
damping-off Learn more about damping-off

  • Introduction to the manifestations and control measures of quenching disease and blight disease of herbaceous flowers

    Introduction to the manifestations and control measures of quenching disease and blight disease of herbaceous flowers

    Sudden fall and blight are the main diseases in the seedling stage of herbaceous flowers. Cockscomb flower, red string, marigold, flat-top impatiens and so on are very easy to be infected with this disease. The two pathogens are different, the main pathogen of quenching disease is Rhizoctonia solani, and the main pathogen of Rhizoctonia solani is Rhizoctonia solani, but their control methods are similar.

  • How to prevent seedling damping-off disease?

    How to prevent seedling damping-off disease?

    Seedling damping-off disease occurs widely in China. It mainly damages all kinds of seedlings and flowers, and can lead to seedling death. So how to prevent seedling damping-off disease? 1. Symptoms and causes of seedling damping-off disease 1. Symptom seeds or buds are not unearthed

    2020-11-09 how to control seedling young damping-off disease
  • Control techniques of Pepper damping-off Disease

    Control techniques of Pepper damping-off Disease

    Control techniques of Pepper damping-off Disease

  • Prevention and treatment of damping-off disease of hollow cabbage

    Prevention and treatment of damping-off disease of hollow cabbage

    The symptoms showed that the seeds were infected with rotten seeds before they were unearthed, and after they were unearthed, the infected seeds appeared water stains near the soil surface, softened, appeared basal rot, the disease part constricted, rapidly expanded around the stem for a week, the vegetable seedlings lodged, and the whole plant withered quickly, resulting in pieces of dead seedlings. The suitable growth temperature was 15-16 ℃, and the suitable ground temperature was 15-16 min.

  • The breeding methods and matters needing attention of du Ying flower of Malvaceae? Disease and its control? What's the use?

    The breeding methods and matters needing attention of du Ying flower of Malvaceae? Disease and its control? What's the use?

    Du Yinghua is mostly born in the mountain forest below 1000m above sea level, so what are the breeding methods and precautions of du Yinghua? Disease and its control? What's the use? According to the data, du Yinghua likes a warm and humid growing environment, which can endure shade, but not cold.

  • Occurrence and Control of vegetable Seedling Diseases

    Occurrence and Control of vegetable Seedling Diseases

    Occurrence and Control of vegetable Seedling Diseases

  • Practice of Orchid Phytophthora Control

    Practice of Orchid Phytophthora Control

    Practice of Orchid Phytophthora Control

  • Cultivation points of Saussurea involucrata

    Cultivation points of Saussurea involucrata

    Cultivation points of Saussurea involucrata

  • The Latest Control Methods of Eggplant Seedling Catching Down

    The Latest Control Methods of Eggplant Seedling Catching Down

    It is very easy to get damping-off disease at seedling stage of eggplant, which is an important link in the planting process of eggplant seedling stage and has extremely important significance for improving yield. So how to prevent eggplant seedling damping-off? take a look at it

    2020-11-10 latest eggplant seedling stage damping-off control method in of
  • What diseases can be prevented by carbendazim?

    What diseases can be prevented by carbendazim?

    Carbendazim is a kind of pesticide mainly used for sterilization, which can not only help plant crops to resist disease, but also regulate the growth of crops. What diseases can be prevented by carbendazim? What diseases can be prevented by carbendazim? 1. Fruit trees: round spot root rot

    2020-11-09 Evil mold spirit can prevent what disease evil mold spirit Lord if
  • How to control diseases and insect pests of Yunnan Zhonglou seedlings?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Yunnan Zhonglou seedlings?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Yunnan Zhonglou seedlings? Please give the introduction method Yunnan Zhonglou seedling pest control can refer to the following methods: 1, pest control. The main pests in seedling stage are ground tiger, grub and so on. Ground tigers and grubs are poisoned with 90% crystal trichlorfon (180 / mu, 200g / mu) and fried rice bran (8Mui / 10 / mu).

  • Methods to prevent Tomato stunting Disease

    Methods to prevent Tomato stunting Disease

    Tomato quenching disease mostly occurs in the seedling stage, seeds are vulnerable before unearthed, often appear rotten seeds, dead seedlings, quenching and other symptoms. The prevention and control methods are as follows: 1. Sterilize the seedling bed and choose a place with slightly higher terrain to facilitate drainage. 2, carry on the management to the seedling stage, sow seed.

  • How to prevent and cure the sudden fall of mushroom

    How to prevent and cure the sudden fall of mushroom

    Mushroom blight, also known as wilt, is caused by Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium oxysporum. It is mainly transmitted by bacteria-carrying soil. The fungus has strong saprophytic ability and can live in soil and diseased tissues for a long time. The disease mainly affected the mushroom stalk. After infection, the medulla of the fungal stalk atrophied and turned brown. There is no difference in appearance between early infected diseased mushrooms and healthy mushrooms, but the mushroom body becomes shorter, the color of the cap is darker, and the mushroom body no longer grows, but gradually becomes "stiff mushroom". In addition, after the mushroom body is infected, the pathogen secretes toxins and destroys the mycelium.

  • Prevention and Control of Root Rot of Cymbidium

    Prevention and Control of Root Rot of Cymbidium

    Although the orchid is relatively easy to raise foliage plants, but there are still flower friends will raise the orchid disease. The root rot of Cymbidium is a common disease of Cymbidium, which may be strange to novice flower friends. The editor will introduce the prevention and control methods of root rot for you in detail.

  • What happened to the dead seedlings of cantaloupe?

    What happened to the dead seedlings of cantaloupe?

    What happened to the dead seedlings of cantaloupe?

  • Cultivation of chrysanthemum in greenhouse in autumn and winter

    Cultivation of chrysanthemum in greenhouse in autumn and winter

    Because chrysanthemum has the characteristics of low temperature tolerance, cold preference, poor light tolerance, low light saturation point and photosynthetic intensity, it is not only feasible to cultivate chrysanthemum in greenhouse in autumn and winter, but also can be listed during Spring Festival, greatly improving economic benefits. The main points of cultivation are as follows: 1. Time in the northern region is 10...

  • Occurrence and Control of Common Diseases in the Middle and late growth period of Pinellia ternata

    Occurrence and Control of Common Diseases in the Middle and late growth period of Pinellia ternata

    Occurrence and Control of Common Diseases in the Middle and late growth period of Pinellia ternata

  • The planting method of yellow flower Suzuki

    The planting method of yellow flower Suzuki

    First, the temperature control yellow wind Suzuki likes the sunny environment, the optimal temperature is 23-30℃, not resistant to cold, in the seedling stage also needs strong light, avoid too much shading, but also need to maintain ventilation. Second, the soil and fertilizer yellow wind Suzuki planting is best to choose loose fertile and good drainage soil

  • The latest seed price and planting method of cabbage

    The latest seed price and planting method of cabbage

    Cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in China, also known as lotus white, cabbage, cabbage and so on. It is an annual or biennial herb of Brassica cruciferae. Its varieties are originated from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the North Sea and are cultivated as vegetables or fodder in various parts of our country.

    2020-11-10 The latest cabbage seed price and planting method is
  • Seedling Techniques of Cabbage in Summer, Autumn and Winter

    Seedling Techniques of Cabbage in Summer, Autumn and Winter

    Late-sowing winter cabbage is generally cultivated in September, and cultivated in November using cotton, rice, orchard, sweet potato and other late-crop plots. Harvest in mid-April. The average income per mu is 3000 yuan. The income is good and welcomed by the majority of growers. From sowing to harvest, after a long period of low temperature, early bolting is easy to occur.
