous?

    Poinsettia originated in the Tasco region of Central America and Mexico. It was introduced to the United States by Joel Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, in 1825. It is now widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is cultivated in most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China. It is common in parks, botanical gardens and Wenwen.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinyi fuchsin poisonous Yipin Hongyuan produced in Central America