
descendants Learn more about descendants

  • The lotus petals of the descendants of Yan Huang (Carnival)

    The lotus petals of the descendants of Yan Huang (Carnival)

    It was once known as "Jiudingqi". There are often two flowers. At the beginning, the flowers are as light as jade, but in the later stage, there is a faint yellow halo from the roots of the petals, thus the "yellow" of the Chinese people. There are 4-7 "seed flowers" on the pedicel at the base of the ovary of "mother flower". Although the seed flower is small, but the structure is normal, the mother flower still has an extra lip.

  • The latest breeding methods of progeny balls

    The latest breeding methods of progeny balls

    Today, the editor introduces a plant that is very similar to the cactus, but it is not a cactus, its name is the descendant ball, because the base of the sphere is very easy to divide the child ball, so it is named the child ball. Next, the editor will introduce to you how to raise the ball and how to raise the ball.

    2020-11-10 The latest descendants ball of breeding method today editor to
  • A particularly charming descendant after flowering, the potted plant will not stab the cactus.

    A particularly charming descendant after flowering, the potted plant will not stab the cactus.

    Today, I would like to introduce to you a very charming cactus plant. When it blossoms, it is usually orange or pink, so people call it Hongbaoshan, and some people call it progeny ball. It is a kind of potted cactus that is easy to maintain.

  • Strive to improve the quality of cultivated land and put an end to "ploughing descendants' fields to grow grain in season"

    Strive to improve the quality of cultivated land and put an end to

    Using less than 10% of the world's arable land and feeding 1/5 of the world's population is not only a great achievement in China's agriculture, but also full of helplessness and hardship. Due to the national conditions of large population and little land, China's agricultural production has always adhered to the model of high input and high output, and cultivated land.

    2016-03-20 Work hard improve cultivated land quality put an end to "ploughing descendants field planting
  • The difference between black and white.

    The difference between black and white.

    The difference between black and white.

  • Ten kinds of thin-leaf succulent plants with immortal flavor come to see how many kinds of succulent plants you have in your home.

    Ten kinds of thin-leaf succulent plants with immortal flavor come to see how many kinds of succulent plants you have in your home.

    When it comes to succulent plants, people's minds are mostly fleshy, sprouting, fat, thick-leaved succulent plants. But in fact, there is also a kind of thin-leaf succulent plants, elegant and dusty, immortal. Today, a small delicate life is the same as a big one.

  • This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

    This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

    This store is crazy! 50 per capita can eat crabs and shrimp, and 50% discount on sauce.

  • Five Seal Fairy (Point Cang Lotus) Lotus Petal

    Five Seal Fairy (Point Cang Lotus) Lotus Petal

    Lotus petals orchid broad leaves lotus petals, flowers frame, beautiful elegant. The leaves are 1-1.2cm wide and 40- 50cm long. They descended from Wuyin Township, Weishan County in 2003. Hold petals tightly, flowers keep excellent, open to thank do not open skylight. Dali Lanbo won many awards at the conference. It was originally called Dian Cang He, but there was already a flower with the same name. Because it descended from Weishan Mountain, it was changed to...

  • The breeding method of progeny ball

    The breeding method of progeny ball

    The breeding method of progeny ball

  • Red lotus crown and orchid

    Red lotus crown and orchid

    Jian Lanzhong is one of the new lotus petals, which was descended from the mountain in Rong County, Guangxi in 2004. the flower plant is graceful, the leaf posture is handsome, and the upright leaves are broad and thick waxy. The whole flower structure is good, the clam shell holds, the big round tongue does not rewind, the design color is gorgeous, the outer three petals harvest the root to put the angle, the petal is thick and full of flesh feeling, the whole flower contains a king gas, its fragrance is far away, the florescence is long.

  • [cactus variety] common species of cactus

    [cactus variety] common species of cactus

    [cactus variety] common species of cactus

  • How much does a catty of summer black grapes cost now? Detailed planting techniques!

    How much does a catty of summer black grapes cost now? Detailed planting techniques!

    Summer black grape is also called summer black seedless black grape, black summer, is the descendant of Kyoho grape, because seedless and meat fruit sweet and deeply loved by people, at present on the market have sold, and the price is small expensive, that now a catty of summer black grape probably how much money? What are the planting techniques?

    2020-11-09 now one jin summer black grapes probably more less money detailed explanation
  • What kind of auspicious plants can avoid evil spirits and have the effect of fengshui?

    What kind of auspicious plants can avoid evil spirits and have the effect of fengshui?

    Every plant and tree has an aura, which must not be taken lightly! Gu Dade said: "Green and green bamboo are dharma bodies, and melancholy yellow flowers are nothing but Prajna." The mountains, rivers and earth are all the Tathagata, and the clear springs and streams are full of tongues. Wish to have the fate of human body to understand it! Plant morphology.

  • Breeding and cultivation of Moon Palace Disease and Pest Control of Moon Palace

    Breeding and cultivation of Moon Palace Disease and Pest Control of Moon Palace

    Breeding and cultivation of Moon Palace Disease and Pest Control of Moon Palace

  • How much is the price of eucalyptus per ton in 2020? Why is it called the cutthroat tree?

    How much is the price of eucalyptus per ton in 2020? Why is it called the cutthroat tree?

    I remember that when I was a child, the most trees on the roadside were eucalyptus, but I don't know why they can hardly be seen now. Eucalyptus has many uses, such as wood, oil refining, etc. It was only later that it was forbidden to plant eucalyptus because of its great harmfulness. How much is the price of eucalyptus in 2020?

    2020-11-08 In 2020 eucalyptus price more less money one ton why called
  • Jiuding Suhe lotus valve

    Jiuding Suhe lotus valve

    Jiuding Suhe descends from Jiuding Mountain at the junction of Midu and Xiangyun in Dali Prefecture. Jiudingshan is rich in minerals and shrouded in clouds, creating a unique geographical climate, suitable for orchid growth variation, mainly producing broad-leaf lotus petal orchid, which is a good place for nearby orchid friends to find resources. Jiuding Su due to the small number, coupled with too many orders, in recent years, compound noodles.

  • Erlang Shen Douban

    Erlang Shen Douban

    Lotus cicada wing dish [Erlang Shen] descended from Shuanglong Township, Kunming, Yunnan Province in 2010, it is a typical representative of cicada pterygium in Douban orchid. It has a height of 20-35cm and a width of about 0.4cm~0.7cm. It has 6 leaves, semi-drooping leaf, compact plant type, healthy and easy to plant.

  • General he Jianlan

    General he Jianlan

    The characteristic dragon root grass, which was descended from the mountain in February 2004 in Langshui Township, Rong County, Guangxi, saw flowers for the first time in August of the following year. Discoverer (celebrity): Chen Jiecheng. There are about thirty heads in the world at present. According to the statement of the discoverer, the current owners are Chen Jiecheng (Lanhao Lanyuan), Huanglong (Rongxian) and Liangzhi (Tianlong Lanyuan). It should be.

  • Jinding he Xianjian Orchid

    Jinding he Xianjian Orchid

    A new species of Jiandan descends from Mount Emei in Sichuan. The flower diameter is about 4CM.

  • National Cui Mei Xue Mei Qiu list

    National Cui Mei Xue Mei Qiu list

    In 2006, he went down the mountain in the tropical rain forest of Dadugang in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. It was selected by the old man Liu Guoqiang of Pu'er Orchid family. The petals were white when he came down the mountain, so he was called Xuemei. The leaf was about 55cm~60cm long and 2.0cm~2.3cm wide. The flower came out of the shelf, the new bud and leaf tip were obvious, the upper part of the leaf had fine teeth, and the edge leaf head ended sharply.
