
cotton aphids Learn more about cotton aphids

  • The latest control methods of cotton aphids

    The latest control methods of cotton aphids

    Cotton aphid is one of the main insect pests of cotton. Five species of aphids have been found, including cotton aphid, cotton long tube aphid, alfalfa aphid, jujube aphid and bean root aphid. Cotton aphid is one of the most important pests on cotton in China.

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton aphid control methods is
  • What are the hazards of cotton aphids? How to prevent and cure it?

    What are the hazards of cotton aphids? How to prevent and cure it?

    What are the hazards of cotton aphids? How to prevent and cure it? Please introduce cotton aphids to suck liquid juice on the back and tender head of cotton leaves with piercing mouthparts to make cotton leaves grow abnormally and curl to the back. The damage of cotton aphid is mainly in seedling stage and bud and boll stage. Cotton aphid is called seedling aphid in seedling stage.

  • Control methods of Cotton aphids

    Control methods of Cotton aphids

    Control methods of Cotton aphids

  • Control measures of Cotton aphids in the Yellow River Basin

    Control measures of Cotton aphids in the Yellow River Basin

    Aphids, also known as greasy insects and honey insects, are one of the main pests on cotton in China. Cotton aphids damaged in cotton fields can be divided into seedling aphids and summer aphids. Seedling aphids occur before emergence to budding, and the temperature is suitable for low temperature. when the temperature exceeds 27 ℃, the reproduction is inhibited and the insect population decreases rapidly. aphids that often occur from early July to mid-August are called "summer aphids". On the 3rd, the average temperature is 2428 ℃ and the relative humidity is 55% and 85%, which is beneficial to the proliferation of "aphids". The weather when it is sunny and rainy is the most suitable for the breeding of "aphids".

  • Harm and control methods of cotton aphid

    Harm and control methods of cotton aphid

    Cotton aphid is the offspring of cotton aphids at seedling stage. After ambush, aphids begin to harm cotton, and its harmfulness is much greater than that of aphids at seedling stage. The oily excretion of aphids is covered with cotton leaves, reducing leaf function, hindering the normal progress of photosynthesis, hindering the transport of nutrients, causing cotton tender leaves to curl, thus causing cotton buds and bolls to fall off. Therefore, the prevention and control of aphids is an important measure to strive for prolificacy and premature production of summer peaches. First, seize the opportunity of control: cotton aphids are usually

  • Introduction to the damage symptoms and control methods of cotton aphids

    Introduction to the damage symptoms and control methods of cotton aphids

    Cotton aphid is one of the main insect pests of cotton. Five species of aphids have been found, including cotton aphid, cotton long tube aphid, alfalfa aphid, jujube aphid and bean root aphid. Cotton aphid is one of the most important pests in cotton in China. The cotton area in the Yellow River basin and Liaohe River basin is the most serious, and the cotton area in the Yangtze River basin is the second.

  • Cotton aphid characteristics of flower aphids, symptom characteristics of flower aphids and cotton aphid morphology

    Cotton aphid characteristics of flower aphids, symptom characteristics of flower aphids and cotton aphid morphology

    Among the common insect pests of flowers, the harm of cotton aphid is very great. Let's take a look at the harmful habits and forms of cotton aphid. Harmful habits: cotton aphids are common aphids in general herbaceous flowers, occurring in plant buds, young leaves, or flower buds, Corolla

    2019-01-24 Flowers aphids cotton aphids characteristics symptoms and morphology
  • Cotton pests: what are cotton aphids?

    Cotton pests: what are cotton aphids?

    What are cotton aphids? What methods can be used to control cotton aphids? Please introduce that cotton aphids mainly suck sap. Cause leaf curl, leaf back glossy, serious leaf withered and yellow shedding, bud and boll damage, easy to drop bud, affecting the development of cotton plant. Cotton aphids usually occur from emergence to the end of June, May.

  • It is the right time to control cotton aphid

    It is the right time to control cotton aphid

    Aphids can be divided into seedling aphids and summer aphids, which are two ecotypes of cotton aphids that differentiate and adapt to different environmental conditions. It is mainly concentrated in the back of cotton leaves or tender head to absorb juice. The summer aphid in the cotton area of the Yellow River basin mainly occurs from the middle of July to the middle of August, which can cause the upper tender leaves of cotton to curl, the middle leaves to appear oil leaves, and seriously lead to the shedding of buds and bolls. Because most of the cotton was ridged and the leaves were dense when the aphids occurred, many farmers reported that the aphids were more difficult to control than seedling aphids. I. the occurrence of cotton aphids is common in Hengshui City at present.

  • The right time to control cotton aphid

    The right time to control cotton aphid

    The right time to control cotton aphid

  • How to control aphids when planting cotton?

    How to control aphids when planting cotton?

    How to control aphids when planting cotton? Please introduce control methods for planting cotton to control aphids, including spraying omethoate on overwintering hosts to eliminate aphids on overwintering hosts. The methods of controlling aphids in cotton fields are as follows: 1,3% acetamiprid 1000 to 2000 times liquid spray per mu. 2, 5% targeted at 2500 to 4,000 per mu.

  • How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton?

    How to control pests when planting cotton? Please introduce the methods of planting cotton can use the following methods to control insect pests: 1. * Integrated control of leaf mites in cotton field * cotton area is one of the areas with the most serious occurrence of cotton leaf mites in China. Especially after planting cotton with plastic film, it creates conditions for cotton spider mites to enter the cotton field ahead of time.

  • At present, it is necessary to carefully control cotton aphids.

    At present, it is necessary to carefully control cotton aphids.

    Due to the recent low rainfall and high temperature, the number of cotton aphids increased sharply, which was significantly higher than that in the same period last year. If there is continuous high temperature and little rain, the number of cotton aphids will increase, which will lead to the occurrence of summer aphids. If the control is not timely, the cotton yield will be affected. Therefore, farmers should carry out prevention and control in time to achieve careful prevention and heavy prevention. 1. Chemical control. ① is sprayed with 1000-1500 times of acetamiprid or 10% imidacloprid EC, ② is sprayed with 1000-1500 times of 2.5% medium aphid trackless EC, and ③ is sprayed with 30% poison.

  • How to control cotton seedling aphid

    How to control cotton seedling aphid

    The suitable temperature for the occurrence of cotton seedling aphid is 18 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, but the temperature rises rapidly after rain, which is very suitable for the occurrence of seedling aphid. 1. Agricultural control cotton to root out weeds, strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, promote the early emergence of cotton seedlings, pull out aphids with interseedling and fixed seedlings, and take them out of the field and burn them. 2. 10% imidacloprid wettable powder was used before 3 true leaves of seedlings, when the plant rate of rolled leaves reached 5%-10%, and after 4 true leaves reached 10%-20%.

  • Cotton aphid, a pest of lily

    Cotton aphid, a pest of lily

    The damage to plants is second only to peach aphids, and there are many host species, such as chrysanthemum, lilies and so on. Morphological characteristics: female aphids are winged or wingless, the body is very small, initially yellowish, then black. Feet and antennae are yellow and white. The male aphids have no wings, which is 1 inch shorter than that of the female aphids, and the color is similar. The egg is oval, yellow at birth and black when hatching. The nymph is grayish white at the beginning, and then turns yellow. When mature, the winged aphids on the chest and back are winged female aphids and those without winged buds are wingless female aphids. Harmful habits: cotton aphids can produce 20 generations a year and plant eggs.

  • Control of cotton aphid

    Control of cotton aphid

    Control of cotton aphid 1. Rotate the use of potions. Acetamiprid, imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos and other conventional pesticides in the field are used alternately to reduce the possibility of drug resistance of aphids. Once aphids develop resistance to a certain chemical, even if the times of drug use and concentration are increased, the ideal control effect will not be achieved. two。 Spray the occurrence site thoroughly. Now the cotton is in full bloom, the plant is tall, we must be careful when spraying, focus on spraying the back of the middle and lower leaves of cotton, strictly prevent missed hit, missed spray, practical

  • How to control sugarcane aphids?

    How to control sugarcane aphids?

    What are sugarcane aphids? How to control sugarcane aphids? Please introduce that sugarcane is vulnerable to cotton aphids in the middle and later stages of growth. Sugarcane aphids gather on both sides of the midvein on the back of the leaves to suck juice, wither and wither the leaves, excrete honeydew on the leaves, induce soot disease and affect the normal photosynthesis of the leaves.

  • What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn?

    What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn?

    What are the main cotton diseases and insect pests in summer and autumn? Please introduce the main cotton diseases and insect pests and their control methods in summer and autumn: first, the occurrence trend of diseases and insect pests (1) Cotton blind bugs: it is expected to occur in the middle of the flowering and boll period, and the peak period of occurrence is from late August to early September.

  • Integrated Control techniques of Cotton Diseases and insect pests

    Integrated Control techniques of Cotton Diseases and insect pests

    Topdressing is an important measure for cotton to set more bolls, set large bolls, reduce shedding and increase cotton yield. However, if topdressing is not scientific, it will not achieve the desired effect, and sometimes there will be side effects. In production, cotton topdressing has the following four points. First, topdressing according to the law of fertilizer demand. Different growth stages of cotton, to fertilizer.

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    What is a set of species? Which crops can be intercropped? Technology of planting Potato between Maize and Maize

    Planting is plant cultivation, including all kinds of crops, trees, fruit trees, flowers and plants, medicinal and ornamental plants, including food crops, cash crops, vegetable crops, green manure crops, forage crops, forage crops and so on. So what is a set of species? Which works

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